Chapter 3

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I can't believe it's been 10 months since I wrote my last chapter... (looks like it doubled from last time) I'm so sorry everyone. And again, I re-read the last chapter and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw how poor my spelling was (I wrote "you're" when it needed to be "your") just... just wow. Anyway, I'll stop with the useless babbling because It's not going to get me anywhere annnnnd write the third chapter for you. I hope you enjoy~


Chapter 3

Ben covered his face with his smallish hands as Clockwork laughed and pulled the trigger and to which surprisingly, nothing happened. "H-huh...?" Ben quietly spoke really confused, as he removed his hands from his pale face. Clockwork was in hysterics. "I got you!!! It was a fake gun pipsqueak!!! Y-You should've seen your face, you big baby!!!" She howled in laughter. "U-uh... S-SHUT UP! GOD DAMN YOU!! I-I... Wasn't scared anyway... I just didn't want you damaging my face..." He said scowling and crossing his arms. "Pfft yeah right. Your face is already damaged anyway." She smirked. "DO YOU WANNA FIGHT?! COME AT ME BRO!!" He shouted. Clockwork looked at his and gave a 'seriously...?' look. "Ugh, we haven't got time for your childish games Ben, we have a case on our hands if you haven't noticed already. There's a horde of zombies out there. I wouldn't be asking you this, but... You must lead the group and show us how to kill these pests. You said you brought these zombies back here from a game, right? Well... If that is the case, how do we defeat them? What's the best way to kill these nuisances?" She asks looking quite serious and getting ready to hear what Ben has to say. "Well it's quite simple really..." He spoke, taking out his sword. "Get a weapon... We're going to kill these motherfuckers one by one...".

Ben grabbed a ton of weapons and quickly ran back to everyone else. He placed the weapons down and told them all to grab something. "W-What?! W-We're g-gonna fight t-them?!?!" Masky stuttered indicating he's scared. "We're not just going to 'fight' them, we're gonna kill them! Anyway, it's gonna be fun!" Ben said excitedly, a grin appearing on his face. "I-I don't wanna...!" Masky spoke out. "I'll be right here protecting you." Hoodie said, hugging him. Amazingly that seemed to calm poor Masky. Jeff looked at Jane "and I shall protect you, my sweet". Jane laughed "awh so cute, but honey, I don't need protecting." She winked as she picked up a pistol. Jeff just sighed and picked up a shot gun. Everyone else took a weapon as well apart from Sally. "You stay here, okay Sal?" Jane smiled. "Uh... But I wanna help too!!" She frowned. "You'll be helping us by looking after the house!" Jane asserted and hugged Sally. "Fine then..." Sal sighed and sat down on the floor. "Great, so are we all ready then?" Ben asked. Everyone nodded as Jeff opened the front door, letting everyone out of the house.

They all sprinted to the zombies and started to kick ass. As time flied by, one by one the zombies were destroyed. It was all going perfect until they all heard a scream. "AHHHHHHHHH!!! H-HELP!!!" They all saw a zombie grab hold of Sally. "Shit!" Jeff shot the zombie right in the head, killing it. "I told you to stay inside Sally!!!!!" Jane shouted, still killing the zombies. Jeff leaned down on one knee so he was head level with Sal, Ben defended the both as Jeff talked to her. "Are you okay?" He asked staring at her. "N-No... T-The zombie h-hurt m-me." She sobbed. "Where did he hurt you?" He questioned. "H-here..." She spoke, her voice shaking. She pointed to the back of her neck, where there was a huge chunk of her flesh ripped out. Jeff stared at her shocked and extremely worried. "I-Is it b-bad...?" She sniffed. Jeff was shaking a little. "J-Jeffy...? W-What's wrong...?" She spoke wiping the tears off her cheeks but she can't help but cry still. A tear slowly rolled down Jeff's cheek, he couldn't believe that she was bitten by the zombie. "S-Sally... T-This is all my fault... W-Why couldn't I have just kept an eye on you... G-GOD DAMN IT!!" He shouted and punched the wall next to him extremely hard. All of the Creepypasta family quickly turned their heads over to Jeff. All of a sudden Jeff clenched the gun in his hand and looked at Sally. "S-Sally... I-I promise I d-don't want to do this... B-but I-I... Have to..." He raised the gun to her head, his hand shaking. Her eyes widened as she stared at Jeff. "N-NO PLEASE NO!! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!! DON'T H-HURT ME PLEASE JEFF!!" She squealed, crying her eyes out. "I-I'm sorry Sally!! I-I LOVE YOU!!" He shouted as he pulled the trigger...



I hope you liked this chapter everyone!! Hopefully I'll be writing chapter 4 soon. Please like and comment what you think will happen next and if you haven't followed me already, please go and do so. <3 Have a great day everyone~!

- Ben

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