Eiji - Libra

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Role: Anti-Hero (formerly), Support Character (currently)

Age: 17

Has black hair and dark beige eyes.
Wears a black shirt with dark pink linings, white pants, and glasses.

He happens to be very smart and knows about everything in Paradise Gate and its history. He also happens to be judgmental in treating things negative in a more awkward way.

After learning his little brother was dying, Eiji strives to become a doctor in hopes of finding a cure. Eiji happens to be a very quick learner who studied day after day, and has already receive an early promotion. Unfortunately, he couldn't become a doctor due to his young age, but the doctors swore to him that they will find a cure for his younger brother. Feeling depressed that he could've been the one to save his brother's life, the Sage confronts Eiji, who gave him power and went on a mission to save his brother.

Unnamed parents
Unnamed little brother


Constellart - Shapeshifting: Like the rest of the constellation bearers, Eiji has been given one superpower while in his human form.

Eiji can transform himself into someone else and can revert back to his original appearance at any time. He uses this ability to trick people and gain access to classified places to the public.

Constellation Transformation - Libra: He has the ability to transform into the physique form of Libra, and could transform back to human at any time.

Justifier: Eiji's weapon when he transforms into Libra. It takes the form of a khakkhara, a weapon used by monks as a noisemaker to announce their presence and scare away animals. He can use as a regular bo staff and activate his powers with it.

Gravity Shift: Eiji can use the Justifier to strike the ground and gravity will be intensified around him. Anyone in that area will feel like their bodies are heavy and will be stuck lying on the ground.

Judgement Manipulation: Libra has the power to make sure there is a balance, meaning Eiji can manipulate laws and order.

-- Authoritization: If there's a certain area Eiji wants to take over, he can use his power to make that his own domain. Anyone who's involved with that area will have their memories erased.

-- Divine Punishment: Eiji can teleport someone to a special place where he controls and that person will be tortured by the level of what nature or the universe decides. This will cause the subject to have a deep mental breakdown, being haunted and traumatized.

-- Banishment: If someone committed many sins, or a sin that could never ever be forgiven, Eiji can sentence that person to death. He can either take his/her soul away, or transport them to hell, literally.

Illusion Manipulation: Libra tends to use illusions in his judgement.

-- Illusion Clone: Eiji can summon clones of himself to help him fight in battle. These types of clones are able to speak and cannot be destroyed.

-- Reality Rejection: He can curse someone with an illusion that they don't exist, or manipulating them into thinking they are betrayed and tortured by those who are close to them. Eiji tends to use this sometimes to extract information or the truth the hard way.

-- Death-Level Illusion: This is Eiji's ultimate ability where he makes the enemy see their horrible past and the terrible things they did. Every time Eiji uses this, the enemy tends to commit suicide.

Awakening: Similar to the other constellation bearers, Eiji can unleash Libra's power to its full potential.

Eiji gains a new ability called The Eye of Truth where it can tell him from good and evil. He can also use his eye to talk to mother nature or the universe to ask for answers or directions.

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