Chapter 4: Afraid of the Dark

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⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ The following chapter contains a scene of smut, no one under the age of 18 must read this. You have been warned. Those of you who are reading this story, do you even like it? I'm losing the hope of posting more chapters. Please leave comments, negative or positive, and don't forget to vote. Lots of love. ~Song~

It wasn't long till everyone reached the settlement that was founded. When Fry lead them all to the skiff with a big smile, some were pleased but others...Paris... were not.

Paris scoffs at the sight as he and Shazza exam it.

"You must be joking. I mean I can appreciate antiques, but, uh..." He gestures at the state of the skiff.

Basically, everyone ignores Paris since he's been complaining non-stop since he woke up.

Fry struggles to get the power cell onboard to try and see if it'll work. At least, power it up enough to check out the repairs and how many would be needed to take off.

"It'll work." Johns says.

"Nothing we can't repair. As long as the electrical adapts." Fry states.

Shazza scoffs as she eyes the skiff with unease and doubt, almost agreeing with Paris, "Not a star-jumper."

"Doesn't need to be." Riddick's speaks out. "Take a two-seater like this backup to the Sol-Track Shipping Lanes. Stick out a thumb. You're bound to get picked up. Ain't that right, Captain?" He says as a matter of fact.

Fry looks at him in shock and turns to give Johns a 'How did he know that?' look.

"How do you know that?" Ally says as if she read everyone's mind.

Riddick just smirks at her, "Wouldn't you like to know, Beauty?"

Ally shivers at his tone and hugs herself, as if protecting herself from his intense gaze that pierced through his goggles.

Johns glares at him and Riddick simple chuckles in humor, loving how it was pissing Johns off.

"Little help here?" Fry speaks up, breaking the tension.

Ally moves to help her with Jack and Shazza. Riddick frowns as he watches his mate struggle with the power cell. He feared that she would get hurt so he walks up towards her. But Johns blocks his way, pissing him off, and Johns knew it and loved it.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hey, uh, check those containers for me. See what we can patch the wings with." Johns orders as he scans the damages as he sends Riddick a smirk.

Riddick growls lowly at him but does as he's told, not before sending Ally a hidden look, yearning to be close to her. Ally sighs softly as she watches. Shivering softly as he walks by. She could feel his strong aura. Dark, yet warm.

While Fry, Johns, and Shazza work on the skiff, Iman, along with his followers, and Paris all gathered around the solar well that was found earlier. After a long pause to see if any success was made, one 9f the followers' eyes widen as they watch water begin to drip till fresh water poured out of the faucet. The followers spoke excitedly in Arabic as Imam reaches quickly to catch the water and test it. Fresh and clean. He smiles big in approval as he moves to help his followers fill the containers, but Paris was greedy.

"All right, all right. My turn." He brushes them off to fill up.

While Fry, Shazza, and Johns were busy with the skiff, Ally walks towards the bath house with tools and a bag of clothes she managed to salvage from the wreak. Hers were starting to irritate her and they smelled from all the sweat.

"Hey," Ally walks over to Jack, "I'm gonna see if I can get the showers to work. I'll come get you when you can shower freely." She averts her eyes to check and make sure no one was paying attention to them. She leans in close, "I'll stand guard when you shower. Ok?" She whispers.

Jack knew what she meant and nods, "Okay."

Ally turns but catches Riddick's gaze as he stood 50 feet away from her. Eyeing her again with that look as he watches her head towards a building. With no one looking, he moves to the side and disappears from everyone's sight.

Fry exclaims in triumph as the power cell worked on the skiff, making it light up.

"We are getting there. We've got enough power for a sys-check but we'll still need more cells." She says as she gets to her feet with Shazza and scans over the control systems.

"How many are we talking about?" Johns asks.

"Let's see, five 6-gigs here...90 gigs total...other ship carries 20-gig cells, so...five." Fry calculates. "Five total to launch." She sighs.

"35 kilos each, huh? Fuck." Johns scoffs at the weight.

"Well, that's pretty heavy. You know that old sand cat out there? I might be able to get it going." Shazza suggests.

Johns nods, "Do it. And if you need an extra hand..." He gets up and looks out the windshield of the ship and frowns in realization and caution. "Where'd Riddick go?"



(The Bath House Showers)


Ally laughs in triumph as she watches the showers come on full blast. Now that the water pump was working, she had faith the showers would be the same. She sighs and gets to her feet, holding out a hand to feel the water pressure and temperature. It was cold at first but soon, it became a perfect temperature.

All the desert heat and dirt made her feel so disgusting. She's been dying for a nice shower. She walks towards the door and shuts it. Locking it so no one could disturb her. She looks around for soaps or shampoos. She managed to find untouched bars of soap. Undressing out of her clothes and underwear. She stood fully naked as she walks towards the showers. The showers had no curtains at all, so that said that they didn't believe in privacy. But she was an exception.

With a content sigh, Ally shoves her face under the hot shower and smiles. This is what she needed so badly. She takes the bar of soap and begins lathering up her body. Washing away the dirt and sand and sweat. She didn't want to waste the hot water, she wanted to make sure Jack took a shower too before anyone else had the same idea.

Peeking around the corner, silver eyes shine in the dark as they watch the beauty bathe under the shower. Watching her massage her body and washing away the bad stuff that she suffered today. The water dripping down her body. Admiring ever curve. Every sexy inch of her.

Ally frowns when she felt like she had eyes on her. She turns and looks around. The steam of the shower was filling the room and blocking out most of her sight. She shivers at the thought of someone watching her. She quickly turns off the water and rushes to get a towel. Wrapping it around her. Holding on to it tightly, Ally walks back to where she left her clothes...but they were gone!

She gasps and freezes at her steps.

"Looking for something, Beauty?" Riddick stood not too far from her, leaning against the wall as he holds her panties in his hands.

She holds on to her towel tighter, trying to keep it closed and in protection, "What the hell are you doing in here?"

Riddick just smirks and brings her panties to his nose, sniffing, "Mm, just enjoying the show." He chuckles.

Ally's face heats up in embarrassment, "You were watching me!"

Riddick smirks, "I'm just keeping an eye out for what's mine."

Ally paces towards him and tries to snatch her panties out of his hands but he yanks his hand out of her way, chuckling at her frustration. He holds it up, above her head.

"Give it back. It's not funny." Ally says strongly.

He brings it back to his nose, inhaling deeply, "You smell so sweet...Beauty." He looks down at her with an intense glare and moves closer towards her. Making her back up into a wall. "I wonder if you taste sweet." He tosses her panties away and grabs her wrists, trapping them above her head.

Ally cries out and tries to fight but he was way too strong. He shoves his knee between her legs and looks down at her. She was beautiful, that's all he could think. How beautiful she looked trapped in his grip. Removing one hand from her wrist, he trails his fingers down her arm, to her face, stroking her neck, and moves to touch her chest. Brushing his fingers at the top of her breasts.

"So soft." He whispers.

Ally whimpers softly. In fear and in need. She needed him as badly as he needed her. But she feared him. Fearing of getting hurt. Would he hurt her? Physically, no, she didn't believe that. But emotionally and mentally, she wasn't sure.

"I won't take you, Ally. Wrong place, wrong time for that. But...I'm aching to have a taste of you." He growls lowly and yanks off her towel. Throwing it away.

Ally gasps as she stood exposed in front of him. Her cheeks heat up as she looks up at him with wide eyes.

Riddick trails his eyes down, all over her body and licks his licks in hunger, "Beautiful." He growls lowly. Slamming his lips over hers once again, he kisses her with deep passion.

Ally gasps and moans against his lips as she returns it. The feel of his tongue against hers set her body in flames. He roams his hands and fingers from her breast, giving it a squeeze. Loving the feel of how firm yet soft it felt in his grip. Giving her nip a good pinch, causing her to moan against his lips. He grins but continues his deep, passionate kiss.

His rough fingers continue to lightly brush against her skin as his hands leave her breasts. She feels his hand roaming down, trailing down her abdomen and finally...

Ally gasps as she feels his fingers brushing against her inner thigh and goes up to where she was wet for him. She squirms in his grip when she feels a finger slide inside her. Riddick growls lowly at the feel of her surrounding his finger. She was incredibly wet and tight around him. He breaks the kiss to trail his lips on to her neck. He lets go of her wrists and feels her grip his shoulders as he teases her with his finger. Sliding it in and out of her at a slow pace.

Riddick sucks on her flesh hard, causing a hickey to form on her neck, below her jaw. He trails his lips towards her ear and grins at the noises she makes when he adds another finger.

"Feels good, doesn't it, Beauty?" He purrs and lifts his head to watch her moan, resting her head against his chin as he continues. "Just wait till I slide something far bigger than a finger inside." He whispers as he uses his thumb to rub her clit as he continues his thrusts.

Ally gasps at the feeling, she could feel herself grow more wet for him and she felt so sensitive to his touch. She couldn't stop the moaning escape her lips. She wanted more. But she could barely think as much as get a word out. All she could do was whimper with need. To her disappointment, he slides the fingers out of her, but he turns her and guides her gently towards a counter. He bends down and picks her up to sit on top of the marble. She gasps at the cold feeling and yelps when Riddick yanks her till her ass was hanging off the edge.

Grinning like a devil, Riddick kneels down and spreads her legs wide. Ally blushes as she watches him get on his knees before her. Almost embarrassed with the position.

"Beautiful. Not a single strand of hair. Very sexy." He growls.

Ally wasn't surprised if he's been with other women. It did make her jealous that she wasn't the first...which was strange, but it was comforting that she will be the only one from now on. Again...strange. Her mind was screaming at her to fight but her body was giving in to him. Her heart belongs to him as well as his heart was hers. The pull was such a confusing feeling. Almost as if it's forcing her him? But she doesn't even know him!

Suddenly, she yelps as he yanks her further off the counter, forcing to her to lie back and cries out when he buries his face between her legs and begins to feast. The way he captures her clit with his teeth and tongue was something she never felt before. Ally moans and lies back, arching her body in pleasure as he continues his erotic tease. She feels his hands slide up her body and grab her breasts. Squeezing them, caressing as he 'eats' her out. She heard of oral sex, but never imagined she would be one of those girls who would be into something like this. After all...she was untouched...until now. But what would Riddick do if he found out?

Ally moans louder as she feels his fingers slide back inside, adding more pleasure inside her body. Riddick growls around her clit, loving the taste of her against his tongue. She was sweet. So sweet and juicy. When he latches his lips around her, he had her arching her back and crying out more.

Riddick watches her as he continues his torture. 'So beautiful', he thought. Her innocence, her gentle features, yet...he could sense she was more than she seems. He still couldn't believe that he was chosen for her. She was his... normally, her kind, he would avoid or screw them and leave. If it was up to him, he would be fucking her good and hard right now. But she was untouched. He could smell it. And he loved it! She was his and his only. He would kill any man for her.

He growls around her clit at the thought of losing her to another man. He grins as he hears her cry out for him, holding on to his wrists as he continues to squeeze her breasts. Oh, those soft breasts. They felt like silk. Yet those nips were so hard, you could cut diamonds with them.

He had a feeling she was close. He didn't want to miss the look on her face. Giving her one last lick, he leaves his fingers inside her as he kisses his way up. Leaving a trail as he reaches her breasts. He growls as he captures one nip. Sucking on it hard and biting down on the flesh, loving her beautiful, erotic sounds as she grips his head and face. With a pop, he lifts his head to gaze into her eyes with a hard look. His silver eyes shining with lust for her. Making her body tremble with those eyes alone.

He slowly straightens and uses his other hand to grip her hair, tight yet gentle. The last thing he ever wanted to do was give her pain. She gasps and shivers at his hard glare. When his fingers begin to move faster in and out of her body, she whimpers as she feels something to her body. She struggles out of his grip, but he holds her captive. All she could do was hold on to his wrist as he finger-fucks her hard.

"Come on, Beauty. Let me see you come." He growls lowly as he forces her to look at him.

With a scream, she feels her body light up with unique pleasure. Jerking with aftershocks as he massages inside her. Hitting a spot that made her light up like fireworks. And when his thumb hit her clit again, she screams again and feels herself gush around his fingers, creaming in his hands. He looks down at her in awe as her skin changed colors. He never seen that before with a woman.

"Beautiful." He whispers as she calms down. He grins at her whimper when he slides his fingers out of her and brings them to his lips. Sucking on the leftover juices. "Mm, deliciously sweet."

Panting heavily, something just snaps inside Ally. She sits up fast and shoves him till his back hits the wall. He was expecting a slap or a lecture, but she surprised him by grabbing his face and yanks him down for a passionate kiss. Riddick grunts as he senses her wild arousal. She was spent, but still hungered for more of him. He pulls her close against him, gripping her soft ass as they continue their passionate kiss. His tongue thrusts against hers. He tasted of her and himself.

With a gasp, Ally breaks the kiss and gets down on her knees.

"Beauty, you're asking for trouble." He growls huskily as he watches her smirk and unzips his pants.

Ally gasps when she pulls out his manhood for freedom, admiring the size of it. She has seen pictures of men but seeing one in the flesh...he was big! Possibly 7 1/2 inches, and thick. But not too thick. She couldn't help wondering what he would taste like. After seeing many pictures of women pleasing men this way, she wondered if she could do the same.

Riddick bites down on his lip as he feels her lips over the aching tip. He's been hard for her ever since he first smelled her and struggled with his inner animal to contain his hard-on. But seeing her in the shower...he couldn't hold back anymore.

When she licks him, she had him growling. And when he feels himself slide in her mouth, he grabs the back of her head and grips her hair to take him. But, knowing she probably never done this before, he didn't want to force her or hurt her. Ever.

He grunts in surprise and moans as he watches himself slide in and out of her mouth. Feeling her suck and trap him around her lips. Her talents were a bit clumsy but soon she adapted quickly.

"Fucking beautiful." He growls out and thrusts as she bobs her head. Holding in his pleasure for so long was torturous. He didn't want it to end so quickly, but she was making it hard for him. Especially when she begins to stroke him as she continues to take him in her mouth. After a while, she gasps as she lets go of him with a wet pop but continues to stroke him, picking up her speed.

Riddick growls, watching her torture him. Finally, with a roar, he comes hard. Shooting his cream all over her hands and her breasts. He pants out a harsh breath and lies against the wall, his manhood jerking in aftershocks as she holds him. Ally couldn't help herself; she licks up his cream off her fingers. He tasted so good. Strong and yet, a little sweet.

Both were panting as she straightens to stand. Riddick watches her. She looked so sexy with his come all over her. He reaches up and cups her face, stroking his thumb on her jawline and pulls her close to kiss her. Gently, but passionately. When the kiss breaks, he looks down into her eyes.

"Just wait till we're off this rock. I promise it'll only get better from now on." He smirks as he tucks himself back into his pants and zips it close.

Ally sighs, she couldn't believe she did all that with Riddick!

He looks down and studies her face, "Don't worry, Ally. I keep what's mine and I won't ever let anything happen to you." He whispers. He looks down at her body, "Better clean up. As much as I love that you have 'me' all over you, I don't think it'll be a good look when you go out there. If you need me, I'll be close." He kisses her one last time and turns to leave her alone but stops to pick up her panties. "Your clothes are by the sinks. Didn't want them to get too messy." He grins and gives her panties one last sniff before tossing them towards her clothes that laid on a bench in front of the sinks, like he said. "You're beautiful even when you come." He smirks as he unlocks the door and walks out.

She sighs and rubs herself and frowns at the come all over her. It was starting to dry and become sticky. She scoffs and walks towards the shower to wash again.


After leaving Ally, Riddick decided to scout the colony. Something wasn't right about this place. He could feel it deep inside. Normally, it didn't surprise him if there was trouble. And he never really cared if anyone other than himself was at risk, but this was his mate. He scoffs as he grins crookedly to himself. Never imagined himself to be in this situation. He never considered himself the settling down type. He wasn't sure if he wanted the Beauty in his life. His so-called life, full of danger at every corner while the whole universe practically wanted his head on a stake.

If he wanted to keep badly as his heart was screaming for her...he needed to figure out how to keep her protected. First things first, gotta get off this rock.

As Riddick continues to scout the lost colony, scanning around as he notices little things here and there. Dead gardens, chairs and furniture turned over, broken glass of skylights. There was a struggle of some sort in this town. He could almost see the settlers running in fear, screaming as they ran from the horrors that stalked them. Could almost see how the furniture was knocked over. People fell over them. To escape. He walks inside one of the buildings and first thing he sees is left over belongings that were owned by a family. Kids. Garlands hanged on the walls. He knew the tradition that some do on certain days. Holidays or some shit. He frowns when he accidently steps on a toy, hearing the plastic crunch under his rubber boot.

Looking up and around the building, even though it's obvious whatever happened was a long time ago...but the stench of fear and death still stained the walls and floors. Those things he heard before...what killed Zeke...they must have killed this whole colony. Normally, he wasn't afraid of anything. But, for the first time in his life, fear was sneaking its way into his heart when the image of his Beauty comes to his mind and the creatures below.

Meanwhile, in the other building, Paris was unwrapping crystal goblets for himself and his shipmates. Jack was doing some scouting as well. He roams around a room and looks through a dresser. He managed to find razor pliers and grins when an idea forms in his head.

Riddick continues to walk around the compound, seeing more and mor discarded belongings scattered all over the ground. He looks around and studies the damaged buildings, seemingly unaware that he was being followed.

Jack stood on the rooftops with Imam's follower, Ali, and stalks Riddick. His freshly shaven head lifts as he lowers the goggles over his eyes. He looks over to Ali, "Let's go."

Together, they follow Riddick as they watch him walk towards a structure. Riddick grips on the handles, but he hears the rattling of chains inside, he could see that the door has been bolted from the inside. As if people were trying to keep something out. Tarp covered most of the building, but when he pushes it to the side, seeing the words 'CORING ROOM'. He pulls the tarp more to see a way in, but he hears a sharp whistle. He snaps his head towards the sound and sees John glaring at him.

"Uh-uh." Johns warns him, "You're missing the party. Come on, boy." He pats his leg, as if he was calling a dog to obey.

Growling lowly, Riddick yanks the tarp off of the building, hearing a soft gasp above. He turns and sees Jack hiding under a solar panel. He grins at his surprised face, watching it form into guilt. First thing he notices was his hair. He knew Beauty wasn't going to like it, which made him chuckle.

"'Missing the party. Come on'." Riddick mocks Johns' accent again and nods at Jack to follow.

Groaning in defeat, he couldn't believe he got caught, "Oh, man!" Jack whines as he drops his head.

Meanwhile, Ali managed to find a way into the building that Riddick was curious about, unaware of the solar panels above becoming activated now that the sun was powering them up.


(Ally's new clothes)

Ally walks out of the bath house, freshly showered with dry hair and new clothes. She throws her backpack over her shoulders and looks around for Jack. But she couldn't see him. She could see Johns and Riddick walking towards a building.

She felt her cheeks heat up when she sees him. Thinking about what just went on in the showers with Riddick and what she did after he left. After bringing Riddick to orgasm, she was so turned on again, she needed relief.

Ally snaps out of her thoughts when Johns voice erupts.

"Ally! Come on, we finally got fresh water." Johns call out.

Ally sighs and walks towards the men, "Have either of you seen Jack?" She asks when she was near.

Johns shakes his head, "No." He frowns when he notices a mark on her neck...a hickey. Who could have given...? Before he could ask, Riddick speaks up, breaking him out of his thoughts. But he begins to put two and two together. Riddick went missing and Ally was showering. Johns sightly grits his teeth.

"Spotted him not too long ago. He should be joining us soon." Riddick says with a knowing smirk.

Johns' body language tenses up as he brushes past Riddick with a shove, "Let's go join the party." He says as he guides Ally into the building.

Ally moves away from Johns as quickly as possible, not wanting to be close against him, "Thanks." She mutters and gives him a quick smile as she joins the rest while they fill up the goblets that Paris presented.

Riddick moves to be closer to Ally, but Johns holds him back, " stay away from her, you hear me?" He says lowly as he sends him a warning glare.

Riddick chuckles humorlessly, "Again with calling dibs, eh, Johns? Want her tight ass and get high with her?" He snorts. "You could whip that little merc dick of yours and she's not gonna be any impress even if you jack yourself up with that little stash of yours." His smirk was gone to a hard glare, "Touch her...and I'll ghost you, motherfucker." He growls lowly at him.

Johns scoffs, "Was that a threat?" He snorts.

"No. It's a promise." Riddick states and shoves into Johns shoulder as he moves away but stays close to Ally. Watching her smile a 'thanks' to Imam as he pours her a glass.

"All praises be Allah, for his many blessings to us." Imam toasts as he serves everyone a glass of water...except Riddick. Johns made sure he didn't' get any.

Just as everyone was toasting and clicking glasses, Jack walks in and stands next to Ally and Paris. Ally takes a gulp but when she sees Jack...

"PFFFFFFT!" She does a spit take and coughs as she looks at Jack with wide eyes.

Jack freezes with his lips on the glass, watching everyone look over to him in shock. He officially looked like a younger version of Riddick.

"What?" Jack shrugs them off.

"It's the winner of the look-alike contest." Paris remarks sarcastically.

"Jesus, Jack!" Ally says as she grabs his shoulders and spins him around to look at his new 'haircut'.

Riddick was simply chuckling at his Beauty's reaction. Loving how she hated her brother's shaved head.

"As if that haircut I gave you wasn't bad enough?" She scoffs.

Jack rolls his eyes and snatches himself out of his sister's arms, "It's no big deal." He scoffs and drinks up his water.

"Where have you been, by the way? You're pretty freshly dressed and clean." Johns speak up as he eyes Ally down. Stirring everyone's curiosity at her.

"I found the bath house and got the showers working. I was coming to see if anyone wanted to go next. There should be plenty of hot water still." Ally says and turns back to look at Jack, "And I was going to ask you if you wanted to go next, but obviously, you had other plans." She scoffs as she gestures at Jack's appearance.

"I call next." Paris says as he quickly raises his hand and heads for the door to do his business.

Everyone scoffs at Paris' posh, spoiled manners. Ally sighs and takes a few sips and turns to walk up to Riddick, handing him her goblet.

"Here." She says.

Riddick frowns at her and watches her gesture to take it.

"I didn't spit in it; in case you're wondering. Just don't want you to die of thirst." She says as she rolls her eyes at him.

Riddick couldn't help but smirk as he takes the goblet, but not before stroking his finger against hers. Smirking at her flinch as she slowly lets go over the goblet.

"Thanks, Beauty." He grins and takes a few gulps of the water.

Ally sighs and moves away but catches Johns glare. She scoffs softly as turns away to sit as she watches the others scan through tools and such that was left behind. Neither of them realizing the troubling horrors that Ali was getting himself into in the coring room as the solar panels continue to power up and opening the sunroof.

After Paris was done with his grooming, he joins in the scan the items around the room with Shazza.

"Who were these people, anyway? Miners?" Paris asks for her opinion.

Shazza shrugs, "I don't know. Looks like geologists." She says as she holds up a tool, "An advance team, moves from rock to rock."

Fry scoffs, "Nice of them to leave so much stuff here." She says sarcastically. But she brings up the question that was lingering on everyone's mind, "Why did they leave their ship?"

Everyone looks over to her, no one could answer that. Why? Why did they leave their ship? Where did they go?

Imam noticed that Ali was not with them and was beginning to grow worried for him. He scans the windows and searches for him outside but could not see him anywhere.

"It's not a ship. It's a skiff and it's disposable. Really." Johns states with a snort at the end.

"It's more like an emergency life raft, right?" Paris suggests.

"Yeah, they probably had a big drop ship take them off planet." Shazza nods in agreement.

Riddick takes off his goggles and lets out a loud snort of disbelief as he fixes them, "These people didn't leave. Come on. Whoever got Zeke got them. They're all dead." He states.

Ally rubs her bottom lip nervously and looks up at him as he continues.

Paris gulps nervously and Shazza shakes her head, not believing one word he says. She still doesn't believe he didn't have anything to do with Zeke's murder.

Placing his goggles back on, Riddick turns and faces everyone, "You don't really think they left with their clothes on hooks...Photos on the shelves."

"Maybe they had weight limits. You don't know." Shazza scoffs.

"I know you don't prep your emergency ship unless there's a fuckin' emergency." Riddick scoffs back at her.

"He's fuckin' right." Jack says and Ally slaps her hand over his mouth.

"Watch your mouth." Johns frowns at him.

"He's just saying what we're all thinking." Ally speaks up and looks over to Riddick, "So what happened? Where are they?" She asks.

Riddick was about to speak but Imam comes rushing towards them with worry, "Has anyone seen the little one? Ali?" He asks.

Everyone looks around, no one has seen him...Except Jack.

"He was with me not too long ago. We were playing around a building, following Riddick." Jack says.

"Has anyone checked the coring room?" Riddick asks.

Soon, screams erupt from outside. Everyone snaps their heads towards the sound and rushes out to find Ali.

"Ali!" Imam shouts in alarm.

Ally grabs Jack, "Come on!" She feared for the poor boy's life and hope they will reach him in time.

Ali was fleeing for his life as the sun hit the creatures that hanged from the rafters. They swarmed around his body like a funnel till he rushes to another room to hide...but the growls behind him made his heart stop.

"Ali!" "Ali!" Everyone was calling out for him when the screaming stopped. They rushed towards the coring room. Ally runs with Jack and Riddick was following behind her.

Shazza reaches the coring room door first and throttles it, till Johns and the others come. Johns pushes her away.

"Stand back." He lifts his gun and shoots the door till they hear the chains fly off and rattle on the ground.

Johns pushes the door open and takes point, holding his shotgun in protection. Imam rushes inside next to him.

"Ali." Imam calls out till Johns stops him.

"Slowly." Johns says as he scans the room.

Everyone walks inside, but Ally stops Jack, "Jack, wait." She says, fearing for her brother. Shazza and Paris holds him back for her as she walks inside.

Imam looks for Ali, scanning every inch, ever corner. He gasps as something grabs his cloth, but it was just the torn screen. He frowns as he sees a large hole in the middle of the room. A mine entrance he assumed, but the screen protector looked like it was torn. As if something ripped its way out from the other side.

Suddenly, Imam snaps his eyes towards a door as he hears soft ratting and sees the doors moving.

"Ali?" He calls, but no answers.

Slowly, Imam walks towards the doors and reaches for the handles.

"Imam, be careful." Ally warns.

Soon, the door bursts open, and hundreds of small raptors fly out of the room. The force of their wings throws Imam to the ground. Johns rushes and shoves everyone out and uses the door as a shield.

"Ally!" Jack yells as they all watch the creatures fly towards her.

Ally's eyes widen in terror as she watches the creatures fly towards her. She was frozen where she stood. All she could do was cover herself in protection till Riddick rushes and pounces her. Covering her body in protection as they lie on the ground while the creatures fly over them. Riddick holds her tight as the loud flapping was made around them and the creatures cawed.

Soon, Riddick lifts his head as the creatures uses the cell tunnel to head back below. Johns opens the door as they all watch the creatures fly inside the mines.

Panting softly, Ally lifts her head and looks up at Riddick with wide eyes.

"Again, with attracting trouble, Beauty." Riddick says as he looks down at her, no grin, no smirk. Just relief. Relief for his mate's safety.

Ally sighs and hugs Riddick, causing him to stiffen in surprise but he didn't refuse her hug. In fact, he hugs her back. Holding her in his arms. It was a new feeling for him...and he liked it. But soon, he had to let her go to get to his feet and helps her up.

"Ally?" Jack calls out for his sister and rushes to her, hugging her tightly. "Ally!" He was relieved that she was ok and sends Riddick a thankful look.

"I'm ok." Ally assures him.

Riddick brushes it off as he watches the others carefully walk inside and Johns checks on Imam.

"Imam?" Johns calls.

"Imam?" Fry calls.

Imam doesn't answer as he crawls towards the room, still cautious to run into those creatures again. He slowly moves towards the room, hoping to find Ali safe and sound.

But to his horror, the dead body of his fellow follower collapses in front of him. Imam lets out a cry of anguish as he gazes the poor lost boy before him. Ali's face was completely picked clean and bloodied. All they could see was his skull.

Ally whimpers and looks away, yanking Jack to follow, "Get him out. Now." She demands and shoves Jack towards Shazza and Paris.

Shazza and Paris carried looks of sympathy for Imam and the other followers as they mourned the loss of their brother. Ally looks down as she hears the cries of Imam and the others as they frantically chat in Arabic. She covers her mouth, muffling her soft cry.

Soon, Imam and his followers held a funeral for Ali. Burying his body as they chanted a prayer for his way home. Fry, Johns, and Shazza all scouted the entrance of the cell. Johns lights up a flare and throws it into the hole. As soon as the light touched the walls, they all could see skeletons wedged the dirt. When the flare touched the bottom. Ally gasps in horror as they could see hundreds of skeletons covering the ground.

"Other buildings weren't secure. So, they ran here. Heaviest doors. Thought they'd be safe inside. But they forgot to lock the cellar." Riddick says as he deduces what happened here.

Ally shudders in fear as she hugs herself. She moves to stand closer to Riddick. She felt safer next to him. But she had to be cautious with her feelings around the others. Especially, Johns.

Shazza walks down to meet with Riddick and sighs, she takes off her breather and hands it to him. But, of course, Riddick thinks she just wants him to repair it for her or some bullshit to get on his nerves, but to Ally's surprise, Shazza was just trying to be nice...till she called him an asshole.

Johns watches the two of them and decides to change the subject, there was more important things to worry about now.

"Okay, let's board this place up and get the hell out of here." Johns says and wags his finger to get them to follow him.

Shazza turns back to Riddick and kicks her breather towards him and stomps away.

Ally sighs and moves to pick up Shazza's breather. She unhooks the air coolant and hooks it up to her own, taking it off her shoulder and cleans the mouth guard.

"Thank you." She says softly to him.

"For what?" Riddick frowns.

Ally holds out the breather for him and he slowly takes it.

"For saving me. From those things." Ally says softly and gasps when he grabs her arm and yanks her in a dark corner, standing toe to toe against her as he gazes down at her with that hard, animal stare, full of lust.

"Like I said before, Beauty. I keep...and protect what's mine." He says softly, reaching to cup her face, right when Johns walks back inside to glare at them both. "Remember that." He strokes her skin with his thumb and walks away, "But try not to get your beautiful ass in so much trouble. Can't always be there to save you." He smirks at Johns and walks out to join the others.

Ally sighs and moves to walk past Johns but Johns makes a grab for Ally's arm, holding her roughly.

"You do realize he'll leave you for dead when he's bored of you." Johns scoffs down at her. "He only cares about himself and won't cry over you if you think you're something special to him." Ally tries to yank herself out of his grip but his grip tightens, making her wince. "Mark my words, Little girl. When it'll come down between his life and yours... it'll always be him." He shoved her away with a cold glare.

Ally cradles her sore arm and scrambles to get away. She winces when she sees the bruises form around her arm. She sighs and rubs the soreness away. But when she looks up, she spies Riddick watching her with a very angry look. She knew he saw it all and he could see the bruises from where he stood. She tried hiding them but she knew it was too late. She walks away to find Jack and Johns walks out not long after Ally. He looks up and sees Riddick. Sending him a smirk while Riddick growls lowly at him.

Fry and Johns were looking around in some of the buildings, finding samples of different rocks.

"Whatever the fuck those things were, they seem to stick to darkness. So if we stick to daylight, we should be okay." Johns states as he deduced about those creatures that killed Zeke and Ali.

Fry was barely listening as she finds an old tag on one of the samples.

"Let's go." Johns says as he turns to leave but Fry's voice stops him.

"Twenty-two years ago."

Johns turns and walks back towards her, "What?"

"These coring samples are dated. Last one's years ago this month." She says.

"Is there something special about that, Carolyn?" He asks, not sure what the point is of it.

"I don't know." Fry sighs and thinks about it. "There could be." Then suddenly, like a snap of a finger, she remembers the solar system model.

Fry and Johns gathers everyone in the room where Fry found the model.

"The miners used this monitor the planets orbit. It goes by every year. But why would miners care about it?" Fry wonders.

"Maybe to monitor the suns, see how long it takes to go down?" Ally shrugs.

Shazza nods, "Yeah, almost every colony has one. Some to even monitor the planets' weather patterns."

"But from the looks of it, the suns don't seem to go down at all." Paris scoffs.

"The last time anyone was here was 22 years ago. This month. I think something happened to the suns on that month." Fry states and begins to rotate the system.

The countdown began and started the reach closer and closer to 22 years. Ally moves closer and watches the planets rotate. But she gasps as she sees the planets begin to align as it hits 22. The Saturn-like planet completely covers the suns. Leaving the planet they were on in darkness.

"An eclipse." Fry whispers.

She tries to rotate it more but it didn't look like the eclipse was going to end anytime soon.

"You're not afraid of the dark, are you?" Riddick smirks with a humorless chuckle.

Ally's breath leaves her body as those words echo in her mind. The vision. It was coming true.

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