Kohana - Virgo

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Alias: The Faith Healer

Role: Major Support Character

Age: 17

Has long black hair with two pony tails at the bottom and golden eyes.
Wears a new traditional black and white dress, a diamond collar bracelet, and a jewel bracelet on her left leg.

Kohana appears to have a dark and mean nature because of her past and her duties. But it's revealed that the reason why she's cold to everyone is due to her not trusting people who think too fondly of her powers. But Kohana changed after she met Raidoh, when he encouraged her the importance of accepting who she is and how she can help make the world a better place. Now, Kohana is determined to help and save others in a time of crisis. She fell in love with Raidoh because of that and desired to protect him from harm and comfort him in dark times.

Kohana is born into a family who runs a church. The Sage, who mysteriously is affiliated with the church, gave Kohana the power of her constellation at a very young age. Now the church has changed into a place where people who are nearing their deaths can be healed, due to Kohana's powers. However, realizing how people may be greedy to come after Kohana in the future for her healing powers, her family made a rule that the Faith Healer can never show her face.

Unnamed Parents
Raidoh - Lover and Boyfriend
Marie - Romantic Rival


Constellart - Life Grant: Like the rest of the constellation bearers, Kohana has been given one superpower while in her human form.

Kohana has been granted a fragment of Virgo's healing power while in her human form. She can focus her hands on a certain wound and concentrate. Then, it will a show a pleasant white glow, and the wound will slowly recover as if time has been reversed.

Constellation Transformation - Virgo: She has the ability to transform into the physique form of Virgo, and could transform back to human at any time.

The Epilogue: Kohana's personal weapon in her constellation form, which takes the form of a halberd. Not only she uses it as a weapon, but it what helps her in activating her powers.

Angel Wings: Kohana can use them to fly and act as a shield to defend herself. The feathers from the wings can be shed off and turn into shapes of arrowheads made out of light, which attack enemies continuously in a zigzag pattern from all sides. She can also use some of the shedded feathers to write a message and send them to someone far off.

Health Manipulation: Since Virgo is a being who is caring, loyal, and strong willed, Kohana has the power to manipulate life and death.

-- Heal Drain: Kohana can use her halberd to drain the life force of an enemy to the point where they turn to dust. Then she can use the life she absorbed to heal herself or another person.

-- Prayer Restoration: Kohana puts her hands together and closes her eyes. She's then surrounded in a white aura with the sight of seeing some gods behind and beside her. Then, white light rains down from the sky like dust, and it ends up healing her allies even from far distances.

-- Temporary Reincarnation: She can make a ritual to summon the spirit or ghost of a dead person and talk with them for only a limited amount of time. Just for as long as she has enough energy and power to maintain the ritual. It's not life-threatening, but she does end up fatigued.

Awakening: Similar to the other constellation bearers, Kohana can unleash Virgo's power to its full potential.

Kohana will be struck by a ray of light up in the sky from the heavens. Then, her pink color will change to a white glowing angel-like appearance. She will also gain a new ability, Omni Restoration which has the power to completely heal anything and everything and return them to their natural state.

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