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3rd person POV:

After a brutal draw between both Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, the match between Bakugou and Ochako had come. "ALRIGHT LADIES AND GERMS! TIME FOR THE FINAL MATCH OF THE FIRST ROUND! ON MY LEFT, WE'VE GOT THE GIRL WHO CAN MAKE ANYTHING FLOAT! CLASS A'S OCHAKO URARAKA! AND ON MY RIGHT, THE MAN WITH A QUIRK THAT'S AS EXPLOSIVE AS HIM! CLASS A'S KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" Bakugou wasn't rather content with what was happening to make it known. "Round face. If you're gonna back out, do it now. Cause backing out halfway isn't gonna fly with me." Ochako was nervous, but didn't want to make it known. "I'm not backing down. I'm gonna win against you Bakugou." The ash blond clicked his tongue before speaking under his breath. "Rather had ended this right here. Don't feel right doing this to one of  Izuku's girls." "BEGIN!"

Ochako came at Bakugou with him holding his right hand out. "DIE!" He sent a right hook at Ochako causing an explosion to happen. She saw this coming, but couldn't physically get out of the way in time. 'I'm not done.' She charged back at Bakugou keeping low to the ground. "TOO SLOW!" She got another blast to the face sending her back near the edge of the ring. A dust cloud covered the field with everyone watching this feeling a bit of unease. "How unsettling." "The kid knows that holding back isn't a good option. But going this violently at someone doesn't make him look good either." Miruko pointed this out as Ryukyu was opposed to Bakugou's constant attacks. In the smoke, Bakugou noticed a tint of blue indicating it was Ochako's uniform. "You're not gonna beat me, so give up on thinking!" He blasted it realizing it was only the top of her uniform with Ochako behind him hoping to touch him to activate her quirk. In retaliation, the ash blond sent an explosion causing Ochako to be flown through the air before hitting the ground and rolling a bit.

'This isn't good.' "Is she gonna be ok?" The girls of class A and B were worried for the brunette's safety with Izuku being the more worried. 'Between the two, this match is easier on Kaachan's side. It's an open field, so he doesn't have to worry so much about causing destruction or Ochako having much to use as tactical use. Even if this wasn't the case, her and Kaachan are in two different leagues.' Izuku's hands clenched his knees with irritation seeing Ochako be smacked around like a rag doll. Blast after blast, Ochako kept getting hit with the scene being one sided. Eventually, a pro couldn't take this anymore to make his voice heard. "What are you doing!? If you're this much stronger than her, then finish her and stop this!" This caused a number of people in the audience to start booing Bakugou with Mic somewhat agreeing. This was stopped however when Aizawa grabbed the microphone to speak. "Who started this!? If you're a pro, then leave now! If Bakugou being violent with Uraraka is all you're getting out of this, you better think of a new career. In the real world, there is no room for carelessness or weakness. He's giving it his all and taking her as a threat because he wants to win. If he didn't think her a serous threat, he would've knocked her out of the ring already."

"The hobo's got a point." "Excuse me?" Miruko points up for Ryukyu to notice. Meanwhile, Izuku began to realize the lack of debris considering the amount of damage on the stadium to understand as well. 'There's more to this.' Ochako stood up holding her finger tips inches from each other. "Thank you Bakugou for not holding back. Because of that, I've won." "I'm disappointed in that one pro's lack of acknowledgement. As heroes, we need to keep an eye on our surroundings. The constant blasts were just Ochako's way of gaining ammunition for a final attack." Everyone looked up to see an immense amount of debris held up in the air by Ochako's quirk. "Bakugou never realized that he was just playing the part he had to in this." Miruko smirked as Ochako released her quirk's effects to send all the debris falling. 'Now's my chance. I'll win. I'll win and be just like Izuku!' Bakugou held his arm up to release one final blast above him to destroy everything.

The act sent Ochako flying and gave a massive amount of force for everyone in the stadium to feel. Seeing her final effort fail, Ochako went pale seeing all her hard work go away in one blast. "I'll admit, that was pretty badass of an idea on your end. Unfortunately, that failed." He got into a stance before smirking. "Let's keep this going Uraraka." Ochako was beginning to feel the drawbacks of her quirk losing the ability to stand up right. 'That was all I had.' Her mind started to remember the promise she made to her family about growing up and gaining financial support for them. This was her drive and she wanted nothing more than to help her family live an easy life. Years of hard work spent leading to this goal would mean nothing if she gave up now. 'I can't give up. I gotta keep going.'

She struggled to get on her feet while keeping a determined look. "I won't lose. If I do, I can't help my family. I'm gonna win for them. I'm gonna win to prove myself." She began running with Bakugou preparing for another attack. But as he was going to, he noticed something about Ochako to stop. She lost her ability to fight and fell to the ground. Struggling to stand up, she began fighting with all her might to face Bakugou again. This ended with her passing out and Midnight running over to check on her. "Uraraka is unable to continue, Bakugou is the winner!" The crowd was silent with the ash blond not to thrilled of how he won either. To him, this victory tasted bitter to not enjoy it in the slightest. Izuku began to get out of his seat to make sure Ochako was alright. Kinoko, Yui, Mina, Tsu, Yaoyorozu, Shiozaki, and Kendo joined him to only pass Bakugou clearly pissed off walking up the stairs.

"Izuku, did you put that crazy idea in her head?" Izuku didn't answer to only irritate Bakugou more. He grabbed the hem of his collar to pick him up. "Did you!?" "I didn't. If you're this ticked off, then it's because of Ochako and her plan alone. I might've thought a similar plan with her quirk in mind, but I didn't give her that idea. She came up with it all on her own." Bakugou let out a sigh before letting Izuku go. "I didn't like doing that. Might as well let you know." He walked away with Izuku smiling a bit. They continued to walk towards the infirmary to see Ochako sitting down smiling. "Ochako, you're ok?" "Yeah. Recovery Girl patched me up enough so I can still watch." She said this with a bandage on her cheek pointing it out. "You seem a little...not what I'd expect from losing." "Yeah. I guess I wasn't ready to beat Bakugou. I didn't have anything after that move. I was so close too." She stated this by punching the air in frustration. Izuku noticed she was holding back sadness to hug her. "Izu-" "It's ok. You don't need to be strong right now." Nobody understood before hearing Ochako silently sob into Izuku's chest. "*sniffle* I was so close. I couldn't win and be scouted. *hic* I failed my parents." "It's ok Ochako. You did everything you could. This also isn't the last chance you have. There's two more times you can show what you are to everyone. Even now, you proved you had the will to not back down even against Kaachan. To me, that's proof you're strong." She continued to cry into Izuku for a few more minutes before slowly stopping to hug Izuku.

Once she calmed down, Izuku was called out to the stadium to have his match with Todoroki. When he walked to the field, the flame hero Endeavor stood in his way making him panic a bit. "Endeavor!" "Huh, it's the rabbit's son." He seemed to be rather unamused with Izuku before grabbing him. "Listen here kid, you're going to help my son out of this little rebellious phase of his." Izuku was appalled at how blatant of a comment was made by his classmate's father. "You will be a perfect test subject to see how far he has left to become my successor." Izuku held his tongue through most of this, but spoke after hearing the last bit. "Todoroki isn't you. He's his own person sir. If he wants to become your successor, than that's fine. But he doesn't, so please don't force this upon him." He walked away with Endeavor slightly irritated at the comment.

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE FIRST MATCH OF THE SECOND ROUND! ON MY LEFT, WE'VE GOT THE BOY WHO BELIEVES IN THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP! CLASS A'S IZUKU USAGIYAMA!" The crowd cheered for Izuku as he entered the stadium. "AND ON MY RIGHT, HE'S THE SON OF THE NUMBER 2 PRO HERO! CLASS A'S SHOTO TODOROKI!" Both prepared for their fight with Izuku activating only OFA. "BEGIN!" Todoroki sent a barrage of ice at Izuku for him to use his leg to shatter it and send a small shock wave. This pushed Todoroki back a little, but not significantly. 'At max in a given time, 20% can only be done for a few seconds before I feel the side effects. If I'm gonna do what I need to for Todoroki, I'll need to keep cautious of that.' Todoroki sent another wave of ice at Izuku again for it to be countered once more by another kick. 'I gotta think and keep my focus.'

As the blasts from Todoroki and Izuku kept going, Miruko watched carefully to try and find a reason Izuku's only using one quirk. "That boy is quite the rebellious one. I don't understand how you can put up with it." She looked over to see Endeavor take a seat next to both her and Ryukyu. "What did Izuku do?" "The brat dared make a mockery of my masterpiece and his purpose." "You mean your son?" Endeavor only nods for Miruko to get an idea now. 'So you're doing this to help the Todoroki kid. I can see why with how Endeavwhore stated what the boy was in his eyes.' Izuku kept the attacks up before feeling muscles in his legs cramp up. "Why aren't you fighting me with all your quirks?" "Because you won't do the same. It isn't fair if I fight you for real and you don't. Someone could get hurt." This comment angered Todoroki for him to send more ice at Izuku. He changed up his game to use his fist instead of his leg to shatter the ice. This however was a diversion to get beside Izuku. Unknown to Todoroki, Izuku had 8% OFA in his foot to kick him back.

"I'm not going to be knocked down so easily. To beat me, I want you to use all you've got!" Izuku came at Todoroki with him trying to freeze Izuku on impact. This ended with Izuku going to Todoroki's left side to knee him a distance. "I understand wanting to have the people who hurt your ability to trust people punished, but doing this is only hurting yourself. We're all here because we're giving it our all. So when you're only giving it half what you can, it makes us all seem worthless as a group!" "...My father put you up to this, didn't he?" "If he did, I'd tell him to piss off! I'm doing this to help you. I'm fighting Shoto Todoroki, not Endeavor." Izuku ran up before kneeing the bicolored teen in the gut getting his attention. "Unless you give me everything you've got, I refuse to show you everything I have!" The act seemed to get everyone rattled with the members of the hero course confused beyond belief. "Why isn't Izuku using his full power shroom?" "Knowing him. there's got to be a good reason." Yui and Kinoko began questioning this. "Something tells me its something revolving around Icyhot."

Bakugou's comment made them question before Iida explained. "From what Todoroki had explained, he never uses his fire half in combat. It is a personal issue. From what Bakugou is saying, I believe Usagiyama is trying to force Todoroki to use his fire half." "Why though? I don't understand why Izuku would be so willing to force Todoroki to use it *ribbit*." "Knowing him, it's gotta be something good." Bakugou watched closely noticing Todoroki become significantly slower. 'Is his body slowing down because of the frost on him? Maybe it's like a video game where your MP gauge determines how much you can use.' As they saw this, Izuku kept kicking Todoroki forcing him to use his fire half. One kick in particular hit with a solid thud after being frozen in ice. "IT'S YOURS! Your quirk not his! We all have dreams we want to come true, but not all of us could succeed today to make it! It's because of this, that I'm going to win against you!" Todoroki started to remember a talk he had with his mother about his lineage and what he wanted to be. In that moment, his left side began to burst into flames.

The stadium saw a raging inferno come off the boy with Endeavor shouting in satisfaction. "YES SHOTO! Have you finally accepted your purpose of becoming my successor?" The flaming hero walked down for both heroes he was sitting beside to roll their eyes at him. 'I can't believe I'm under such a douche.' The frost on Todoroki began to melt with a smile being on Izuku's face. "You must be crazy. Smiling like that in this situation. Don't blame me for what comes next." 'You aren't a slave to your lineage.' His mother's words echoed inside his mind making the bicolored teen smile. "I guess it would only be fair for me to take you seriously." Izuku activated OFA, 'Rabbit', 'Harden', 'Explosion', and 'Wave Motion' together to create one final move. "Pact Move: Luna Stampede!" Izuku used 'Wave Motion' and 'Explosion' to propel him forward with OFA and 'Harden' keeping his foot as solid as a rock. Meanwhile, Todoroki sent a barrage of ice with his one hand going supernova.

"Midnight, stop the match! One of them could get hurt!" Cementos and Midnight attempted to stop them with it being in vane. Both attacks collided with a massive explosion happening. "This is crazy!" "What's happening!?" "Damn Izuku, you and that Todoroki kid are fricking awesome!" Miruko started laughing at the marvel in front of her with Ryukyu thinking her friend was nuts. As the smoke began clearing, Midnight looked around to try and get an understanding of what the aftermath had done. She noticed Todoroki in the wall with a noticeable impact. "Todoroki is out of bounds, Usagiyama wins!" izuku stood up with a broken leg before collapsing to the ground. As he did, a smile was on his face knowing he helped his friend get over his mental hurdle. 'I did it. I helped Todoroki.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku won his fight with Todoroki and did what he wanted to. See how he handles this next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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