"How Wattpad Works" Sneak Peek and Q&A with @kfxinfinity

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Some of my favorite parts in The Writer's Guide to Wattpad explore how Wattpad fits into the bigger writing/publishing picture. To illuminate that perspective, Kevin Fanning (kfxinfinity) put together a chapter called, How Wattpad Works. Here's a sneak peek. 


*** Q&A with kfxinfinity

What Year Did You Join Wattpad?


Why Did You Join Wattpad?

Someone who worked there saw my writing on another site and invited me to check out the platform. I loved it instantly.

What's Your Favorite Part About Writing?

When I'm done with the writing and I can post it and see what people think.

What's Your Least Favorite Part About Writing?

Having to do the actual writing.

What Advice Would You Give to a Writer Just Starting Out on Wattpad?

Write the stuff you are most interested in reading. Don't get caught up in writing things for other people.

What Wattpad Story Are You Reading Now?

Spitfire in Love by isabelleronin, Dorthy by ShaunAllan, Harry on the Praire by styles_orama

How Do You Write?

Laptop and Scrivener.

If There Was a Sandwich Named After One of Your Characters, What Would it Be and Why?

I...hmm...now I'm hungry.

How Much Input from Readers Do You Use for Your Stories?

As much as they want to give me! People's reactions to my chapters are the best thing about Wattpad. All kinds of interesting twists have happened in my books because of things readers said in the comments.

What Motivates You to Continue Writing?

I have a routine, it's part of my mental health care. I feel like garbage any day I don't write at least a little bit.

What's Your Favorite Place to Read a Book?

In bed right before turning out the light.

Do You Think Technology is Making the Craft of Writing Better or Worse?

Definitely better.

How Do You Manage to Stay Away from Social Media While You Write? Or Is that Even Possible?

Most of my writing is about social media, so I wouldn't even try.

Socks While Writing: Yes or No?


Where is the Best Place to Write a Book?

A coffee shop or library. Somewhere public.

Suppose You Just Inherited $1 Million. What Would You Do With the Money?

Ummm...pay off debt?

With Whom Did You Last Text With?

My friend, Meghan.

Smartphones: Apple or Android?

I like them both fine.

Hemingway Said to "Write Drunk, Edit Sober." What Do You Say to That?

The idea that drugs or alcohol enhance creativity is completely fake and a dangerous trap.

Do You Think Writers Should Leave Their Older Works Up on Wattpad Even if They Don't Reflect Where They are Now?

If they feel like it, but not if they don't?

You're Floating High Above Earth, Alone in a Space Station. You Hear a Knock from Outside on One of the Windows. What Do You Do?

I didn't hear them, I had my earbuds in and was listening to Harry Styles.

If You Could Live Inside a Fictional World Created in a Book, Which One Would You Choose?

Lonely Werewolf Girl.

How Much Coffee is Too Much Coffee?

Four cups.


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