Chapter 4- Act II (Part 2)

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Everyone froze.
It felt like the oxygen had disappeared all around them.
The worst possible thing, the thing that no one accounted for, had happened.

And they had no idea what to do.

"Wh-what... what do you mean she's been stábbed?", questioned a tearful Kennedy.

Leonie sighed.
"I don't know who did it but she's in a critical condition."

"We have to get down there now!", exclaimed Isaac.

"Would any of us even be any help?", asked Weronika.

"It's not about that!
She was there for us through everything.
Who's there for her?
No one", replied Isaac.

"I'll drive some of us.
Who wants to ride with me?", offered Darius.

"I can borrow my Dad's van and take all of us together?", suggested Stanley.

"I don't think we should go", admitted Kennedy.

Isaac's eyes widened.
I know we worked really hard for this, but Miss Laine's more important."

"I'm with Kennedy", said Maxon.

Stanley rolled his eyes.
"Of course you are."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm sorry, mate.
I didn't mean it like that.
It's just, you always side with Kennedy now", admitted Stanley.

Maxon exhaled sharply.
"This isn't one of those times.
I mean, look at it realistically, ok? Someone from the Board of Governors is out there, right now.
Our fate is literally in their hands.
We can't leave now."

Whilst everyone argued amongst each other, Camryn's ears picked up on sound other than her own thoughts, for the first time since Leonie's news.

She heard the confusion from the audience as they looked out at an empty stage.

Camryn blinked, and for a split second, she saw a distant memory.
She saw Miss Laine talking to her by her tree.

The first adult other than her brother who truly believed in her.

"Guys, stop!", she yelled.

The area fell silent immediately, and Amethyst looked out into the audience to see if they heard.

"Theatre... this club is Miss Laine's life", started Camryn.
"We are her only hope of keeping what she loves alive."

She looked at Isaac.
"Isaac, you're right.
We should be helping her.
But staying... that is helping her.
She'd want us to do this.
So we have to carry on.
Finish what we started."

Eli smiled sadly at her, and nodded his head.
"For Miss Laine."

Leonie nodded in agreement.

Kennedy smiled.
"This is our way of repaying her for all that she's done for us."

Isaac looked at his friends, sadness rising in his chest.
He nodded.
"Let's do this."

Everyone patted Isaac's back, and Eli and Kennedy hugged Camryn.

"Guys, wait!
I think we should sing Hall Of Fame instead of More Than A Band", said Leonie.

"We can't!
That's the song that epitomises us the most", said Eli.

"Yeah, and it wouldn't make sense to use a cover. Hall of Fame has nothing to do with LemonadeMouth", said Amethyst.

Leonie nodded.
"I know, I know.
I checked the rules and it's ok.
I know it's a random choice, but Miss Laine really wanted to hear us perform that.
It feels wrong to sing it without her."

"Leonie's right", said Isaac.

"So, Hall of Fame?"

Everyone nodded, before looking at Eli.

Eli sighed.
"Hall of Fame."


The way the original piece was structured was that More Than a Band would be a group number near the end.

Despite changing the song last minute, the group were confident that they could adapt the choreography.

During the song, Amethyst noticed Leonie stumble, the tears in her eyes distorting her surroundings.
She signalled to Kennedy, who quickly stood in front of her so no one saw.

As the song came to an end, Leonie held onto Kennedy.
Kennedy rested her head against Leonie's, but reached her hand out to Isaac.

Isaac melted into her arms and one by one, everyone joined in on the hug.
The crowd erupted into a thunderous applause.

"That's how we do it!", called out Nico.

"Woo, go Moorside!", cheered Esther.

"Moorside! Moorside! Moorside!", added Kayden.

Some of the parents looked at each other, before joining in.
"Moorside! Moorside! Moorside!
That's our babies!"

Weronika and Darius chuckled at this, and the others managed to find a soothing sense of calm in amongst the chaos.

Eli looked out at the crowd, his eyes sparkling as he watched in awe. Amethyst grinned at this and looped her arm with his.
"Why are you so surprised?
You predicted this."

Eli broke out into a grin.
"I...I never imagined it would be like this."

Eli surprised Amethyst by wrapping an arm around her and resting his chin on her head.
"Like I said... we're a family."


Everyone rushed backstage to grab their phones and text their families to take them to the Hospital.

"Wait, we still have to do the curtain call!", exclaimed Maxon.

Kennedy looked at the beaming audience.
Band first.
All together.
5 seconds later, Stanley, you come out. Then Maxon, then Weronika, Isaac and Leonie all together."

No one seemed to mind that Kennedy was taking charge.
If anything, they were all glad to have some sense of direction.

"GO, GO, GO!", she yelled, clapping her hands at the same time.

Everyone jumped and hurried to the stage.

The band ran out first, sheepish smiles on their faces as the audience cheered.

Nico cupped his hands around his mouth.

He was cut off by Camryn and Kennedy gesturing for Maxon and Stanley to run out.

Stanley's Dad smiled.
"Did you see that run?
My boy's the fastest on the pitch!"

Stanley's younger brother, Liam, shrugged.
"He's a better dancer."

Eva clapped enthusiastically whilst looking at Maxon.

The two boys did a more subdued version of the Windmill, before pointing into the wings and clicking their fingers at the remaining trio.

Amethyst leaned closer to Camryn.
"Are they an Elvis tribute act or something?"

"Well, they're definitely... something."

Kennedy gently tugged on the mic attached to her collar, bringing it up to her lips.
"They danced and sang too, but let's give a massive round of applause to our tech crew!"

The group clapped along with the audience as Weronika, Isaac and Leonie stepped out onto the stage.

Darius bowed down, with Eli and Stanley joining him.
Stanley grabbed Maxon and ropped him into doing it too.

The group barely had any time to soak up the applause, or look for their family, before they ran off stage again.

"Someone send me all the numbers of your family out there and I'll text them on the way", said Weronika.

"Miss Laine added them all to that email group, remember?", reminded Leonie.
"I'll message them there.
Isaac, text Esther and tell her to get everyone to check their emails."

"How are we even going to get there?", asked Darius.

Amethyst raised her phone.
"One of my Dad's business partners owe him a favour.
I texted his driver to come here in our limousine."

Weronika'a eyes widened.
"You have a limo?"

Darius kissed his teeth.
"Rich people, huh?"

"Darius, you have diamond encrusted forks", replied Amethyst.

Weronika's eyes widened.
It's a rich person's world, we're just livin' in it."



I know I said I'd wait and publish more chapters when you have holidays, but this has been sitting here for a while and I wanted to get it out there.

Would you want to see a one-shot or an alternate reality set of chapters of how the show would've gone if Meredith never cut the cables and Miss Laine never got stábbed?

What are your thoughts on this chapter?








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