Raidoh - Leo

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Alias: Rai (by his friends and the other constellation bearers)

Role: Protagonist

Age: 17

Has golden-like hair and eyes.
Wears a white t-shirt, dark brown pants, a simple black bracelet on his right arm, and wears a dog tag around his neck.

He has a normal attitude of a normal everyday person who didn't have trouble in the past at all. He's intelligent, empathetic, and has a willpower in helping others without a second thought. His actions and behavior are what attract others to admire and befriend him, including his enemies.

Raidoh is revealed to be the very last person in achieving the power of a constellation from the Sage. He had a simple and nice life in the past, but his parents are usually busy, with his father being a politician, and his mother being a researcher. Feeling a sense of not wanting to bother his family and that he doesn't exist to them, Raidoh ran away from home and managed to secretly move to the man-made floating island, Paradise Gate to lead a solitary life.

Unnamed parents
Kohana - Lover and Girlfriend
Marie - Childhood Friend and Lover


Constellart - Overcharge: Like the rest of the constellation bearers, Raidoh has been given one superpower while in his human form.

Raidoh has electricity flowing through his body, which helps protect him. Whenever he's about to be hit by someone, the lightning acts on its own and shocks the person trying to hit Raidoh. Also, if rubble or anything else were to fall on him, the electricity from his body acts and levitates the heavy objects and automatically move them out of the way like a magnet. Raidoh can also use his electricity to jump very far and really high. And, if he really broke a bone or one of his body parts got twisted, they will automatically get repaired faster by the lightning.

Constellation Transformation - Leo: He has the ability to transform into the physique form of Leo, and could transform back to human at any time.

Thunderstrikers: Raidoh's personal weapon which are a pair of huge claw gauntlets. The claws are powerful enough to cut through the thickest and most toughest objects. He can even cut something into tiny pieces in one strike.

Roar of the King: Since Leo is the constellation of the lion, Raidoh can emit a very load roar. The roar is powerful enough to blow away or break objects, damage hearing, causing fear, and paralyze someone.

Electricity Manipulation: Leo has the power to manipulate and call lightning.

-- Charged Shot: By generating a ball made out of electricity, he can run towards the enemy and strike them with the ball with his right palm (similar to the rasengan from Naruto). Those being strucked will be sent flying in a circular motion and completely paralyzed. This is Raidoh's signature move.

-- Shockwave: Raidoh can charge his fists with electricity and punch the ground. Then, enemies will be paralyzed by the blastwaves, but only to those in front of him.

-- Electro Force Field: He can manipulate the lightning to create a force field around him, his friends, or big enough to cover the whole island due to Leo's strength. Anyone who tries to make contact or attack the force field will be sent flying back with a shock to remember.

-- Discharge: Raidoh can unleash the lightning within his body, from his hands, and strike all those near him. The lightning can also follow up and shock those who are near the ones who have been strucked already, like being caught in a spider web.

-- Thunder Calling: This is Raidoh's ultimate ability. It starts by generating or calling nearby thunder clouds to where Raidoh is to make one huge storm cloud. Then, a multitude of huge lightning bolts will be fired down everywhere randomly.

Awakening: Similar to the other constellation bearers, Raidoh can unleash Leo's power to its full potential.

Raidoh's awakening is special out of the others. When Raidoh activates it, the powers from the other constellation bearers, including his own, will be banded together to create a giant sword. This sword Raidoh wields can even rival and kill a god. He even possesses one ability from all the other constellation bearers.

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