The Wizard

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Hey guys, sorry this chapter is so short, but it's the best I could do. Enjoy the chapter and please comment. 😉😊

The group traveled down the dark hallway to the wizard. Lloyd was leading them to the wizard, but they were walking slowly.

"Maybe I should wait outside." Kai suggested.

"Don't you want to see the wizard." Nya asked.

"Maybe not this bad." Kai said, trying to leave.

"Don't you know he's going to give you some courage?" Jay asked.

"I'd be to scared to ask him." Kai said.

"Then we will ask him for you." Zane said.

They took a few more steps before Kai jumped back for some reason.

"What's wrong?" Nya asked.

"Something just pulled my tail." Kai said.

Cole noticed Kai was holding onto his tail and said "You did yourself."

Cole yanked Kai's tail out of his hands and everyone linked arms. They took another step and hear a voice say "Come forward."

"Tell me when it's over." Kai said, closing his eyes.

The group stood before an oregon looking thing, then a face appeared in front of them.

"I am Wu, the great and powerful! Who are you?" Wu asked them.

Jay and Nya stepped forward. "I'm Nya and this is Jay. We've come to ask-"

Nya was cut off by the wizard shooting fire out of one of the oregon. Wu yelled "Silence!"

Jay and Nya quickly stepped back with the other. They were all trembling in fear.

"I know why you all have come, come forward, Cole!" The wizard shouted.

Cole quickly stepped forward, but not before tripping. He was on his knees, kneeling before the wizard.

"You have the nerve to ask for a brain?" Wu asked.

"Yes sir, I mean no sir, I mean-" Cole stammered, the Wu cut him off.

"Silence, and you Zane, you want a heart?" Wu asked again.

"Yes, you see, we were on the yellow brick road, then-" Zane started, But was interrupted by Wu.

"And you Kai?" Wu asked.

Kai stepped forward, and Wu said "Well?" Then, Kai fainted on the spot. The others quickly rushed to his side.

"Shame on you, he came here to ask for your help." Nya said.

"I know, and I have every intention on granting your wishes." Wu said.

Kai suddenly sat straight up, after hearing the good news. "Really?" He asked.

"Yes, but you five must do something for me first." Wu said.

The others looked at each other, wondering what it could be, but they didn't have to wait long.

"What do you want us to do?" Jay asked.

"Bring me the other three Golden Weapons that Lord Garmadon stole." Wu said.

The group was shocked. Of all the things that Wu could have had them do, he chose for them to go after the man who they were trying to avoid.

"But to do that, we'd have to kill him." Cole said, sounding very scared.

"Go." Wu said.

"What if he kills us first?" Kai asked.

"I said go!" Wu yelled.

Kai got scared and ran down the hall. He was by the door, but instead of opening it and walking out of it like a normal person, Kai jumped through the window.

The others came down the hall, just in time to see it happen.

"Well, this warlock hunt is off to a good start." Jay said sarcastically.

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