Chapter 3: Back in Captive

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Back at the colony, Fry was checking out the lifeboat ship and discovered it needed power sources to be able to take off.

"No juice. It looks like it's been laid up for years. But we might be able to adapt it to the--" Fry says as she walks out of the ship towards Johns, who looks deep in thought.

"Shut up!" Johns harshly cuts her off and listens. But all he could hear was the wind whistling around them. "Sorry, I thought I heard something." He apologizes.

"Like what?" Ally asks as she walks up to them with curiosity.

Johns looks around, wondering if his ears were playing tricks on him but his gut was saying otherwise.

"Gunshots." He says.

Ally looks at him with worry, "Do you think...?"

"We're heading!" Johns says. "Imam!" He calls out and begins to pace out towards the trail they came from.

While the others were trying to make it back to the crash site by foot, Zeke was trying to do the proper thing and bury the survivor with the rest in the hole he created for the fallen passengers. He drags the body towards the hole, but frowns when he sees the tarp has been messed with. He yanks it away and sees another hole leading further in the ground. As if the ground was hollow or maybe he struck a mine. He felt the need to check it out.

With Shazza, Jack, and Paris still at the container and the others rushes back, they all jump at the sound of Zeke screaming and gunshots going off. Shazza snaps to her feet in terror and races towards the screams. Ally picks up speed, ignoring everyone yelling at her to stop. She needed to make sure Jack was ok.

When the screams and gunshots stop, Shazza reaches the hole where Zeke was digging and snatches the tarp away. To her horror, blood was spilled everywhere. And Zeke was gone.

"ZEKE!" She screams and snaps her head up as she sees movement before her. To her horror, there stood Riddick...with a shive in his hand. She gasps and slowly rises to her feet. Riddick turns and runs away.

As Riddick races to get away, Johns manages to ambush him and trip him. He kicks his side once he's down. Riddick struggles to fight, but Johns knew his weakness. Snatching off Riddick's goggles, he delivered hard punches as Riddick tries to block the bright light that was nearly blinding him.

"Piece of shit!" Johns growls and continues to punch him over and over till Shazza runs to join in.

"What did you do to Zeke?" She snarls and punches Riddick in the face, "What did you do to him?" She screams and Jack comes to hold her back. "Just kill him. Just somebody...goddamn kill him before he--" She kicks him in the face.

Before Shazza could kick him again, Ally comes running, "Stop it! Just stop it! He's had enough!" She yells.

Panting with rage, Shazza sobs for her lost loved one but still continues to give Riddick death glares.

Panting heavily, Ally turns and looks down at Riddick as he covers his eyes, blocking the bright sun as he pants.

"Motherfucker!" Johns snarls and bends down to yank him up to his feet, dragging him back to the ship and locks him up deep below. Shackling him against pipes.

After a while, Johns comes out and rubs his face with a deep sigh.

"Did he say anything?" Fry walks up to him.

"Nothing helpful. Any luck with finding Zeke's body?" He asks.

Shazza sniffles and swallows back tears, "No. No sign of him. Wherever he hid his body..." She couldn't finish her sentence.

"He claims he didn't kill Zeke." Johns scoffs. "Something about sounds or some bullshit."

"Let me talk to him." Fry says and soon, after finally convincing Johns to let her, she heads down to where Riddick was bound. About 15 minutes later, Fry comes back and tells everyone what he said.

"Same thing. He says he didn't kill Zeke and that whatever killed him is in that hole." Fry states.

Shazza rolls her eyes, "We checked the hole, there's nothing."

"He said 'Look deeper'." Fry sighs and makes a decision. "I'm going down there. Get some rope. If any trouble happens, I'll yank, and you all get me the hell out of there." She states.


While Fry was searching for Zeke underground, Ally took the advantage to head inside the ship. Slowly and quietly, she walks towards the holding area and peeks around the corner. She watches from the corner, arguing with herself if she should approach him or not. She must find out more about her heritage. And he knows more than she does.

Peeking around the corner, she eyes Riddick, still bound to his chains, head facing the floor. He didn't seem like he noticed her presence, but she could be wrong.

"If you're trying to hide from me, gonna need to try harder than that." He says, startling her concentration, keeping his eyes to the floor.

Ally sighs in defeat but wasn't surprised. She had a feeling he knew she was there. She walks out of the corner and slowly approaches him.

He looks up, but his face hides in the shadows from her.

With a small scoff, Riddick grins at her, "Wondering how I knew you were there?"

Ally sighs, "Not really. Like you've said. More Beast than man."

He simply smirks, "Out of all those people who are scared of make an exception." He tilts his head at her in curiosity.

Ally rubs her arms and sighs, "Should I be scared of you?" She asks.

Instead of answering her, he simply grins at her in humor and curiosity.

"You're wondering if I killed Zeke. Like the others are thinking the same thing." He scoffs. "Have I killed? Yes. Did I kill Zeke? No. But that's not what you want to it...Beauty?" He purrs.

"Why do you call me that?" She scoffs at him, but he watches her shiver at that name, it made him curious about her.

"Does it bother you?" He smirks.

"If you're gonna be such a perverted asshole, then rot here for all I care." Ally scoffs and turns to leave, but his voice stops her.

"Don't you feel it...Ally?" He asks.

She frowns and turns back towards him, "Feel what?"

He tilts his head at her, "You're completely lost about who you are." He chuckles. "I didn't know anything about our people either till I was sent in a slam. He was like me till they killed him. He told me everything I needed to know about our kind. Especially about females." He smirks.

Ally frowns at him and scoffs at his smirk.

"You've been feeling it. The Pull. The yearning Pull that every Furyan goes through...when they find their mates." Riddick says.

Ally snaps her eyes towards him in shock, "What do you mean 'mates'?" She asks.

Riddick scoffs, "I mean...Beauty...when a male Furyan and a female Furyan feels a strong energy between the two of them. As if a rope or a magnet is pulling them to be closer and closer to each other." He watches her slowly walk towards him, "A fire burning between each soul, and it won't stop till we're complete."

"'Complete'?" She frowns. "What do you mean...?" She gasps and jumps back when he shoots to his feet and tries to pounce her when she was close enough, but his chains hold him back. His face was finally out of the shadows and his eyes shine bright at her in frustration. Ally couldn't take her eyes off of his as she presses herself against a post. It was him! Her Beast!

He grunts as he yanks on his bounds again, "I mean...Beauty...we're gonna keep feeling like this until we fuck." He says bluntly as her eyes widen. He inhales deeply when he could smell her arousal. Matching his own. "Think of it like this. You're a cat in heat...and I'm the Alpha male who can only make you feel better. And we're stuck together for the rest of our lives because our genes tell us that." He growls and, suddenly grins, "It's an animal thing." He didn't sound like he was disappointed with the situation, just frustrated because it's the wrong place and wrong time. "Believe me, Beauty...once we're off this rock..." He leans in closer, using the bounds to support most of his weight, "...I'm taking what's mine and I'm not giving you up."

Ally's breath hitches in her throat at his words. He can't be serious. No way. But...she was about to ask him about the dreams until he snaps his eyes towards a figure.

"Where the hell can I get eyes like that?" Jack's voice is heard, startling Ally.

"Gotta kill a few people." Riddick says.

"Okay. I can do it." Jack grins as if it was easy.

"Then you gotta get sent to a slam where they say you'll never see daylight again. You dig up a doctor and you pay him 20 menthol do a surgical shine job on your eyeballs." Riddick says as he averts his eyes to Ally.

"So, you can see who's sneaking up on you in the dark?" Jack asks, grinning at how brilliant that was.

Riddick smirks at Jack, "Exactly."

"Jack. Please." Ally nods at him to go.

Jack sighs and turns to leave.

"Cute kid." Riddick smirks.

Ally looks back at Riddick and sighs and struggles to ask her question right, "This pull you were talking about...does it involve...dreams? Visions?"

Riddick smirks, "Been dreaming about me, Beauty?"

Ally rolls her eyes and scoffs, "Just answer the question. Please." She begs, not in the mood for his games or teasing.

Riddick's smirk slowly fades, "No. Not that I know of." He says.

Ally frowns, not sure if she should believe him.

"Have you been dreaming about me...Ally?" He asks.

Ally hugs herself and leans on a post. With a deep sigh, she decides to tell him everything, "For as long as I can remember, ever since my parents were killed by the Reapers. My adoptive parents, I guess. Ever since then, I have seen a my dreams. I never could see his face...except his eyes." She says as she looks into his silver eyes.

Riddick couldn't help but smirk at her, "And what does the...'man' with you?"

"He saves me. From the Marshall of the Necromancers. Always protecting me. But I never saw him as a man. He was my Beast." She says softly as she moves to stand just a few inches from him.

Riddick growls lowly and leans in closer, the scent of her was driving him insane. "Beast, huh?"

"And when we met on the Hunter, you took his face. Before we even met, the Beast of my dreams always called me 'Beauty'. Why do you call me that?" She asks.

Riddick moves closer till he could bury his face in her neck, inhaling deeply. Ally gasps as the feel of his nose, brushing against her flesh. At pure instinct, she places her hands on his chest, mainly to push him away, but she couldn't help but feel him.

"After having the surgery, I adapted to my other senses. Everyone smells different. Your beautiful." He says, huskily.

"How do you smell 'beautiful'?" She asks.

Slowly, he lifts his head to looks down at her, seeing her form shine in his eyes. He could almost make out the color of her eyes. They shinned like a rainbow and her skin glowed like the sun, but it didn't hurt his eyes.

Riddick simply smirks, "It's animal thing."

Ally scoffs and laughs softly.

"Beautiful laugh...beautiful smile." He grins.

Ally blushes at his words and watches him lean down. She gasps softly and finds herself lifting on her tiptoes to meet him. Shivering as his lips brush against hers, but they both pull apart when they hear chittering coming from the ground.

"What the hell?" She gasps.

Riddick frowns and looks down at Ally with worry, "Like I've told them, Beauty. It ain't me you gotta worry about."

Ally frowns and looks up at him, "What is it?" She asks.

Riddick snaps his head towards the entrance of the room and growls lowly in annoyance, "Here comes the pain in my ass." He scoffs, knowing those footsteps.

Ally gasps and moves away from Riddick, standing on the other side of the room as Johns rushes inside. He looks over to Riddick, then notices Ally in the room.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Finally found something worse than me?" Riddick smirks in the darkness, loving how right he was.

Johns just glares at him and sighs, hating what he's going to do next. He turns towards Ally, who waits impatiently for answers.

"Something is in the mines below. It almost got Fry." He says.

Riddick chuckles humorlessly and Ally frowns with worry, "What was it?" She asks.

"She's not sure, but it was big and fast...and fucking strong." Johns says and walks up to Riddick with a heavy sigh.

"So, here's the deal. You work without chains, without bit and without shivs. You do what I say when I say it." Johns states.

"For what? The honor of going back to some asshole of a cell? Fuck you." Riddick scoffs.

Johns licks his lips in impatience, "The truth is...I'm tired of chasing you." He says

Riddick looks up at him in curiosity, "Are you saying you'd cut me loose?"

"I'm thinking you could have died in the crash." Johns scoffs.

Tilting his head in curiosity, Riddick didn't believe this was too easy, "My recommendation: Do me. Don't take the chance that I'll get shiv-happy on your wanna-be ass."

Johns scoff, "Okay."

"Ghost me, motherfucker. That's what I would do to you." Riddick challenges, riling him up and loving it. He knew that Johns wouldn't kill him cause that means no bounty for him.

Ally's heart drops to her stomach as she watches Riddick in disbelief. She wanted him to shut up and agree.

Suddenly, Johns grabs his shotgun, aims and shoots at Riddick.

"NO!" Ally couldn't help but scream as Riddick looks away. But as Johns lowers his weapon and moves away, Riddick was ok. He looks up at Johns in shock as his hands fall from the bonds. He was free! Ally covers her mouth in shock, with herself more for crying out. The fear in her heart was great...for Riddick if anything happened to him.

"I want you to remember this moment. The way it could have gone and didn't." Johns says and hands Riddick his goggles. "Here."

Riddick slowly reaches for them but snatches his other hand out to grab the shotgun and point it at Johns.

Johns freezes as he watches Riddick with caution. Ally gasps with wide eyes. Afraid of what Riddick will do.

"Take it easy." Johns says carefully.

"Fuck you!" Riddick growls at him.

Ally slowly walks towards him, "Riddick." She says softly. Hoping to gain his attention but it was more focused on Johns.

Johns slowly holds his hand up to stop her, "Stay back, Ally."

"Yeah, stay back, Ally." Riddick growls, not wanting anything to happen to his mate.

Johns swallows hard as he holds his hands up in surrender, "Do we have a deal?" He asks.

"'I want you to remember this moment'." Riddick mocks Johns accent and lowers the gun but doesn't give it up. He sets it down far away from Johns and turns towards Ally, grabbing her arm.

"Don't touch her!" Johns growls at him.

Riddick just smirks, "Calling dibs, Johns?" He scoffs.

"Johns, it's ok. He won't hurt me." Ally assures him.

"Yeah, Johns. I won't hurt her." Riddick chuckles and wraps his arm around Ally's waist as he uses his other hand to put the goggles on before heading outside with Ally.


Once everyone was forced to get used to the fact that Riddick was now with them, Fry ordered everyone to grab as much as they could to take it to the ship. Imam helped Fry with the power cell that was used to control the ship. She had high hopes it could work for the lifeboat to get everyone off the planet.

"Just one?" Imam asks.

"For now."

And so, everyone begins to walk the path towards the colony that was found. Riddick was forced to drag everyone's stuff while Imam and his followers carried the power cells. Ally couldn't help but look over her shoulder several times at Riddick.

Jack picks up the pace to walk with her. Ally turns and looks at Jack, but double takes when she saw he was wearing goggles, like Riddick.

"Jack...he's not a role model." Ally scoffs.

"But he's Riddick! He's so cool." Jack exclaims.

"How is it cool to murder?" Ally scoffs.

"I heard he only kills in self-defense. Not in cold blood." Jack states and looks over his shoulder, watching Riddick. He frowns when he notices something. Riddick was eyeing Ally. "He's watching you."

Ally shivers, "I know. I can feel it."

"Why is he watching you?" Jack frowns.

Ally looks around to make sure no one was listening and leans in close, "Remember what the Reapers said about me?" She whispers.

Jack gulps at the memories, "Yeah." He whispers.

"Riddick is like me. Apparently, we're from the same system." Ally sighs.

"Wow." Jack gasps. "So, what does that mean?" He asks.

"I don't know." Ally shakes her head, not wanting to tell Jack more about the other stuff that Riddick mention. About her and him having to...have relations with each other in order for the arousal to go away...but she believed it was only a temporary relief. She's going to feel this for the rest of her life with Riddick.

Shazza watches Riddick drag their equipment as she walks with Johns. She scoffs at the deal Johns had with Riddick, "So, you click your fingers and he's one of us now."

"I didn't say that. At least this way I don't have to worry about y'all...falling asleep and not waking up." Johns says.

Jack paces over to Johns and Shazza, "So, can I talk to him now?" He asks.

"No." "No." "No." Johns, Shazza, and Ally all say strongly.

Jack scoffs and stomps away from them as he pouts.

With Paris lagging behind, he struggles to keep his liquor bottles in his bag. When he shifts the bag on his shoulder, he feels a bottle falling out.

"Blast!" He turns to quickly pick it up, but when he grabs the bottle...Riddick grabs it as well. Paris slowly looks up in fear as Riddick was bent down to meet his height. They both straighten their pose as Riddick holds the bottle in his hand.

"Paris P. Ogilvie. Antiquities dealer, entrepreneur." Paris stutters as he adjusts his glasses and holds out a hand in introduction.

"Richard B. Riddick. Escaped convict...murderer." Riddick accepts the handshake and grins at Paris' fear. He lets go of Paris' hand and begins to guzzle down the liquor.

"That's a good Shiraz. It's a lovely drop. It's very expensive." Paris stutters, obviously upset with losing his precious booze but what can he do? "By all means, please. Help yourself." He mutters in defeat.

Ally looks over her shoulder, watching the whole thing. She couldn't help but giggle at the whole thing.

Paris turns away and paces to join the others. Riddick grunts as he continues to pull the heavy equipment. It wasn't that much trouble for him, but he was hating that he wasn't with Ally. He picks up the pace to join her.

"Drink?" He asks as he holds the bottle out for her.

She jumps when she sees a bottle in front of her and his voice next to her, "I don't drink." She shakes her head.

"That line might work for Johns, Beauty, but you're talking to me." He scoffs. "And I can smell bullshit miles away."

Ally sighs and takes the bottle, taking a few gulps and grunts at the burning feel. She exhales heavily and scoffs when she hears Riddick laughing at her.

"Thanks." She says and hands it back to him, watching him taking the last gulps before tossing it away. "Were you serious about everything you said?" She asks.

"Which part?" Riddick asks.

"About us. The pull." She says, blushing a little.

Riddick smirks, "That's what I've been told. This is a first for me too, Beauty. But you can feel it, too. Right?"

Ally sighs heavily, "I don't know what I'm feeling." She looks up at him, " does feel better being close to you. I don't know why."

Ally misses her step and trips over a rock but before she could fall, Riddick quickly grabs her. She gasps as he holds her in his arms. She felt so much better being in his arms. It felt like she was home again.

"Are you alright?" She heard Imam says.

She looks up and sees that Imam and his followers stopped to check on her.

Ally clears her throat and scrambles out of Riddick's arms, "Yes. I'm fine. I tripped." She blushes and continues to walk. Riddick chuckles with humor as he continues to pull on the equipment. Imam watches with unease. He was worried for the girl being so closed to a convict.

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