Chapter 3: The Grove Of The Four Seasons

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A boy tackled Bato from behind causing Bato to release Luna from his choking grip. "Don't touch her!!!" Luna landed on her butt, but was quickly lifted up by a girl, who grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the boy, Bato, and the other six numbers.

Luna looked back at the boy, who was, surprisingly, holding up with Bato and the six numbers with ease. "Don't worry about him. Dreamer is really strong." The girl said

"Who are you people?!" Luna asked, narrowing her eyes at the girl, still following and running with her.

"Don't worry about that now. I'll explain later. Just follow me!" The girl ran past the town and ran into the forest behind the town. Luna followed her reluctantly, occasionally looking behind her for the boy or the seven Numbers or both, but they never came and soon the whole town was out of Luna's sight.

"Over here! This way!" The girl pointed to large willow trees and ran through them, pushing the vines out of her face. Luna did the same and followed her, feeling even more suspicious of the girl.

Soon the two young girls came upon a large, circular grove. When Luna entered the grove she stopped in her tracks and gasped, looking around the grove in amazement. Not only was this grove large and beautiful, but it was in a state of all four seasons.

On the far side of the grove was spring, it held cherry blossom trees and flowers, in full bloom. Next to spring was summer. It was covered in dark green grass with bright yellow daffodils and dandelions. The trees on this side were large, green and full of life. Across from Spring was Autumn. The ground was covered in red, orange, and yellow leaves and the trees were waving in the wind, their leaves slowly falling off. Across from Summer and next to Spring was Winter. The ground and trees were covered in snow. Luna had entered on the autumn side and felt the leaves falls gracefully past her.

In the very middle of the grove, where the four seasons collided, was a giant, and I mean GIANT, willow tree. This tree didn't show signs of being in any stage of time. It was just a simple tree, leaves green, bark strong and brown, roots sticking out of the ground like crazy and so on. Near the bottom of the willow tree was a hole, big enough to fit a average-sized adult.

Luna stared for what seemed like days, but in reality it was only a few minutes. The girl looked at Luna and saw her staring.

"Amazing, isn't it? This is only place in the Number realm that's like this." The girl said. Luna snapped back to reality and looked at the girl, who was smiling at her with gentle eyes. Taking a good look at her, Luna realized that this girl was absolutely gorgeous even though she was so young

The girl was a head taller than Luna was. She had long pink hair that reached the middle of her back, pale human skin and her eyes were a bright green. She wore a green high-low dress that had flower patterns on it.

"What's your name?" The girl asked

"Luna. My name's Luna. What's yours?"

"My name's Manawa, but I prefer to be called Autumn." The girl smiled. "Luna... That's a nice name and it suites you." Autumn took Luna's hand and pulled her towards the middle of the grove, but Luna stayed in place.

"Ummm...Thanks...? Can I ask you a question?"

"What is it, Luna?"

"Why did you and that boy saved me back there? I didn't anything to or for you. What reason do you have to save me?" Luna asked, looking at the girl with the same confused face she gave Lana when she saved her.

"It was wrong of the townspeople trying to kill you like that... Me and Dreamer hate it when we see people like that.. It's wrong... Just so wrong..." Autumn pulled and this time Luna followed. She led Luna to the willow tree and sat under the trees cooling shade. Autumn looked up and sighed in peace.

"But I'm a Dark Number..."

Autumns looked back at Luna, but her gentle gaze was replaced with one of anger. "So what?! Just because you're a Dark Number doesn't mean you don't have feelings or that you're not as kind as the others! It doesn't matter who or what you are! Nobody should be treated like that."

Luna looked at Autumn in shock. Never before had she heard these words, or such righteous anger... Numbly, she nodded and looked up at the sky with Autumn. The two girls went into an awkward silence, sitting next to each other, looking up at the cloudless sky.

Luna thought back to what Autumn had said. It doesn't matter who or what you are? She thought, but what did it mean? Luna sighed in frustration, confused by Autumn's words, then she remembered something else.

Autumn had mentioned someone else. Dreamer? Was that the boy who saved her?

"By the way," Luna started, looking back at Autumn and breaking the silence. "Is that boy who saved me Dreamer?"

Autumn blushed "Actually... His name is Nightmare... I call him Dreamer cuz well... He has big dreams, b-but he doesn't know that I call him that, so don't tell him!"

Luna grew even more confused by Autumn's reaction. "Okay...?"

Why is her face so red? She thought Maybe she likes him... Ooooooh~

Night came and Nightmare didn't come back. Autumn grew more worried by the minute. She thought that by now Nightmare would be here, but he wasn't...

Luna sniffed the air. She smelled smoke and burning wood coming from where the town was. She looked at Autumn, who looked sick to the stomach.

"Wanna check it out...?" Luna asked Autumn, feeling concern for her, but she hid her concern with a hard mask of indifference. Autumn looked down and thought for a while. When she finally looked back up she hesitated in her answer.

"No... Nightmare will be here... He always comes back.. Always..." Autumn said, but the way she said it and the way she held herself made Luna think that she wasn't so sure of herself.

~Back at the town after Luna and Autumn left~

When the boy saw Luna and Autumn leave town he sighed in relief and faced Bato, feeling absolutely livid.

"How dare you, boy! That Dark number deserves to die!" Bato took a good look at the boy and sized him up, determining if he would be easy to defeat or not.

The boy was tall for his age, he had black skin and all over his body were red tattoos of chains and his eyes were red. The boy's hair nearly reached his shoulders. A portion of it was brushed to the side, covering his right eye. On his wrists and ankles were silver cuffs. No one knew, not even the boy, as to where these cuffs came from, they were just there.

The boy smirked and mocked Bato by sticking out his tongue and pulling the skin under his eye down "Mmmmm!!! Stupid rock man!"

"Why you!! You little brat, get back here!!!"

"If you say so, stupid rock man!" The boy ran towards Bato. Bato grinned and brought his fist back, ready to throw it at the boy.

The boy reached Bato and Bato threw his fist, but at the last second, the boy jumped and landed on Bato's fist. The boy grinned and ran up Bato's arm, then high kicked Bato's face. Bato backed up a few steps in shock and tripped over a rock. He fell with a loud thud and hit his head hard on the floor, instantly knocking him out from the force. The boy stood proudly on Bato's body and looked at the six remaining Numbers with a cocky smirk.

A girl Number looked at the boy, shaking "Wh-who are you!?"

The boy smiled "Me? I am Nightmare!" He raised a proud fist in the air and huffed with pride. "Mess with me and you'll face the bitter consequences!" The six numbers flinched and backed away. 

Man! What a bunch of scaredy cats! I didn't even do anything to them yet~! Nightmare thought to himself.

"RAHHH!!!" Nightmare screamed, baring his fangs and bringing his claws out. The six numbers squealed in fright and ran back to the middle of the town, where Lana and the rest of the town was fighting,

Nightmare whooped and threw his fists in the air, but when he looked up, he gaped like a fish out of water.

Flying above him was a four-legged dragon. He had blue-tipped red scales and the mane that ran along his long neck was purple, his eyes were amber and they glowed with fire in them. This dragon belonged to Lana. His name was Kekoa and he was a powerful dragon.

Nightmare's eyes widened in wonderment. Never before did he see a dragon and this lucky boy had the honor of seeing Kekoa in his prime!

So, THAT was the flapping noise I heard earlier.... Nightmare thought as he watched Kekoa land gracefully on the ground where Lana was. Nightmare ran to where he landed and hopped onto the roof to watch the epic battle, he was hoping would come.

Surrounding Lana and Kekoa were the townspeople. Despite their vows of loyalty and faith, they turned against Lana.

Kekoa growled at the townspeople and took in a deep breath, building up the fire in his belly. In moments a great big ball of fire flew from his mouth and to the townspeople. Lana raised up her fists and threw them a the nearest townspeople as fast as lightning. The townspeople fought back with less strength, but due to their advantage in numbers, Lana and Kekoa soon grew tired.

Breathing heavily Lana asked "Why do you all hate my daughter? She has done us no wrong!"

"It does not matter if she has done us wrong or not! Your so called daughter is a Dark Number! Dark Numbers are evil and have done everyone wrong! By killing her, we will have done the whole Number realm a great favor!" a random Number yelled.

Kekoa looked questioningly at his master, but did not sway in his devotion towards her. Lana smiled and climbed onto Kekoa's back. In a time like this, it was  good to have a loyal friend by your side.

Kekoa lifted his wings and flapped them until his body was lifted off the floor. From high in the sky, Lana and Kekoa looked at the townspeople and frowned.

"LANA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Dusk ran into view, gripping his sword tightly in his hand. Solaris and Kaimana came up from behind and gawked at Lana and Kekoa.

 Little language thingy~!!!!

"Manawa" (Mah-nah-wah) means "Season" in Hawaiian

"Kekoa" (Keh-koh-wah ((or -ah sometimes)) ) means "the brave" or "the courageous" in Hawaiian

By the way, ma peeps, the term of Dark Numbers was the original idea of Millie_Astral, she made them up . 3. Silly me, I forgot to tell you at the beginning of the story. *whispers* She's an awesome writer! Read her books, they're really good!!!! I MEAN IT!!!

Mahalo nui loa for reading and what not! May your days be filled with dreams of whatever you weirdos like to dreams about~ X3

*whispers* "Mahalo nui loa" (Mah-hah-loh nu-ee loh-ah) means "Many thanks" ^~3~^  Isn't edumacation wonderful~?

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