Chapter 23: A New Threat

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Hey, guys! ^^ So this chappy is going to be the same with the last chappy and flashbacks and all that what not ^^" Yeah, it's going to be like that for a while, so enjoy! ^-^

Autumn awoke to the sound of impact, grunts, and choked back cries. She lifted her head and immediately regretted it when a headache pained the girl. She groaned then looked at the source of the sounds. Her eyes widened when she saw Nightmare pinned against the wall, the bald man repeatedly dealing him blows one after another. 

Get up! Get up! Get up and help him dammit! Autumn thought to herself over and over again, but no matter what she told herself, her body would not respond. It stayed where it was, frozen in fear. She watched in horror as the bald man continued to beat Nightmare over and over again.

Then, as if things couldn't get any worse, the bald man took Nightmare by his hair and slammed him down, then he stomped on him, laughing at the boy. Autumn tired to call out to Nightmare, but no sound came from her mouth. She so desperately wanted to yell at Nightmare, to tell him to keep fighting, to stand up, but little did she know that Nightmare was not going to fight at all.

He decided to become the decoy, so Autumn could escape and get the others, but so far, it seemed that Autumn refused to get up. He looked over at Autumn, hoping that she'd catch his message through his eyes.

Autumn caught his look, but only frowned, tears forming in her eyes. Her friend looked away at the sight of her tears.

The girl came back home during the middle of the night. She was silent and swift about her entrance to the orphanage. The girl tip toes her way back to her room, but something caught her eyes.

There by the window she usually sat in front with her chair, was the boy who always came up and talked to her. He was loosely wrapped in a blanket, fast and soundly asleep, leaning against the wall.

The girl smiled and walked over to the boy. She sat down next to the boy and took half of the blanket, wrapping it around herself, sharing her body heat with the boy who was shivering from the lack of warmth. She fell asleep with boy that night, sitting next to him in front of the window where it all started.

In the morning, the boy woke up with a yawn. He rubbed his eyes, looking over to see that the girl was still there, still asleep. At first, he shrugged it off, got up and stretched then all at once it hit him like a hard brick wall! The girl was right there, sitting right there in front of him sleeping as soundly as a baby!

Nightmare gently shook the girl's shoulder, stirring her awake. The girl opened her eyes with a tired yawn. She looked up to see the boy's astonished eyes staring right at her. She gave him a tired smile then spoke in a soft, sweet voice "My name's Manawa.." And with that she fell asleep again. 

The bald man caught Nightmare's pained looked and glanced over at Autumn. He gave her a wicked grin then turned back to Nightmare. "Don't worry. I'll take special care of your little girlfriend." he said playfully. Him calling Autumn his girlfriend made both Nightmare and Autumn blush, but luckily, the bald man didn't see this.

Moving as fast as lightning once again, the bald man picked up Nightmare then kicked him across the room, hitting the wall. He slid down the wall until finally hitting the floor with a loud thump.

Watching him fall gave Autumn the strength and will to get up. Slowly, she propped herself up then stood on her own two feet. There was a fire in her eyes, her body shook with anger, as though she was a ticking time bomb who could explode at any given moment!

Nightmare caught sight of Autumn and sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes widening. He need to calm her down before she did something drastic, but given the boy's condition, he couldn't move!

The bald man approached Nightmare, not noticing Autumn and her growing wrath. He picked up Nightmare by the neck, giving him a wicked grin. He reared his hand back, ready to fly it at Nightmare's face,but before he could even think about it, a root burst forth from the ground and wrapped itself around his fist and arm.

At first, the bald man ignored the vine, which proved to be his downfall. He wrenched arm from the vine, ripping it off with just one tug. He smirked then flew his fist right at Nightmare's face, but before his fist could make contact with his face, more vines popped up from the ground and wrapped the man's arm entirely.

Seeing his entire arm covered in vines made the blad man panic. He screamed with surprsied and shock, releasing Nightmare. He clawed at the vines with his free hand, trying to get the vines off of his arm, but no matter what he did, the vines didn't let up.

More vines burst forth from the ground, wrapping themselves all over the the bald man's body. He shrieked, twisting and turning his body in hopes that the vines might rip off and release him.

Nightmare watched this with tired eyes, knowing the cause of the vines. He looked over at Autumn who just silently stood there with her fists clenched. "Autumn, snap out of it..." his voice echoed through out the room, but sadly, it never reached Autumn's ears.

Hewos, guys! ^0^ I hoped you all enjoyed this chappy and liked it! As always, thanks so much for reading, commenting, and voting! Have a fantastic today!

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