Chapter 24: Cave Dwellers

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Kaimana heard a crash as the cave closed in on itself. His stomach dropped and for once in his life, his face showed worry and concern. He closed his eyes, searching for the teenagers' energy. What he found was that all three energies were intact, but the one that belonged to the bald man was changing. Kaimana opened his eyes, even more worried now. He knew what as happening to the bald man and that wasn't good.

~With Autumn and Nightmare~

As the two teenagers ventured deeper into the tunnel, they spotted many peculiar things. Rats, bats, scattered pieces of notes with unreadable words on it. Autumn stopped at the  notes and picked them in hope that they might hold a way to get out of the tunnel.

But of course, there wasn't anything on there. Well, anything readable that is. Autumn gave up on collecting the notes and walked with Nightmare, making sure that she stayed close to him and the fire he had in his hands.

It was then that Autumn realized something. Her stomach dropped And her heart pumped faster. "N-nightmare...?" she whispered quietly

"What is it?" Nightmare stopped and looked down at his friend.

"Nightmare,we've been here before..." Autumn said, clutching her friend's arm. Nightmare scanned their surrounding area and realized that Autumn was right. They have been there before. The teenager cursed to himself. 

He and Autumn were wandering around in circles this whole entire time and he didn't know about it till now. Nightmare growled in frustration then burned the wall next to him with a large "X." 

"There. This will prevent us from wandering in circles again." he said with a huff. He took Autumn's hand then walked down the dark tunnel lit only with the small flame in his hand. Whenever the two turned into a new tunnel, Nightmare marked the tunnel with one of the letters of the alphabet or a number.

This proved to be useful as they finally found themselves no longer wandering in circles. Minutes later, the two came upon another room that led to more tunnels. Nightmare smiled for he felt a spark of hope of finding a way out of there, but by this time, Autumn had given up on all hope.

When she saw that they were once again in another room that led to more tunnels, she was reminded of the bald man and what had happened in the first room. She shuddered, feeling a sudden chill run through her body.

With nothing but hopelessness left, Autumn sank to her knees, looking up at the ceiling like it was a beautiful blue sky with dull eyes. Tears rolled down her face in slow streams. "We're never going to get out here... Never... Never..."

"Autumn, we'll get-" 

"No!" Autumn yelled fiercely "We're never going to get out of here! We might as well be dead!" she yelled. 

Rage bubbled in Nightmare "How can you give up hope like that?!" he yelled not holding anything back. Autumn flinched from his tone and took a step back. In all her time with him, Nightmare never yelled like that with such anger. The way his face was distorted with rage and anger scared Autumn.  "There are people waiting for us out there! Lu-chan, Free, Lana, Kaimana, even your dumb boyfriend, Solaris!"

Out of everything Nightmare said, that last part about Solaris being Autumn's boyfriend grabbed her attention. "Boyfriend? Solaris is NOT my boyfriend." she said firmly, stomping her foot down.

Nightmare scoffed then rolled his eyes, mumbling under his breath "Yeah, right. It's obvious that you like him."

Autumn huffed and threw her hands down. "I don't, Nightmare! What makes you think that?!"

Footsteps interrupted the two teenagers before they could continue their heated conversation. Nightmare took Autumn's hand, wiped the fire that provided their light and ran to a corner in the room where they'd be hidden from whoever or whatever was coming.

The footsteps grew louder and louder. They coming towards Nightmare and Autumn. Next to Autumn all her fear and anxiety increased tenfold. She heard her own heartbeat in her ears and had no doubt that Nightmare could hear it as well.

Murmurs filled the room. There were others with the two teenagers, but they couldn't see them. All they saw was a faint silhouette in the darkness.

Hearing the murmurs, Nightmare grabbed Autumn's hand and stood up, bringing her along with him. He started to walk towards the nearest tunnel. The boy kicked a rock by accident which immediately stopped the murmurs in the room.

The room was filled with silence. The two teenagers waited for something to happen. When nothing did, Nightmare ran towards the tunnel, dragging Autumn behind him. A roar came from whatever was in the room and a squeal sounded off from Autumn.

Hurried footsteps ran towards them. Nightmare saw the faint line of the tunnel. With a burst of energy he sprinted to the tunnel as fast as he could.

A hand grabbed Autumn and pulled her back. She fell down with a yelp and landed in the arms of an unknown figure.

The figure chuckled, sending a cold shiver run down Autumn's back. She stayed still in the figure's arms for she knew that if she moved something terrible would happen.

Sounds of struggle and Nightmare's voice came not too far from Autumn. The teenager finally screamed out for her friend, struggling in vain in the figure's grip. The figure tightened its grip on Autumn, laughing.

The laugh was not sinister or evil or anything of the sort. The laugh sounded like the type of laugh you'd hear from your mother or father when you did something silly.

Autumn was confused by the strange laughter, but decided not to question it. She continued to struggle until she ran out of energy. When she ran out energy, the figure to the center of the room and tied her up back-to-back with Nightmare, who was swearing at whoever was in the room with them.

After a while, Nightmare tired himself out and remained quiet. Then all at once, light flooded the room. It blinded the two teenagers for a while. They screwed their eyes shut, waiting for them to adjust. 

When at last their eyes had adjusted, the two teenagers opened them and to their shock they saw troll-like people in the room surrounding them. The entire room was crowded with these troll-like people. They were covered in moss and on the moss were mushrooms that seemed to be growing. They all had big noses and big round eyes. Their skin was all the same color; slate.

They made chittering sounds as they looked at each other to the two teenagers, then back to them. Nightmare and Autumn watched in bated breath as the trolls came closer to them.

An ugly troll, short and stubby, covered with moss all over him sniffed Autumn then Nightmare. It then smiled and the mushrooms on its body glowed. Soon all the other mushrooms on the other trolls glowed and lit up the room like the thousand of stars and moon at night.

Two trolls took the hands of Nightmare and Autumn and led them down a narrow tunnel. 

Down they went deep into the tunnel. Light flooded into the tunnel be a use of the trolls who were following the two teenagers.

Then it a big flash of blinding light, they were out.

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Hi! :D Sorry I haven't updated in like... FOREVER!!! I've had the biggest writer's block for this and it's still kinda here :(

But don't worry! (っ・ω・)っ I got some of mag shiz together so hopefully there will be more updates soon. Hopefully...

This book is getting long... Nyaaah... -3- Spoiler: I'm making this into a two (maybe three, still deciding) story book! I dun want like 40-50 chapters in this book! It's just plain annoying!

Okay, maybe 40 BUT that's only if I'm taking forever to finish it and get one with the next >-> It'll most likely be around 30 or 35 something like that.

Thanks so much for waiting, guys! >.< And thanks for the votes, comments, and for just plain reading it! ^^ Have a nice day!

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