Chapter 26: The Time Skip

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Thirty years have passed and our little gang of Numbers, their guardians, and their dragon grew both physically and mentally.

Nightmare was now nearly as tall as Kaimana. Many thought him to be an adult, but no. The young lad was still in his teenage years. His rivalry with Solaris only grew over the years and he became more protective of his small group of friends, especially little Luna.

Solaris was up to Nightmare's shoulders. He still had his long hair and long stopped wearing his cape. Instead, he kept it in a box, sealed tight under the cabin where he knew no one would look. He's still that lovable mama's boy and he's no longer shy around Autumn. Well, maybe a little, but not a lot. He and Luna still go at it and it seems that their relationship got worse over the years!

Autumn is around Solaris' height. Nothing has changed about her, really. The only thing that has changed is the way she acts around Nightmare. She seems to be more shy around him now. Also, she's now like a big sister to Luna and Free, both of who call her Nee-san.

Free is still his hyper, dragon-loving self. He's gotten a bit taller, nearly up to level with Autumn. He still wears his goggles, but the rest of his attire has changed over the years. Now he wears a pair of blue shorts that reach his knees and that's all really. He doesn't wearing anything else other than his goggles and shorts.

Now, Luna is the one who has changed the most over the years. She's still afraid and anxious, but now she strides with confidence thanks to Free and Nightmare always encouraging her along the way. Her hair has gotten longer and her wings have also grown, too. Before they were a small pair of wings but now they extend and reach her whole back. Luna has also gotten taller, though, she's still the shortest in the group.

Their appearances and personalities aren't the only things that have changed over the years. Because of the many attacks from Dark, Light, and Regular Numbers, our group of Numbers has had to change their location many times.

As of now, they were living in a small town who didn't mind the presence of Dark and Light Numbers.

Over the thirty years that have passed, the kids have grown a strong and unbreakable bond as they traveled across the Number Realm. Sure, Luna and Solaris still go at it like a bunch of toddlers, but deep down, they cared for each other. All five kids now saw each other as family and shared many ups and downs with each other and went through many things.

All the while, Lana, Kaimana, and Kekoa watched the five kids grow with pride. They weren't the strongest of kids, but they also tried their best which was more than enough for the three guardians.

Autumn, Nightmare, and Free calls Lana "Aunty" now. She was like a mother figure to them, though, they still remembered their own mothers and felt that it was uncomfortable to call Lana their mother and of course Lana understood why.

Kaimana and Kekoa was the kids teachers. Though Kekoa rarely taught the kids anything, he was greatly respected among them because, duh, he's a dragon! And because he has proven his strength to the kids much more times than they could count.

Now, Kaimana was the one who taught the kids the most. He was vigorous in his training and often pushed the kids passed their limit up to the point where they'd faint and collapse from exhaustion.

He also got a firm scolding from Lana whenever this happened, but the kids never complained. They knew that if they kept training like this, they'd be strong in no time!

They were all happy, especially little Luna, who was free from the horrors of the cave and the Cloaked man.

Because of her innocence, she thought that things could only go up from here. Little did she know that as she grew into her teenage years, everything would go horribly wrong.

Meanwhile, the Cloaked man watched his little experiment, Luna, grow up like a normal Number. In all honesty, he never expected something like this to happen.

Watching Luna grow up both mentally and physically, gave the Cloaked man this strange feeling; one he hadn't felt in years. Hope.

Maybe things will change after all... the Cloaked man thought to himself as he watched Luna training with Kaimana and the others.

Deep within him that feeling of hope grew and for the first time in, well, no one remembers it but it's been forever, the Cloaked man genuinely smiled.

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Hey, guys! :3 So this is like a weird chapter for me. Technically it's a time skip of thirty years. Why put a time skip? Well, I dun wanna fill THIRTY years worth of happy, sad moments of their lives! Too much work :P

Also, hey, guess what?! O3O Today on this day, March 14, is Millie_Astral birthday!!! :D


Well, anyways, I has an announcement! This book will have a sequel to it called "Luna's Journey"! ^^ It'll just be a two-book series, not three :P Three's too much work! XD But that also means this book night end up a bit longer since I'm fitting both childhood and teenage years in this book.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, everyone! :D As always, Mahalo nui loa for reading, commenting and voting! Have a wonderful day! :3

(Mahalo nui loa means "Thank you very much in Hawaiian . 3.)

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