Ice | serayna

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by Serayna


Ravenna is cursed.

Humans see her as a dangerous threat — a witch that must be executed. With the uncontrollable ability to form ice at her fingertips, she's forced into hiding amongst the humans, stealing to survive. That is, until she hears of an ancient dragon with the ability to breathe ice instead of fire.

Enter into a world where sexy demons run wild and a powerful Ice Queen is created.


The creature lumbered toward them, bony claws scratching against the lake's frozen surface. It stood taller than the bridge, its red eyes level with Ravenna's. Patches of wispy fur covered its wolf-shaped body. Swirls of darkness curled around it, like shadows dancing away from the moonlight. Several spots of bone poked through its ragged skin. Its rusty, stained teeth were exposed and barred.

It reared back, its head angled toward the heavens, and roared.

A tremor jolted the bridge. Ravenna was rocked back, her shoulder slamming against the ground. She squeezed her eyes shut as grown men screamed around her. Ice shattered as bodies were thrown from the bridge, piercing the waters below. A clawed paw raked across the stones. The bridge crumbled.

Her heart jumped as the stones vanished beneath her feet. The falling sensation disappeared and the entire right side of her body cracked against a wall of ice. Cold exploded around her. Pain splintered through her veins, replacing her blood with agony. Water filled her mouth before she could close it, clogging her throat.

Her eyes snapped open. Darkness surrounded her, except for the whitened moon that swayed across the sky. She fought to swim toward the surface. Her right arm screamed with pain, refusing to move. Her cloak tugged at her throat as if it were caught beneath boulders.

The pain seeped into her lungs, only this time it was different. It was heavy, desperate. It clawed at her lungs. Bubbles burst past Ravenna's lips. Waves of exhaustion slammed into her, beating her down like angry ocean. With each strike, her determination to reach the surface faded.

She stared at the moon. It grew larger, whiter, and seemed to shimmer against the backdrop of a blackened sky. The stars around it were muted –invisible, even. She blinked and the moon was replaced by a pair of blood-red eyes.

Then it faded until her vision darkened entirely.

Read the rest of Ice here!

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