Sports Festival

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Izuku POV:

A few days had passed with everyone starting to return to normal classes. After obtaining aunt Mitsuki's and uncle Massaru's quirks, I started to think of something that got my attention about one of the quirks natural functions. Thanks to this, I found a way to make something that I wanted to pass onto some of my classmates. "Kirishima. Todoroki. I've got something for the two of you." They both walked over to me as I pulled out two small travel bottles of clear liquid. "What is this stuff?" "To make it simple, I was able to mix two different quirks together and create a special compound I tried on myself that moisturizes skin. I thought since you both have scars like me, the skin around it could get kinda agitated and irritable when it's a dry day." "Thanks man. I appreciate it." Kirishima smiles at me while Todoroki walks away with a small thank you coming from him.

"Uh, did you use my quirk in that equation?" Tsu asked with me trying to make a comment. The only thing that I did however was nod for her to get a little grossed out. "Wait, where'd the second come from?" "Aunt Mitsuki's quirk Kaachan." He seemed to get it with Tsu still not exactly fond of the idea of a side part of her quirk being used. Ochako seemed to get it as well with having a bit of a grossed out look as well. 'Didn't say it was a pleasant thing when you find out how I made it.' I sat down waiting for Mr. Aizawa, or his sub to walk in with everyone questioning who's going to teach us. We quieted down the second the door opened to our teacher wrapped in bandages looking in our least I think he was.

"Umm, are you sure you should be walking around sir? I'm glad to see you're up and about, but this might be a little too soon." Tsu states this uneasily with all of us kinda agreeing with her. "My health is irrelevant. Anyway, you all have more to worry about." Everyone held their breath thinking this was going to be another fight like the USJ. "The UA Sports Festival is coming up." As if on cue, everyone's fear turned to excitement. "As UA students, this will be one of three opportunities with one being each year. These are some of the key points where you can make yourself known to the world, so don't waste them." We all began thinking of this with the thought of being scouted echoing in Ochako's mind probably the most out of everyone. In the time I've known her, I found out that her reason to become a hero is to help her parents financially. She didn't think it was admirable, but I understand that the desire to help those who helped you grow up. 'This could be your big opportunity. A chance to show the world you're coming on the scene and gain money for your family.'

"However, there will be an increase of security because of the attack by the villains. Only authorized personnel will be allowed into the event with more background checks being done. This is to show the world that we've got the situation under control." He neared the end of his speech to give one final bit of information to us. "Also, all heroics classes are postponed until the end of the Festival. Use the next two weeks wisely." Mr. Aizawa left after this with classes beginning like normal. 'A chance for us to shine. No doubt I need to do something with this opportunity.'

Time skip to lunch

We began getting ready for lunch with Kirishima opening the door to the classroom with a bunch of people blocking the way for us. "Uh, what's going on here?" "Isn't it obvious shitty hair, they're scouting their competition. Outta the way extras." "Can't you be a little nicer to them Kaachan?" "They're nothing but wimps that'll be fodder when we wipe the floor with them in the Sports Festival." "I didn't know the members of the hero course were this arrogant." A guy with purple hair came over to give us all a plain look.

"I'm sorry for my friends rudeness Mr..." The man scoffed at me while looking at the class as a whole. 'That was a little mean. I know we weren't exactly giving the best first impression thanks to Kaachan, but that doesn't mean you should be impolite to all of us.' "Let's make one thing clear, you're not the only ones that wanted to go into the hero course. Many of the people from the other courses wanted to be where you are and could still obtain that role." "Wait, what do you mean?" I asked the man completely confused while he answered. "If someone from another course shows enough merit in the Sports Festival, then they can be put into the Hero course. But for that to happen if the course is full, someone needs to be taken out." This thought worried me with the fact one of us could be kicked out if more than one person from the other courses want to join and do well. We could get away with one person and not have an issue since there's 39 in the course, but they'll fill that gap quickly.

"YO CLASS A!" I glanced over to see Tetsutetsu climb over a bunch of students. "Tetsu?" "As of today, class B declares war on you all! Nothing personal, but that's just how this is gonna go!" I started to now worry even more knowing everyone is working to do their best. Subconsciously, I started to pull my hair over my scar scared of what's going to happen. 'This is getting unsettling.' Apparently, this didn't go unnoticed by Kaachan who started to blow up from it. "ALRIGHT, WHICH ONE OF YOU SHIT RAGS MESSED WITH HIM!? FESS UP NOW, OR I'LL FUCKING MURDER EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!" Everyone started holding Kaachan back with the crowd starting to disperse. "Just remember, we're not going to hold back our punches class A." The purple haired guy left with this said. 'Everyone's going for the top. What's worse is that we can be pulled from the hero course if we don't stand out enough. This is very unsettling.'

We started heading to lunch with grabbing our food and sitting down. A lot of worry was in me knowing of the declaration of war from every course and class to us with some of the girls noticing. "Izuku, are you ok?" "Huh?" I glanced up to see Yui and Kino look at me concerned. "Yeah, you look really nervous shroom." "'s just about the whole 'declaration' thing from everyone. It's got me a little on edge." "Don't worry about such things Mr. Cotton Tail!" We all immediately stopped what we were doing to glance over to Shiozaki. "I have faith in you that everything shall be ok. Believe in that faith and you shall be unmatched." This shocked all of us with the girl being rather straight forward instead of her refined self. "Uh, you ok there Shiozaki?" Itsuka asked this with her face immediately going red. "I-I mean I do not believe you should be worried. That is all I mean!" I smiled at this before speaking. "Thank you Shiozaki. I appreciate it greatly." She immediately went red before bowing. "I-it is the least I can do for a friend!" I could see the red on her face when what she said finally registered with me.

'She thinks I'm a friend?' My body immediately began glowing green before vines started to show up at the edge of the hair on the back of my neck. "Hey Izuku, you've got some kind of green vines thing coming out of the back of your neck *ribbit*." I pulled whatever it was over to realize it was a vine. "So this is your quirk Shiozaki. Amazing!" On instict, I immediately pulled my notebook out to write down what it was and a detailed image of Shiozaki as well. "So your quirk allows you to make vines grow out of your head. Can you also control them and detach them? If they get cut off, can you regrow them as well? Is there any alterations with them like how you can negate certain things as well?" "Uhh." She looked at me confused as I realized what I was doing. "S-sorry. I got a little carried away." "It's quite alright. I can control them and detach them, but I can't control them while the vines are detached at the moment. They can also grow back if I am given enough sunlight and water as any normal plant. My vines are also able to be used as an insulator for electricity." I started writing this down along with a few possible combinations I could use with it. As I did this, we also went over possible training we could do for the next two weeks for the Sports Festival.

2 weeks later

The day had finally come with all of us prepared for what would happen the best we could. Since the events weren't told to us until the day of, we had to prepare for whatever. "Usagiyama. Can I speak to you for a moment." Todoroki came over with it confusing me a bit. "You're by far the strongest here. I'll beat you today. Count this as my declaration of war to you." These were his only words as he walked away. "What was that about?" "I'm with Ochako on this one, did you piss him off or something?" Kyoka stated this with it confusing me even more. "As far as I can tell I didn't." "We're going on now, let's put a little hustle in it people!" Iida motioned us to start moving with Todoroki's words still confusing me. 'I...I didn't do anything to anger him, right?'

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE ANNUAL UA SPORTS FESTIVAL! FIRST OFF, WE HAVE THE GROUP THAT SURVIVED A VILLAIN ATTACK! LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE HERO COURSES OWN CLASS 1-A!" The crowd roared making me more anxious than I already was. The other classes were called as well with all of us standing in the center of a massive arena. 'Even though they pulled a lot of people from being able to be here today, there's still a lot of people.' I started to hide a little with my hair covering my eye. "AND NOW FOR THE FIRST YEAR REFEREE! EVERYONE PLEASE WELCOME THE R RATED HERO, MIDNIGHT!" We glanced over with the image of what the rather obscene looking hero looked like being engraved into my skull to force my eyes to look somewhere else.

'Don't look at the sin. Don't look at the sin. Don't look at the sin.' "And now, we will have the first year representative speak the players oath for us. Will Izuku Usagiyama please come up on stage." I heard my name with everyone glaring at me. 'WHY AM I TARGETED IN THIS!?' I started to mentally cry before remembering that mom is somewhere in the city stopping villains. 'That's right. I need to be strong so I can prove to her I can stand on my own two feet.' I smacked my cheeks before walking up to the podium feeling like I was going to throw up from my uneasiness any second. I tried to speak, but felt my tongue tied in knots. "It's alright dear, just relax and say what comes to mind." Midnight tries to reassure me as I started to take a deep breath in before speaking.

"*ahem* Thank you all for coming here today. It is both an honor and a privilege to be on this stadium today. As a member of this school, I wish for all of you to have the greatest time here as we participate today with hopes of proving something to both you all and us. So as a fellow participant, I wish my fellow student body good luck at each and every event." I bowed at the audience before bowing at everyone behind me. The fact I was willing to bow to them kinda surprised the other courses with only the Monoma guy laughing before a giant hand karate chopping him quiet. 'I guess I made a good impression.'

3rd person POV:

Izuku walked down from the podium with Midnight walking in front of the mic. "Now that that's over, let's begin the first event!" A giant roulette spun with a bit of enthusiasm in the R rated hero's voice. "And the first event shall be...Obstacle Course!" The reel fell on the event with the students being told what's going to happen. "Players shall race around the outside of the stadium while avoiding obstacles we have put out in place for them and return here as quickly as they can. They are able to use their quirks so long as they remain on the path. The first 42 back here first will move onto the next round!" The students got in front of the entrance with Izuku thinking of what he should start with. 'The group in front is definitely going to be a problem. If I don't do something about getting ahead of them, I'll be behind before I could even get out of the stadium.' Izuku then realized the two walls between to get a gist on what to do. He began growing his ears to show he activated 'Rabbit' along with a bit of OFA getting ready.

"BEGIN!" Everyone had darted off with Izuku jumping to the wall. Thanks to this, he was able to unknowingly avoid the first obstacle of getting out of the stadium. 'Huh, guess I forgot how we came in.' When he was out of the walkway, he realized the floor was frozen thanks to Todoroki who was in front with a bunch of robots in front of him that were frozen moments prior. 'Cake.' Izuku made small metal rods no bigger than a small piece of pipe before throwing into a bunch of zero pointers that were still able to move. "Usagiyama, what did you do?" "Just wait Todoroki." Izuku began using 'Size' next for the small rods to grow into large poles that ripped the parts of the robots off. "UNBELIEVABLE FOLKS! USAGIYAMA AND TODOROKI HAS JUST TAKEN OUT SEVERAL ZERO POINTERS WITH EASE!" "What did you do?" "I used Yaoyorozu's Creation quirk to make things of metal that I can fit in my fingers and then made them bigger with Yui's Size quirk. Thanks to just using them one at a time, I was able to avoid doubling the output. But I had to deactivate two others I was using before this." Izuku points at his head making it known that 'Rabbit wasn't active at the moment.

Izuku began running again activating 'Rabbit' once more with only using brute strength to break the one, two, and three pointers that got in his way. When he approached the second event, Izuku began to hop from one bit of land at a time hoping not to fall. This unfortunately made him lose first to Bakugou and Todoroki who were now in front of him. "UNBELIEVABLE LADIES AND GENTS! USAGIYAMA HAS JUST LOST FIRST TO TODOROKI AND BAKUGOU AS THEY NEAR THE FINAL EVENT!" Izuku saw that the last event was a mine field with Todorooki and Bakugou fighting up front for first. 'If I use Kaachan's quirk to propel myself to them, they'll only attack me. I need an idea.' The boy thought of what he had in his arsenal to gain a smirk knowing how to deal with this. Thinking of what he already knew, Izuku held his hands behind him using Bakugou's 'Explosion' to move near the two. When he was directly above them, the greenette deactivated the quirk before activating Shiozaki's quirk 'Vines'.

'Hope this works.' Izuku detached a few pieces of vine to hit specific areas on the groundnear the two for explosions to happen sending the two back. 'Now back to Explosion.' Izuku held his hands back behind him again to force an explosion to propel him out of the mine field and make a run for it. He was able to make it back to the main starting line with ease for the crowd to cheer. "AND WE HAVE OUR FIRST PLACE WINNER HERE FOLKS! CLASS 1-A'S IZUKU USAGIYAMA HAS CLAIMED FIRST ABOVE ALL IN THE FIRST EVENT!" Izuku looked at the crowd smiling before raising his right arm in the air. 'I'm going to win and prove to everyone I'm able to become a hero.'

Meanwhile in an apartment

Two people who were relaxing on a day off from work rather irritated they can't get out of a crappy apartment complex turned on their TV to see the Sports Festival with an all too familiar boy to them standing as the winner of the first years first event. "Is that..." "Can't be Inko. Who'd be friends with him to make him have their quirks." The two continued to watch unsure themselves with a thought in the back of their heads that this boy may be the son they threw out about 10 years ago.

And that finishes this chapter. So the Midoriyas have discovered Izuku again on TV. How will this effect Izuku in the long run. Also for a small poll, Should Toga be a member of Gen studies, or remain a villain in this. Next chapter depends on that, so please say what you'd like. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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