Warlock Hunt

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New chapter. Just to let you know, I googled some of the skeleton I wrote about. Enjoy and please comment. 😉

The group traveled down the dark path in the Haunted  Forest. Each one was carrying a weapon. Jay held onto the Nunchucks of Lightning, Cole clutched his scythe, Zane gripped his shurikens tightly, and Nya held onto a sword. Kai, on the other hand, carried a net.

They soon reached a sign, and not a very friendly on at that.

"Garmadon's Castle, one mile. I'd turn back if I were you." Jay read aloud.

Kai turned around, and tried to run away, but Zane and Cole both grabbed his arms and lifted him up. He still tried running, even as they walked back to Jay and Nya.

"This place gives me the spooks." Kai said, as he finally stopped trying run away and was set back on the ground.

"Spooks, that ridiculous." Zane said.

"You don't believe in spooks?" Kai asked.

"No-," Zane said, but he was lifted off the ground and into the air. He landed a few feet away from them. Jay, Nya, and Cole rushed to his side, while Kai just stood their holding onto his tail.

"I do believe in spooks, I do, I do. I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do." Kai said as he rubbed his tail, unaware that Garmadon was watching him and the others.

"You'll believe in more than spooks when I'm though with you." Garmadon said, as if Kai could hear him.

He turned to his two winged skeleton generals, Kruncha and Nuckal, and said "Take your army to the Haunted Forest and bring me the boy, and his little girlfriend, unharmed."

His generals saluted and walked to the window, but Garmadon wasn't done.

"Take care of the other three however you want, but I want that boy, his girlfriend, and those nunchucks. I want those most of all." He said, and with that, the skeletons were off.

"Fly my pretties, fly!" Garmadon shouted to them as they flew hast him.

The group were getting close to the castle when they heard a strange noise. Cole looked up and gasped.

"Hey guys, do skeleton fly?" He asked as he pointed to the skies.

The others looked up and saw an army of skeleton quickly approaching. Each skeleton had a weapon in his hand. Swords, nunchucks, scythes, shurikens, spears, and a lot more. The skeleton looked ready to attack.

Once they landed, the battle started. Cole used his scythe to fight Kruncha, who was as skilled as he was with his weapon.

Jay was fighting off Nuckal, which wasn't easy. The energetic ninja had finally met someone, who was equal energetic.

Zane was in a fierce battle with Wyplash. The skeleton seemed just a cool under pressure as Zane did.

Nya was battle Chopov. He was tough, but she could handle him, she hoped.

Kai was handling (aka running away from) Frakjaw. The skeleton was swinging his weapon at Kai, and Kai was immediately scared. He ran away from the skeleton, and hid behind a large rock.

Eventually, Kruncha, with the help from some other skeleton, managed to rip Cole apart. He was now in pieces and laying on the ground.

Zane was beaten by Wyplash and was unconscious on the hard ground. Kai was still hiding behind the rock.

Two skeleton snuck up on Jay, and started flying away with him. Jay struggle, and held onto the nunchucks, but stopped struggling once they were in the air.

Nya saw two skeleton fly off with Jay, and screamed "Jay!" into the distance. Unfortunately, she was so distracted by her boyfriend, that she didn't notice two winged skeleton sneak up behind her. Then they took off flying after Jay.

Kai watch from behind his rock as the skeleton retreated. He was grateful that it was finally over, but ashamed of himself for not helping his friends. He ran over to Zane to make sure he was okay.

"What happened?" Zane asked once he was conscious again.

"Winged skeleton took Jay and Nya to Garmadon's castle." Kai said as he walked over to Cole.

"Well then, we'll come up with a plan to rescue them, after you two put me back together, of course." Cole said, gesturing his body was in pieces.

"Where are your legs?" Zane asked.

"They threw it over there," Cole pointed to a tree. "And the tore my chest out and threw it over there."

"They sure knocked the stuffing out of you." Kai joked as he helped Zane put Cole back together, hoping that they could save their friends.

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