Chapter 25: Poisoned

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 Nightmare and Autumn made it out of the cave alive. They looked up and around themselves and realized that it was dawn. They stayed in that cave the whole night with no rest or sleep at all. Seeing the daybreak, Autumn yawned, feeling the events of the night catch up to her.

Nightmare sighed "Man, we were in there for the whole night. It's a good thing those trolls showed up and showed us the way." he said with a small smile.

"Yeah, no kidding." Autumn smiled. She turned around to thank the trolls for guiding them out, but as soon as she looked back, the trolls were gone as was the exit they came out of.

Both teenagers were struck with confusion. Where did the trolls go? That confusion, however, was quickly dismissed and replaced with fear as soon as they heard rustles in the bushes.

Nightmare immediately sprang into action. He grabbed Autumn's hand and pulled her behind him, facing the source of the rustles.

Kaimana emerged from the bushes with a sigh of relief. Both teenagers relaxed and ran to the older man. "There you kids are!" Kaimana said with relief. "What happened?"

Autumn and Nightmare quickly explained the nights' events to Kaimana. The older man listened to them with an attentive ear then nodded when all was said and done. Then the older man smiled, brightening up his face which made him look years younger. "Let's go home then. YOu kids must be tired."

The teenagers nodded and followed Kaimana back home.

~Le Time Skip~

A baby girl was crying in her crib. She recently woke up and she was very hungry. Her father quickly came in the room and picked her up, cradling her in his arms. He rocked her back and forth, making his way to the kitchen.

By the time he got to the kitchen, the baby was crying her eyes out. By now she was whimpering, begging for food in her adorable baby language. The father laughed and took out a baby bottle filled with milk from the refrigerator. He gave it to his baby daughter to which she start drinking, chugging it down.

The father walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. He took the bottle from his daughter and patted her back, causing her to burp. She giggled then started playing with her father's long hair. Her father laughed and held her hands. "Well, aren't you just adorable?" he tickled her and the baby laughed. Sweetly.

However, soon the baby girl started wailing since she couldn't play with her father's hair and the father laughed again. Happy times.

Dusk walked back and forth in his living room, thinking about his family. Where were they? Are they alright? Did they injure themselves? He just hoped that they were all okay, and believe it or not, he was also worried about Luna, his sweet little girl.

The day after his family left, Dusk realized his mistake and cursed himself. He realized that he was careless and impulsive when he should have been calm and collective. His only girl, his poor little baby girl, was in his grasp.

Why had he banished her after looking for her for years after the Cloaked man stole her from him and Lana. He should have never have done that. Never... It was his fear. When Dusk saw that Luna had somehow turned into a Dark Number, his no longer saw his little baby girl. He only saw the monster that people believed her to be.

It's been some weeks now since they left and Dusk was worried sick about them. He already talked to the townspeople about his foolish decision. The townspeople greatly disagreed with him. They thought that it was a good decision under the circumstances that he was in.

However, Dusk knew that they were only saying that because of their fear of Dark Numbers. As soon as he explained about his mistake, he told the townspeople that he would leave Bato in charge of the town and go find his family.

Of course, the townspeople did not like this. They did not like it at all. It was a terrible idea! First, they thought, he's leaving Bato in charge?! He may be a Regular Number, but he's as fierce and dangerous as a Dark Number and as stuck up as a Light Number. Second, he was leaving them?! No leader would ever, EVER, do that to his followers!

And third, which, to the townspeople, was the most important one of all, Dusk was the only person in town who was strong enough to defeat a Dark Number and live to tell the tale.

Dusk shook his head at their arguments and stood his ground. Eventually the townspeople realized that Dusk would not give in so they gave up and let him go with the exception that Katara was left in charge.

After a week of preparation, the day finally came when Dusk would being his journey. Of course, no one knew that he was leaving today so no one came to say goodbye to him. The reason for this was because Dusk did not tell the townspeople when he would leave.

Slipping his traveling bag onto his shoulders, Dusk stepped out of his beloved home. He looked back with a sad smile. So many memories from this small little house. He remembers them all; both the happy and sad ones.

He sighed and began his walk down a dark road he would soon regret.  Little did Dusk know that a cloaked figure was following him. This cloaked man figure sensed Dusk's regret, sorrow, and, self-hating and feasted on them.

Unfortunately, he also sensed the desire to redeem himself from those agonizing feelings. The cloaked figure growled then decided to put a little spell on the man for fun. After all, it would be fun to mess with his one of his old friend's expierments.

Whispering under his breath, a spell was cast on Dusk forever changing his future.

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Hah! >:D I got another chapter! Fuuuuck yeeeah!!! I. FEEL. AWESOME!!!!!!

Thanks for reading, commenting and voting! :3 Have a nice day!

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