The Bakugou's

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Izuku POV:

"You ready to do this Izuku?" "Um...define ready?" Me and mom got off the train to head into the area I used to live in. Since the incident yesterday with the USJ attack, mom's been kinda uneasy with me after seeing how messed up I was. "So where'd the Bakugou's live again?" "If I remember correctly, they lived  down a street or two to the right when we get to this park. We should be able to see the house on the left when we turn." "Hard to believe their faces while realizing you're alive and happy." I started to mess with my hair a bit to hide my scar while agreeing.

Flashback to the evening prior

Once I was released from Recovery Girl's office, Kaachan ran up to me and grabbed my shoulders in a panic. "Dude, I think my folks found out you might not be dead!" "Wait, you didn't tell them I wasn't!?" "NO WAY! I WANTED IT TO BE A SURPRISE WHEN YOU WHOOP ASS IN THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!" Mom looked at Kaachan a little skeptical while asking. "So how do you know they think this?" "They saw that video of Izuku singing and wanted to know who he was. I said I was having a friend over who knew the guy not saying it was him, so now they're expecting him to come over." I started to panic while trying to back out of this.

"I-I think I have a date tomorrow with Mina. Yeah, I made a deal with her to head to her favorite shop tomorrow and I'm certain Kino and Yui would want to know I'm safe, so I'm going to-" "You ain't chickening out of this you little pain in the ass." mom grabbed my shirt while I went white as a ghost. "You've been holding off going to see the Bakugou's for years, now you'll see them." "but-" "BUTTS ARE FOR KICKING! You're going to go there tomorrow and I'm coming with you so I know you're not gonna be a chicken and sneak away from it." I felt a lump in my throat scared beyond belief of what would happen.

Back to present

"So what are the Bakugou's like?" "Well, aunt Mitsuki is rather nice and caring. She always treated me kindly and made sure to keep Kaachan in line the best she could. But she can be kinda...'strong' with her choice of vocabulary and how she reacts to things she's passionate about." "Define strong?" "You'll understand when you see it. Uncle Masaru on the other hand, he's very calm and happy with how his life is. He's a gentle person who tries to be a voice of reason when he can. He admires heroes and wished to become one when he was younger. But he couldn't, so he had to change his career. He doesn't regret it though since he met aunt Mitsuki from it and has the comforting family life he has now." "He seems like a quiet dude." "He is a little on the quiet side, but I didn't mind it since he is the calmest in the family."

As we neared the house, I felt very nervous and began to overthink why I was there. 'What if they don't like me anymore? What if they agreed with my parents choice of actions later in life? What if they take one look at me right now and are ashamed of what happened? What if-' "You're internally panicking, aren't you?" "A-a little." "Look, your friend said that they looked for you and was willing to sock your birth parents for what they did. To me, they gave more of a damn about you than your asshat of parents before me. That proves they're good people." I smiled at this while mom wrapped an arm around me. "Let's go show these people that your fine and a handsome young man." "R-right."

We got to the door for it to open to Kaachan. "OH YEAH, I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY YA OLD HAG-" He was cut off in an argument by a pan being thrown at his face. "YOU WANNA TRY THAT AGAIN YA BRAT!?" "Uhh..." Kaachan came out of his argument to see me and mom who was kinda confused on what was going on. "Seems you both made it." "WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING AT THE DOOR KATSUKI!?" "I'M TALKING TO A FRIEND YOU OLD HAG! GET SOME TEA OR SOME SHIT, HE BROUGHT SOME SNACKS !" "DON'T YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING PAIN IN THE ASS!" "TRY ME!" "Now I see what you meant by strong vocabulary and her reactions." I nod while Kaachan let us in. "Thank you for allowing us in." We bowed to Kaachan while entering into the house.

"Old man, hag, I got someone for you two to meet." "WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME A HAG YA DAMNED BRAT!?" "Mitsuki, maybe shouting isn't the best first impression for Katsuki's friend." "He knows of our family life old man, don't worry about that." "Seems you three are a lively family." Mom states this while aunt Mitsuki and uncle Masaru walk into the room. Aunt Mitsuki immediately smacks Kaachan for his choice of words when addressing her to see mom first.

"So it's the pro hero Miruko. Didn't know you had a friend like that Katsuki." "No, I'm friends with her son." "The rabbit hero has a son-" Uncle Masaru stops mid sentence while seeing me. "...Izuku?" "Uh, hi. It's been uh, quite a while. It's nice to see the two of you again." Both looked at me and went pale as a ghost. Aunt Mitsuki was the first to say something for 5 solid minutes of silence. "Y-you''re..." "Alive? Yeah, I owe that to my mom. She found me on the street when I was 6." I started to cover my scar with my hair while aunt Mitsuki and uncle Masaru run over to hug me. "Izuku, we're so sorry we couldn't find you sooner.*sniffle*We even gave up hope you even survived on the streets! We looked for you the best we could*hic*, can you ever forgive us?" I patted their backs while crying a bit myself. "It's not your fault. You both did nothing wrong."

After a few minutes of crying, the Bakugou's offered us to sit on the couch while offering us some tea. "When did you and Katsuki meet again?" "We're actually in the same class in UA." "Oh, I see." Aunt Mitsuki smiles before hitting Kaachan over the head. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR OLD HAG!?" "THAT'S FOR KEEPING THIS FROM US! YOU KNEW JUST AS MUCH AS US HOW MUCH WE ALL WANTED TO SEE IZUKU AGAIN, YET YOU BLATANTLY HID IT FROM US! WHY!?" "Please don't blame Kaachan, he wanted to surprise you."  "I kinda like your spirit lady. Reminds me of me when I was younger." Mom smiled while drinking some tea. "Why thank you. Also, thank you for finding these jalapeno mochi. I've always liked them." "That we have Izuku to thank." Aunt Mitsuki smiled at this while answering. "Thank you Izuku." "W-well I kinda wanted to make sure I brought something you liked. I also found the classic red bean paste ones for uncle Masaru." "And I greatly appreciate it as well."

As we continued to talk about things, uncle Masaru asked a question that's kinda been bothering him for some time. "Izuku, I don't want this to come off mean but what is your quirk?" "That's rude!" "I'm sorry if it did sound a little rude." "It's not. I'm sure you both are somewhat curious." I cleared my throat while explaining. "My quirk is called Pact Leader. It allows me to use the quirks of people who are my friends. In short, it's kinda like how wolves hunt. They may seem to hunt alone to what everyone believes, but they rarely ever do. Mine somewhat falls into that line of thinking." "That's amazing. A quirk like that would perhaps even surpass All Might." "It's not my quirk that's amazing, it's the quirks of those that are my friends that are. But there are three tangents to this working." Both listened carefully as I explained them.

"The first is the friend part. This is one of the most important aspects of the quirk in general. If I think of someone as a friend and that person thinks of me as a friend, the quirk works. However, it will not work if me or the other person do not think of one of us as a friend. They can be more than a friend, but it won't make the quirk work more than it already does. The second is my body's and the other person's ability to use the quirk. Human beings all have different bodies and they all react slightly different. So let's take Kaachan's quirk as an example. If he can shoot off 50 large explosions before feeling a rebound and I can only do 30 until the rebound kicks in, that's what I can do. However, if Kaachan could only do 50 and I could do more then, I still can only do 50. I can only do the same or less than the person who has the actual quirk, never more."

"Seems kinda straightforward, what's the third?" "The third is this quirk does absolutely nothing to my body to alter it unless it's an aspect of the quirk. So as I mentioned before, Kaachan's quirk allows him to have his hands sweat nitroglycerin to make explosions. My sweat glands will be changed to produce that type of sweat, but that's it. His natural immunity to the impact and vibrations the explosions produce was a latent aspect from constantly making them. I don't gain that talent. I could if given a time span of constantly doing what he can, but not off the bat." "So your quirk allows you to use a friend's, family member's, or lover's to the best of their ability or yours if you can't. It's still an amazing quirk." Uncle Masaru says this as aunt Mitsuki notices a small case I had.

"So what's in there?" "Oh, well don't laugh ok? I uh...I kinda learned how to play guitar and some other instruments since it helps with anxiety for me." "OOOH! Can you play something for us?" Aunt Mitsuki seems to kinda jump at the question hoping for me to say yes. "Well....I guess I can." She starts to shriek while I take out the guitar to start tuning it. 'Hmm, let's go with this one.'

While playing, aunt Mitsuki and uncle Masaru seemed to enjoy it greatly to a point of starting to clap with the rhythm. They were kinda surprised while I started singing with Kaachan pulling out his phone to record me. Once I was done, both Kaachan's parents looked like their minds were blown with mom smacking my back in satisfaction. "Nice job Izuku, you blew their minds into bits."  Uncle Masaru was the first to open his mouth at this. "Wow. I'm uh...I'm pretty impressed." "Fuck impressed, that was amazing!" I blushed at this while hiding my scar behind my hair a bit. "T-thanks. B-but it's really not that amazing." "Oh really?" Kaachan showed me a herotube account with each one of the songs on them. "I just put on this video a minute ago with it already over a thousand likes." I looked at the phone while seeing some of the comments.

"When did you guys-" "I asked the idiot to send them to me so I can send them to your girlfriends. You can thank the size chick and little mushroom girl for this." "Why didn't you just give him Kino or Yui's number to save a trip?" "Like I'm giving the idiot your girlfriends numbers. I mean seriously, would you?" I think about it a second before answering. "You have a point there. Nothing against Kaminari, but he seems to kinda flirt with anything in a skirt." Both me and Kaachan laughed while mom started to get up. "Well it's been fun, but I got a shift tonight for patrolling and I need to get going." "I should probably get going too. I spooked a lot of people the other day and I need to repay them." Aunt Mitsuki got up to walk us out while giving me one final hug. "If you need anything, tell us. We're here for you Izuku. I know we weren't before, but we want to help if we can. Even if it's just by the sidelines."

I smiled at this while seeing uncle Masaru behind her giving a nod saying he wanted to help too. In that moment, I started to glow a bit of a yellow and tan color before feeling my face sweat off some strange smelling stuff. "I guess I might've gotten your quirk aunt MitsukIII!" My hand immediately started to explode while rubbing the contents on my sweat in my hand. "I guess it wasn't just Mitsuki's, but also mine." I held my hands out while rubbing them to produce some smoke. "That is cool." "Well we gotta go, I apologize if we had intervened at all." "Not at all Ms. Miruko, this was a nice visit." "You can go ahead and just call me Rumi Mrs. Bakugou." "Please, call me Mitsuki, and thank you Rumi." We started heading out with pulling my notebook out of my bag to write down aunt Mitsuki's and uncle Masaru's quirks and what I can do with them at the moment. 'I'll start a detailed analysis on what I can do if I stack them on others later.'

"They seem like nice people. Kinda much on the yelling and cursing, but still good people." "They haven't changed a bit. When I used to go over, I'd constantly hear them shouting at each other. It sounds bad on the outside, but it's more like their way of pleasant interacting." We kept walking while I texted the girls if they wanted to come over for a movie and some dinner. They immediately said yes with mom patting my head. "You've got a good friend Izuku. Bakugou's rough around the edges, but he's got your back. That's something most people don't have." "Thanks. He really is a good friend."

And that finishes this chapter. Quick recap for most of you who don't really remember their quirks. Mitsuki's quirk allows her to sweat a special form of glycerin that keeps her skin looking like a woman in her 20's while she's twice that age. Masaru's is a quirk that allows his hands to produce an combustible sweat like his son's but with the explosions at a much smaller scale in comparison. Next one will go right into the Sports Festival arc with Izuku training even harder to try and become the best. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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