Broken memories

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Hatter had set up a camp fire and was making some tea in a little pot.

Hatter: "so Julia is it?"

Julia: "yes sir" she said shyly

Hatter: "well it's nice to meet you" let's the pot steam up.

Julia: "what's your name?" She asked

Hatter paused and thought for a minute "H-Hatter Hatter,my name is Hatter my dear or at least I think it is." He Said causally pouring the tea into a cup and then into another cup.

(Wait where he get the pot and cups? And tea?)

(Author: you really want me to explain how a man that killed 12 people last chapter and is probably insane how he has tea and cups and etc etc.)

Hatter: "anyhow tell me Miss Julia why were you at that horrid camp?"

Julia: hugs her teddy bear tightly "t-they caught me...."

Hatter: Frowns "I see well drink this you look thirsty." Hands her a cup of tea.

Julia takes the cup and carefully drinks it. The tea taste wonderful it made her smile a bit. It's been a while since she  drank something with so much...taste. This made her have thoughts of her life before the War and when her parents were around.

Julia: her smiled faded and lowers the cup. "Mr Hatter?"

Hatter: "Yes?" He looks at her

Julia: "are you going s-some where?" She asked

Hatter: "yes I'm Going to a tea party" he said smiling

Julia: "really?"

Hatter: "yes,I'm having tea with a old friend of mine and we mustn't be late it's rude to be late you know."

Julia: smiled slightly and nods

She then see Hatter pull out a broken pocket watch. She heard him say "let's see ah it's only seven we have plenty of time"
Soon Julia quickly said "Mr Hatter that clock is broken"

Hatter: "what? No no it's perfectly in working order see the big hand is on the Seven and so is the little hand so it's perfectly find."

Julia walks up to Hatter and points to the bullet lodge in the pocket watch.

Julia: "it's broken there's a thing in between it."

Hatter looks at the pocket watch and rubs his eyes and see the Bullet lodge in between the pocket watch. He drops it "it''s broken........I'm late....I'm late!!! I'm late!!!!" He quickly runs and trips and hits the ground knocking himself out........everything goes black............

The year is 1929 a great festival was happening people were dancing and cheering in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the white kingdoms rule.

A young man named Jack Hatting was walking around the festival and ran into Alice Mathew. Or "Alice"

Jack: "Hello Alice good to see ya again." Smiles

Alice: "you To Hatter" Giggles

Jack: "oh please I'm not a Hatter yet but soon I will be and I will be the most fantastic and fabulous Hatter in all of the Hatting Family!!" He shouted happily

Alice: giggles "I know you will so how have you been?"

Jack: "Wonderful yesterday me and Hair fought a un holy beast!"

Alice: "really? What was it?" She ask surprised

???: "it was a chicken you mad fool."

Soon a man wearing A light orange trench coat walks over.

Alice: "Chester!" Hugs him

Chester: "hello Alice" Smiled

Jack: "I prefer the term mad Hatter" Giggles "and beside how do you know Chester you weren't there"

Chester: "I saw you and hair being chased by a rooster until it was hit by a car."

Alice: giggles

Jack: "It was a un holy monster! But it did taste wonderful."

The three friends all watch the festival from a far.

"Mr Hatter Mr Hatter please wake up!"

Hatters eyes opened and see Julia next to him,tears In her eyes.

Hatter: "why are you crying Julia what happened?"

Julia: "y-you trip and hit your head I thought you w-were d-

Hatter: Hugs her "it's ok Julia I'm fine just trip is all" Picks up His Hat and puts it back on.

Hatter: "now it's getting dark let's go find some where to sleep ok?"

Julia: wipes her eyes "Ok."

Thus the two we're off. Still Hatter was un sure of what he saw...when he blacked out....he felt like he knew those people.......

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