Chapter 2

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(Y/N) was in up in the main center of the hunter base. Alongside him was two of his other teammates James A.K.A Spider and Rina A.K.A Marino. They stood there waiting for the mission that would be assigned to them. Signas soon walks in.

Signas: Alright, glad to see you all could make it

(Y/N): Of course, sir we all got here as soon as we heard you over the intercom

Signas: Alright, Alia if you would

A woman with blonde hair wearing an earpiece nodded.

She began typing on a holographic keyboard. Soon a couple of holographic screens appeared floating in front of the group. The screens showed Atlas and various shots from what looked to be a building on the outskirts of it.

Alia: From what our intel had gathered we've gotten multiple reports of a multitude of faunus being kidnapped and brought here. We don't know what exactly is going on, on the insides of this building. But we have a hunch that Sigma may be involved

(Y/N): Alright, so we're going to have to find out what's happening there

Signas: Yes, we can't leave those Faunus to whatever fate they are brought into. The Navigators for this mission will be Alia and Palette

After he said that a chair next to Alia quickly spun around revealing a smaller girl in a sort of green and black armor. This was another navigator known as Palette.

Palette: Righty-o

The three nodded as an energy field surrounded them and seconds later, they were teleported away. They soon appear on the outskirts of Atlas near the building that they were told about.

(A/N): By the way whenever they are on missions or the like they go by their codenames

X, Spider and Marino all looked up at the building that was a few feet away from them. They looked to each other and nodded then making their way into the building as sneakily and stealthy as possible. They make it inside to what seemed to be both a factory and storage building. 

X: Well, this definitely isn't what I was expecting

Marino: You can say that again

Spider: This place is definitely used to make weapons

They began making their way further into the building eventually coming across many crates along with many smaller mechanoloids moving them.

X looked at one of the crates that was close to them and opened it looking inside. Inside he sees multiple dust crystals.

X: Dust crystals, looks like they're using this factory to make something with them

Marino: Wonder what that could be

A sound then came on over their comms with them quickly picking it up hearing Palette on the other end.

Palette: Hey I finished up a whole scan of the building. Looks like we got the most activity a couple rooms ahead of you guys

X nods at this and looks back at his team nodding to them. With that they sneak pass the mechanoloids and made it to another room where they ducked into a dark hallway getting out of the sight of a security drone that flew by. After that they continued on through the hallway while avoiding any other security drones that they ran into on the way. They soon make it to the entrance of the room that Palette mentioned but before they entered however Palette came back in over the comms.

Palette: Wait! Going in directly would be suicide! There should be an access panel above that should lead you to the rafters above in the room

Looking up they do see it and quickly and quietly make their way into it, soon reaching the end of it and onto a set of rafters above the room Palette was talking about. They look down from them seeing multiple Faunus being forced to work in some type of sweat shop like environment. Multiple of those smaller mechanoloids were also seen down there also seemingly keeping an eye on the Faunus. Whatever they were being forced to work on seemed to be robotic bodies with the dust being used as some type of fusion reactor for them.

X: Well, we found the Faunus

Marino: And that also explains what they're doing with the dust, though why are they being forced to make robotic bodies?

Spider looked on while narrowing his eyes until he suddenly heard something.

Spider: Someone's coming

They look at him for a second before looking towards where he was looking. A large metal door opened revealing a large red maverick who walked into the room.

X: Silverhorn

Marino: Guess we now know who's behind this now

Silverhorn walked into the room and looked down at all the Faunus. He then lets out a loud hardy laugh.

Silverhorn: That's right you stupid animals. Keep working on those bodies or else

He continued to make his way through the room while he looked down at all the Faunus with a glare. He eventually walked by an elderly Faunus who began to cough violently before collapsing his seemingly daughter crouching down to see if he was alright. Silverhorn turned and glared down at them.

Silverhorn: HEY!! Get up and get back to work you damn animal

Female Faunus: Please! My father's health is very poor he can't keep working like this

Silverhorn: Fine.....Kill them

The female Faunus looked on in shock and multiple of the small mechanoloids began to approach them. Silverhorn chuckled to himself as he left, while the female Faunus cried for him to stop them. She looked on in fear as they approached her, she hugged her father close to her as the other Faunus around looked on unable to do anything. She closed her eyes waiting for death, but it never came as she then heard sparking. She opened her eyes as she sees each of the mechanoloids had a singed cut mark in each of them. They then fell over as she sees Marino with her beam daggers out. Marino turned and nodded to her. More mechanoloids began rushing towards her as X and Spider jumped down and took them down. After doing so an alarm was then sounded all around the building.

X: Damn it

Marino looked to the other Faunus who were in the room.

Marino: Everyone, we need you guys to hide. We'll take care of every one of these bastards in this facility and once we're done, we'll come get you alright.

All the Faunus all looked at them before they all quickly began running to a place to hide. The female Faunus quickly helped her father up and began moving with the rest but not before mouthing a quick thank you to them. After they had left multiple more mechanoloids entered the room and trained their weapons on them.

X: Alright, lets take them down!

Marino and Spider nodded at this and quickly rushed into battle. Spider jumped over some and threw down some razor-sharp playing cards down into their eyes breaking them and making to fall over too damaged to move now. Marino dashed pass a group of them and slashed them destroying them. X fired some shots into them before getting up close to one and firing a point-blank shot into it destroying it.

X: Alright, lets keep moving 

With that they move on through the facility destroying other mechanoloids that they ran into. Spider dodged another one that tried to shoot at him then throwing another playing card straight through it. Marino jumped over one and landed on their back before stabbing them in the head with one of her beam daggers. X dashed forward with his colors changing as well.

X: Fire Wave!

A stream of fire came out of his buster and consumed some more of the mechanoloids that were in their way destroying them. They continued on and eventually make it to a large metal door. They enter and see that Silverhorn was currently on a video call with someone.

Silverhorn: Yes, that Duest that you provided me are doing perfectly. 

???: I'm glad to hear that, I do so hope that you and your master holds up your end of the bargain

X immediately recognized the voice belonging to Jacques Schnee.

Silverhorn: Yes, my master will give you your reward once we make him the perfect body, so just be patient. Now if you excuse me, I have some pest that need to be squashed

The screen turned off as he turned to face the maverick hunters.

Silverhorn: Well, look who it is. The maverick hunters, are you here to try and stop my operation?

X: I think you already know the answer to that Silverhorn

Silverhorn laughed a bit at this.

Silverhorn: I suppose so but that doesn't matter. I'll just squash you three underneath my foot

The cannons on Silverhorn then fired out powerful blast of water from them. The maverick hunters quickly jumped out of the way of them. Once they landed a ping came from their communicators with Alia coming on.

Alia: Careful, those cannons on him are incredibly powerful modified hydro cutters. If those manage to hit you, you'll be cut in half in an instant 

X: Alright, any sign of his weakness?

Alia: We're having Layer look into that right now, just please hold out until she's done

X nodded and dodged another strike from Silverhorn. Marino dashed at her and slashed at him with her beam daggers though with Silverhorn's body being heavily armored it barely did any damage. Silverhorn turned and swatted her away with his large hand. X fired a couple of shots into his face before he dodged out of the way of another attack from Silverhorn's cannons. Spider threw some of his playing cards at the large maverick with them stabbing into him, Silverhorn quickly turned and rushed at Spider and swatted him into a wall. Marino jumped onto his back and began stabbing away at his back. Silverhorn tried to get her off him, but he couldn't quite reach her. As Marino was distracting him X was behind him charging up a charge shot. Soon Silverhorn shook Marino of him but was soon hit by X's charge shot that made him stumble back. Silverhorn turned and glared at him and fired off his cannons again with X barely avoiding it. However, this time Silverhorn kept firing and continued to follow X as he kept trying his best to avoid them. Silverhorn soon corners X and was about to swipe the cannon's fire at X but he was soon stopped by multiple cards stabbing into him at multiple angles. X looked on confused before he soon sees a translucent figure land in front of him. This being Spider in his trickster mode. Marino then landed by them as well as they look on as Silverhorn began trying to remove the cards that were stabbed all over him. The comms then came on again this time a more mature voice came on this being Layer.

Layer: I've found his weakness. Silverhorn is highly susceptible to electric based weaponry

Hearing this X looked to his teammates and nodded.

X: Alright, lets take him down!

A light surrounded X as his armor changed to his fourth armor.

Marino smiled at this.

Marino: Right behind you leader

A light hen surrounded her as she switched into her quicksilver mode.

X's armor color then changed as he then fired out an electric ball at Silverhorn.

X: Spark Shot!!

The electric ball made contact with Silverhorn shocking and stunning him. With that both Spider and Marino rushed in. Marino attuned her beam daggers with electrical energy, slashing Silverhorn and injuring him further. When Silverhorn tried to attack her, he was stopped by Spider throwing multiple cards into him making him stumble back in pain. Spider then landed and flipped through his cards.

Spider: Tri-Card!!

He then threw out three cards at Silverhorn with him being immediately shocked by them. X fired another spark shot into Silverhorn's stomach area shocking him even more. Silverhorn lets out a low growl before he jumps up and lands back down causing a small quake and a massive wave of water straight at them. They quickly jump up to avoid it, all the while X began charging. Marino jumped down and dashes pass Silverhorn while slicing off his cannons making him yell out in pain. Before he could do anything, Spider threw multiple more cards into him stunning him even more. X then jumped down finishing his charge and pointed his buster at Silverhorn.

X: Take this!!

X then fired out a wave of electricity at Silverhorn hitting him directly. The wave of electricity knocked him over, with him now sparking and sputtering now being heavily damaged. All the maverick hunters regrouped and looked at the now defeated Silverhorn.

Silverhorn: D-Damn you Maverick hunters. W-Well it doesn't matter now m-my master will a-avenge me

X: It doesn't matter we'll take him down too. No matter what you all won't be getting any further with your crimes and you won't be hurting anyone else

Silverhorn: H-Heh, we'll see about that! Gah!!

His body then began to blow up, with him then being completely destroyed. They all change back to their normal armor and quickly head out seeing all the other Mechanoloids had fled upon hearing their boss had been defeated. They soon see the Faunus that were being held captive here.

X: Everyone it's alright now. You're now free and can now go back to your normal lives again

The Faunus all looked on at them in happiness and cheered. A few hours later all the Faunus that was in the facility were put on a ship that was property of the Maverick Hunters that was going to transport them back to menagerie. Before they were the female Faunus from earlier walked up to X.

Female Faunus: Thank you so much for saving us

X: It's no problem, ma'am we were just doing our job

The female Faunus smiled at this and hugged him before running back onto the ship sitting back with her father, waving a goodbye to them. X waved back as the ship's door closed and it took off.

Signas: Good work today. You all earned yourselves some rest

X: Thank you sir

Signas smiled at this and nodded. X looked back to his teammates with Marino smiling and chuckling a bit and Spider giving a small thumbs up. With that they were teleported back to base. We then cut over to a more robotic and darker castle like structure. Inside we see multiple robots and Mavericks moving about working on the building and other tasks. We then see a maverick that looked to be a doctor walk by multiple others.

He continued to walk until he made it to a large metal door. Upon entering we see a large room that had multiple wires hanging from the ceiling. As he entered the door behind him shut closed in an instant though the maverick had no reaction to it.

???: I presume you have some information for me Dr. Psyche?

The maverick now known as Dr. Psyche nodded with a bow.

Dr. Psyche: Yes sir, but unfortunately it is not good

???: And what is it then

Dr. Psyche: Silverhorn has been destroyed by the Maverick Hunters 

An uneasy silence set in upon the two before a laugh was heard.

???: Well, that is unfortunate, but it doesn't matter. Silverhorn was being to rash to begin with, and he got what he deserved

Dr. Psyche: I see, so what shall we do now master Sigma

A large purple floating head then appeared with a wide grin.

Sigma: We'll continue on with our plans and soon this world will be ours!

We then cut back over to the Maverick Hunter base, where it was now night. We see (Y/N) walking through the halls of the base and soon made it to his room. Upon entering he sees someone sitting at his windowsill. She had a bushy raccoon tail and wore some glasses as well. She was smoking a small pipe as she turned to (Y/N) with a small smile

(Y/N): Haven't we talked about this?

 Girl: Oh, are you not happy to see me?

She gets up and approaches him getting right up next to him.

(Y/N): I didn't say that I'm just saying you really need to stop sneaking into here

Girl: Then how else would a be able to see you?

She brings her hands up to his helmet removing it shortly after showing his (H/C) hair. She smiled at seeing this while she places his helmet onto a nearby table before putting her hands on his chest.

(Y/N): Maybe with a way that you don't have to sneak into where I live and work

Girl: Hmm...

She places her head on his chest with him even hugging her close to him.

Girl: Can I stay for the night? It's been a while since we've last seen each other, and I've missed you

(Y/N) looked down at her for a second thinking over what to say. A small sigh then escaped his lips.

(Y/N): Alright, you can stay. But don't get any funny ideas Mamizou

A small giggle escaped her lips.

Mamizou: No promises~

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