Chapter 4: A Choice Between Mother and Father

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"LANA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Dusk ran into view, gripping his sword tightly in his hand. Solaris and Kaimana came up behind him, gawking at Lana and Kekoa.

Lana sighed and looked down at her husband "These people were planning to kill Luna! If you think that I was just going to stand there and watch, then you've got another thing coming, Mister!"

The townspeople below all ooh-ed in laughter. Despite the situation, they always found it funny when Lana and Dusk fought. Dusk glared at the townspeople and that one single glare made them look down like they didn't do anything. He looked back up at Lana.

"Lana, all this for just one girl?!"

"That one girl is our daughter! Or did you forget that?!"

Dusk pursed his lips together and began an intense staring competition with Lana. Everyone grew quiet and still as Lana and Dusk had an unspoken battle between themselves.

After minutes of glaring, Dusk's expression softened, but Lana's remained cold and hard.

Dusk sighed "Lana, you give me no choice... I don't want to fight you, Lana, but the townspeople and I all disagree to that Dark Number living here. You of all people know how hard we've worked to build this town! Before we came here, this place was completely barren, but with our hard work we were able to build our new home here! We worked hard! We shed our tears and blood for this place! Do you not understand our pride and joy that is held within this town?! With the presence of that Dark Number our home is in danger! I will not stand by while this happen!"

Lana scoffed. "You would rather abandon me and your own daughter? Such cowardice!" Tears began forming at the side of Lana's eyes. Lana didn't think that Dusk would turn this way. To turn against his daughter and lover for his people! She knew that they all feared Luna, but never in her wildest imaginations did she imagine this!

"Lana... Please, understand that I'm only doing this for the people of this town. These people are our family and friends! You think that I would abandon you because of my pride, don't you?! No! Lana think of the people and the future that their children will have! Do you want their futrue to be ruined?!"

"Save your words! I refuse to hear them! Even if you say that you're doing this for the townspeople, I know that deep down that you're just afraid! You're afraid of your own daughter! The very same little baby girl you loved and cried for when she was birthed, the same child you searched for relentlessly!"

"Lana, this is for the best! Please, try to understand!"

" 'This is for the best', you say?! The best?! What will casting aside your own daughter and lover do? What good will you gain!?!"

"M-mom, Dad! Stop fighting! Please, I don't our family to be torn apart like this!" Solaris yelled

"Solaris, I'm sorry to do this to you, but you have two choices. Come with me or stay here with your father."

Solaris looked between his beloved parents, his face full of distraught. Lana and Dusk looked at their son expectantly, neither of them focusing on the townspeople

Using this distraction as an advantage, the townspeople gathered up all their energy into one single beam. The beam, which held the power of the whole town, was forced upward towards Kekoa and Lana.

Kekoa looked down at the beam, his eyes widening. He tipped to the left and managed to dodge the beam by mere inches.

"Well, Solaris? Who's it going to be? Me or your father?" Lana called out to Solaris, unaffected by the sudden attack

Solaris shook his head, refusing to believe that this was happening. He had a choice between his mother, whom he loved dearly and would do anything for, and his father, whom he looked up to as his biggest hero and role model.

While Solaris was thinking about who he would choose, Kaimana began fighting the townspeople with Lana and Kekoa. Kekoa landed on the ground and let Lana climb off him. Lana and Dusk faced each other.

"Lana, I understand that you would want to protect our daughter, but you are going too far with all of this!" Dusk said

"Dusk, one day, when we meet again, you'll understand that people aren't like what they appear to be, and when you take the time to know who they truly are, then you'll understand why I'm doing this for Luna." Lana put up her fists and charged at Dusk.

Dusk lifted up his sword at the last second and was able to block Lana's attack. Lana took a step back and raised her fists up again. Unlike Dusk, Lana was a hand-to-hand fighter. She didn't have any problems fighting opponents that were armed with weapons.

I have no choice... I have to fight Lana.. Dusk lifted his swords and sent a barrage of attacks towards Lana. Lana dodged all of his attacks with ease, and the ones she didn't dodge, she smacked them away with a punch or kick.

Solaris looked at his parents fighting and felt his heart drop. "S-stop! Stop fighting, please!"

Dusk and Lana stopped fighting and looked at their son. "I-I've decided!"

~Back At The Grove~

 Luna and Autumn sat under the willow tree, watching the smoke coming from the town. Autumn suddenly stood up.

"That's it! I'm going to see what's going on!" She marched towards the autumn side of the grove. Luna got up and ran after her.

"Hold on! You're going to the town?! Those crazy people are obviously still fighting! You'll get hurt!"

"I don't care! Dreamer could be hurt and if that's true, I'm not going to just sit here and wait for him to come back!"

"No!" Luna ran in front of Autumn and stood in her way. "I won't allow you to go! At least explain this place and who you and Nightmare are to me!"

Autumn sighed and sinked to her knees in defeat

Huh... That was easy.. Luna thought. She sat next to Autumn, waiting for her explanation

"Okay, like I said earlier, My name is Manawa, but I prefer to be called Autumn. You know that orphanage near the edge of town?"

Luna nodded. She had seen the orphanage only once. That place was horrible! All the kids were hopeless and the owner didn't even care! To Luna this hadn't affected her in any way, but to see such a place like that in a nice town like that one puzzled her.

"We came from there. We were sick and tired of that place! Everyone there was treated like shit and we all hated it, but we could never leave because that place was all we had..."

Luna tilted her head to the side "But you did leave cuz you're here right now and,  I'm only assuming this, but I'm guessing you guys live here." Luna pointed to the hole in the willow tree, then crossed her arms.

Autumn smiled "Aye, we do live here.... With my abilities I was able to grow this place and make it so that only me, Nightmare and any other person we liked could come here."

"Eh? Da hell does that mean?" Who exactly is this girl? And where did she get such amazing abilities to do this?

"It means that you could only come here if me or Nightmare gave you permission, otherwise you'd be running in a bunch of willow trees."

"Ooohhh. I see now, but..." Maybe I should ask her... If I ask nicely she could tell me, then again, she could lie about it


No... I shouldn't ask.. That would be stupid of me to. Luna shook her head "Never mind. It's nothing. Let's go find Nightmare now"

Autumn smiled and led the way back to the town. Luna looked back at the grove, but shook her troubling thoughts away and ran after Autumn

~Back At The Town~

 Dusk and Lana stopped fighting and looked at their son. "I-I've decided!"

"You've decided?" They asked simultaneously

Solaris took in a deep breath. "I-I..."

Dusk smiled and nodded, already knowing what choice Solaris made "It's okay, Solaris, my son. I understand. Now, go with your mother and make sure she is well." He lowered his swords

"D-dusk..." Lana started, but shook her head "Solaris, hop on Kekoa. I'll go get Kaimana."

Solaris obeyed his mother's orders and hopped onto Kekoa's back while she went to get Kaimana. It seemed that Kaimana was still fighting the townpeople. Kaimana was an excellent fighter, but even he could not handle the overwhelming amount of Numbers coming at him.

"Kai! This way!" Lana came in, punching and kicking the townspeople out of the way, clearing a path towards Kekoa

Kaimana stopped fighting and began to run towards her "Master! I'm coming!"

Around Kekoa, townspeople started to gather. He growled and blew fire balls at them. Lana ran to Kekoa as fast as she could, then jumped onto Kekoa's back.

"Come on, Kai! We gotta go now!" Lana screamed

"Distract him! Don't let him escape!" Ricardo said, pointing at Kaimana

"No! Let them leave! We have no quarrel with them! As long as the Dark Number is far away from the town, we will not harm them!"

The townspeople blinked and looked around for the source of the voice. Their eyes landed on Dusk. His sword on the ground beside him was a signal of retreat. The townspeople frowned and protested against his orders

"No! As I had said before I will not allow you to harm them! They have done us no harm! The only thing that is of danger to us is that Dark Number!"

The townspeople gave up and let Kaimana pass. Kaimana walked through them, his eyes on Dusk. He gave his old friend one last smile before climbing on top of Kekoa.

Kekoa set off into the sky. They looked down at their once beloved town. No longer would this place be their home. No longer would they see the familiar faces. Hear the jolly voices, the joyish laughter. The tears, the blood, the memories would all be gone.

Kekoa flew past the town, looking forward. He was the only one not to look back. Lana looked at her husband, her soft expression caught his sad, but stony one. Two lovers separated by pride and love. Never again would they meet each other. Never again would they see each other's eyes, hold each other's hands, and to never bicker among themselves about the smallest of things. All because they refused to give in. All because Lana loved her child and Dusk protected his people and pride.

Kaimana looked at his fellow townspeople. They were all like family to him. Ever since he came to this town, Kaimana felt like an outsider, but because of Lana, Kaimana was able to push those feelings aside and make wonderful friends. He looked away... Now is not the time to get emotional...

Solaris looked at his father. His only role model and hero was now gone. He thought to himself about how he would protect his mother without his father's guidance. How he would become the man he dreamed he would be? Solaris looked away only for a moment, but when he looked back his father was staring right back at him.

They stared at each other, unspoken words spoken to each other.

One day, when you're grown and a man, I will see you again, my son

Father, I will protect mother!

Dusk smile, unwanted tears welling up in his eyes. Even though Solaris chose to stay with his mother, Dusk was so proud of him. When Solaris was first born, he wasn't as strong as people would expect him to be. In fact, he was the weakest child in the whole town, but over time, as Solaris grew he became a strong young boy.

Such progress amazed everyone in town. Solaris was a zero, but through his hard work, he became a hero. Dusk knew Solaris would be able to protect Lana. Luna as well, but Solaris would have to forget his hate for Dark Numbers and realize his love for his sister in order to do that

Dusk smiled Aye... Make sure you protect that troublesome sister of yours as well...

Solaris eyes widened B-but father...

Dusk shook his head. I'm sure... Next time, when you're older, you'll understand our actions, Solaris...


Solaris, my son, when the time comes will you be Luna's older brother?

And with that they all disappeared from view. The suns last rays giving them light as they ventured on into the Number realm on their search for Luna

~Claoked man's POV~

Luna hasn't returned yet. It's been nearly three days since she left. Where has that child gone?

Usually Luna would have returned a day later, but no she hasn't. That girl is driving my patience.

Suddenly I hear a flapping sound outside my home, which is a cave, but it's an awesome cave.

I look outside and see a red dragon flying overhead with what appears to be two adults, one male and one female, along with a boy child.

The woman and the child seem very familiar... Like I've seen them before... Meh. Even if I did know them they wouldn't be much of a nuisance. What matters right now is getting Luna back here.

I have to find Luna. There's a town nearby and if she goes there all my plans will be ruined! She'll learn "love" and "kindness" and "mercy" and all that pathetic crap. All  that crap is useless!

Now usually, if it were another town, I wouldn't be worried at all, but that town is where Luna's parents live. I'm sure that her parents still love her, despite her absence. If they find her, they'll teach her all that useless crap, making Luna a weak, pathetic, useless puppet!

I will not have that! I need her to complete my dream! I will complete my dream! Then all this suffering I've faced will all go away! Then I can be happy again.. I can go back to before all this started...

No more little language thingy~ ; 3; Oh, wells. So, my little readers, I hoped you enjoyed this chappy and thanks chokes much for reading and waiting for it

Mahalos chokes much for reading and what not, ma peeps~! ^3^ Have a nice, dream filled day/afternoon/night!

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