Chapter 96- Lights Out (Part 2) FINALE

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As the group rushed to find safe light sources to use, a familiar face appeared in the wings.

"Joe?", questioned Miss Laine.

The man smiled.
Leonie texted me to ask for battery operated candles.
I've brought some along!"

Miss Laine smiled.
"Thank you so much!
How are the kids?"

"They're very good!
I brought them along! 
We're all sitting at the back because Deacon doesn't really like loud noises too much."

"I'll come out and thank him after the show", said Leonie.

"I'll come too. I want to see my little man", said Maxon, with Kennedy nodding in agreement.

"I'll get more candles from the corner shop!
I'll be as quick as I can", said Miss Laine.


Miss Laine ran as fast as she could, which was surprisingly fast. She let out a long groan when she saw the queue for the shop.

"This place never has a queue!"

"They got some lovely new blenders in!", smiled the woman in front of her.

Miss Laine sighed.
"Of course they did."

Miss Laine opened her mouth to speak again, but all that came out was a gasp when a strong pair of hands grabbed her.

They covered her mouth and pushed her into a hidden alleyway. Miss Laine's eyes widened when she saw the person.


The man smirked.

"What are you doing?", she asked.

The man lifted up his shirt to reveal deep scars running along his stomach. "You did this to me."

Miss Laine's face softened when she saw the scars, but then she remembered what this man did to Camryn and Isaac.

"There's a chain, Lady.
Always someone to answer to.
Your stunt did this to me", he spat.

"I'm sorry.
Really, I am.
But I did what I had to do to protect my kids."

The man scoffed.
"I get that."

"You do?"

The man nodded.
"I gotta do what I gotta do to protect myself."

"What are you-"

The man grabbed Miss Laine's throat. He began strangling her, a smirk appearing on his face when her eyes filled with fear.

He pressed his lips to her ear.
"You're gonna regret what you did, Red."

Miss Laine reached her hands out, but strugglef against his grip.
Her hand found his shirt, and she mustered up all the strength she could.
She clenched her fist and punched his stomach.

The man doubled over, releasing Miss Laine from his grip.
She gasped for air and started to cough and splutter against her own will.

As her breathing returned to normal, she turned around to face the man. "Listen-"

Miss Laine felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.
A small piece of metal landed on the floor with a CLANK.

The man quickly picked it up, before shoving Miss Laine into a wall and running away.

Miss Laine fell to the ground, a strange feeling coming from her abdomen.
She gently wiped her hand across it, wincing in pain as she felt her hand enter what felt like a puddle.

Her eyes widened when she saw red dripping down her hand.


Chaos insued backstage as everyone looked for Miss Laine's guidance. "Where's Miss Laine?
I feel sick", said Isaac.

"She told me a singing exercise to do before the show but I can't remember it", said Weronika.

"I checked with the Principal.
   He can't get hold of her", said Stanley.

"What are we supposed to do?
We can't do the show without her", said Kennedy.

Whilst the others looked to Leonie for guidance, Camryn noticed her resigned expression.

If Leonie lost her spark then what hope was there for the rest of them?

Camryn shook her head, refusing to believe that this was the end.
Miss Laine loves this club.
She loves us.
We owe it to her to go out there and do our best.
When she gets back, she'll see how hard we've worked.
She's just running late.
We can't give up now!
Too much has happened."

A tingling sensation rose in Isaac's chest.
"Camryn's right.
We can do this!"

"Did someone call for backup?", called out Nico.

"Nico?", questioned Camryn.

Nico grinned at his sister.
"Hey, Cam.
We were sitting in the audience but Essie said she felt like something was wrong.
So we thought we'd help."

"Kayden's in the audience trying to keep them entertained", said Esther. "He's talking to them about the history of Theatre."

"Which he's literally readin' off his phone, by the way", added Nico.

Amethyst smiled at this.

"Well, we could really use some help putting up all these lights", said Leonie.

Esther smiled.
"On it!"

"Like a car bonnet", added Nico.

Esther playfully rolled her eyes.
"You and your blóódy cars!"


Eli looked around at everyone working hard to get the show running.
He couldn't help but feel an enormous amount of love for these people.

Whatever happened tonight, these people would always be his family.

Eli walked over to Amethyst and gently touched her arm.
When Amethyst turned around, Eli took a deep breath and looked into her eyes.
"I... I love you."

Amethyst's eyes widened.
All the moisture from her mouth evaporated and she couldn't move a muscle.
She was paralysed with shock.


"You started out not wanting to be a part of this club at all.
Now look at you.
I know we're playing crushes in the show but... I really do love you. Whatever happens tonight, I'm so proud to be your friend."

A million thoughts and feelings rushed through Amethyst's mind, but she could only pinpoint one of them.

She smiled sweetly at the boy who never gave up on trying to understand her.
"I... I love you too, Eli."

Eli grinned and gently squeezed her hand.

Amethyst looked over at Weronika and ushered her over.
"Thank you for putting up with me.
I love you."

Weronika was stunned.
It took her a few seconds, but she shook it off.
A bright smile appeared on her face.
"I love you too, Amethyst."

Eli made his way over to Isaac and Camryn.
"I'm so happy to be friends with talented people like you.
But talent aside, thank you for raising me up whenever I was down.
I love you, Camryn.
And... I love you, Isaac."

Camryn just wrapped her arms around Eli.
"I love you too, Eli."

An awkward Isaac just looked down when Eli looked at him.
He had given him many hugs before, but none were as emotional as this one would be.

Eli held his hand out, sensing that his friend would appreciate it more.

Without warning, Isaac tackled Eli into a hug, making the taller boy groan as the air was knocked out of him.
"Thank you so, so, so much for everything, Eli.
I love you."

Eli hugged him back.

Isaac turned to Camryn.
"Thank you for seeing some friendship potential in me.
I love you."

Camryn rolled her eyes and pulled him into a hug.
"Oh, come on, Isaac!
It's not about potential.
You've proven time and time again that you're a great friend.
I love you."

Kennedy grabbed Leonie's hand, her smile faltering a little when she felt it shaking.
"Hey, hey, it's going to be ok.
We've been through so much.
But we got through it together.
I love you, Ni-Leonie."

"I uh, I don't mind you calling me Nini", she said, before laughing through her sobs.

Kennedy grinned.
"I love you, Nini."

Leonie smiled.
"I love you too."

Stanley, Darius, Maxon and Eli did a different group huddle.

"Thank you for putting up with our antics", said Darius.

Eli and Maxon looked at each other. "The best babysitting job I've ever had", said Maxon.

"I agree", said Eli.

Stanley's bottom lip trembled as tears formed in his eyes.
"I'm really gonna miss you guys."

Darius' face softened, and he pulled him into a hug. Maxon and Eli joined. Soon, after saying their
'I love you's', the others
joined the huddle.

"We'll only be a phone call away", said Darius.
He looked at Leonie.
"That goes for you as well.
Seriously, you two better call when you leave."

"Oh I'll be texting you the minute
I leave the building", said Leonie.

"I'm texting you all right now", said Stanley.

Just then, everyone's phone vibrated.

Everyone laughed, their laughter muffled ever so slightly by the sound of their tears.

"Classic Stanley", said Maxon.

Leonie put her hand in the middle. "For Miss Laine."

One by one, everyone put their hands on top of each other's.






Adelaine shuddered as a pool of blood collected by her side.
She winced as she pressed her hand against the wound, desperately trying to stem the bleeding.

Her eyes slowly began to close, and she struggled against the growing grip of unconsciousness.
"P-Please, h-help..."

The grip on her wound slowly weakened, and she let out a defeated sigh, before letting the darkness take over.

"Addy? Addy!", exclaimed a voice.

The person rushed to her side.
"What the h*ll happened?
Addy, who did this to you?
Addy, wake up!
Come on, please!"



The final 'thank you' chapter will be published tomorrow.

I can't believe Book 1 is finished. I've had so much fun writing this, but I've also learned so much and I've cried too.

Even though I accepted your character forms, the biggest thank you has got to be from me to you. This entire writing process has been so special and like I said before, I've learned a lot about my writing style, but also me as a person.

What was your favourite moment from this chapter?

What are your thoughts on this chapter?

I thought it'd be nice to do a little interactive thing here:

Which character do you relate to the most and why?

Who is your favourite character? And maybe tell their admin why you think they did such a good job making them?

Which character's growth have you loved reading the most?

What was your favourite storyline from this Book? It can be your own characters or another person's.








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