Chapter 5- Final Act

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In their haste, some of the group, namely Darius, Maxon, Leonie and Isaac, slipped due to the disregarded 'wet floor' sign.

"Woah!", they said in unison.

Weronika pushed Leonie up before she could fall, and Amethyst slammed her shoulder into Darius' to keep him upright.
Camryn held her hand out to stop Maxon and Isaac from falling.

"Ok, ok, new plan", said Kennedy.  "Hurry... cautiously."

Maxon's eyes widened when he saw a familiar face.

Maxon's Mum's face softened when she saw her son.
She looked around before opening her arms to Maxon, who ran to her.
"Oh, baby... I'm so sorry."

"Is she ok?"

Eva sighed.
"I don't know.
I heard that she's just finished in surgery but... yeah.
That's all I'm afraid."

"Where is she?"

"You'll have to ask at the reception desk, love."

Maxon nodded.
He grabbed his Mum's hand, gently squeezing it.
"Mum... she's gonna be ok, isn't she?"

Eva was suddenly transported back to the time an 8 year old Maxon asked her whether the injured lady in the street was going to be ok.

Eva placed a kiss on his forehead.
"She's a tough cookie."


(older sibling group chat)

Does anyone know where our siblings are?

Wait where are you?

I ran out to look for them.

You don't need to. Isaac texted me to say their teacher got into an accident. She's in the Hospital and they've gone there.

Oh no. That's terrible.

Yeah. Whatever happens we can't ask questions ok? Give 'em today to wrap there heads around it.




Nico where are you?

In the toilet

Why can't you control your blóódy bladder?

Do you know how LONG the show was?

I thought I was going to have to bring an empty bottle

Why must I live amongst idiots?


Tracking down the ward number was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and Darius almost ended up donating blood.

It's a long story.

They located the area, but stopped in their tracks when they saw a dark haired devil.

"Carrie", growled Kennedy.

Kennedy clenched her fists and surged forward, blindly hitting at Carrie's chest.
She wasn't a violent person in the slightest, but she couldn't bare to look at the face who had caused so much pain.

Maxon grabbed hold of Kennedy and pulled her back, rubbing her shoulder blades as she screamed into his shoulder.

Carrie didn't try to fight back, instead she held her arms out.
"Anyone else want a go?"

Amethyst frowned.
"Believe me, we all do."

"What did you do to Miss Laine?", asked Camryn.

It was then that Weronika noticed how red Carrie's eyes were.
The tears inside her eyes made a shape reminiscent of a snow globe.

"I don't think she did anything", said Weronika.

Amethyst's eyes widened, and she snapped her head towards Weronika. "Girl, you know who she is right?"

"Lord no, she's got memory loss.
Did you hit your head on the candy floss dispenser on the way out of the limo?", asked Darius.

Weronika rolled her eyes.
"Guys, look at her.
She's done a lot of terrible things, but this?
She isn't responsible for stábbing Miss Laine."

"Smart kid", said Carrie, but there was no snarkiness in her tone.
Her voice was like a body that emitted odour after it died.

She was just a vessel for noise.

"So who hurt her?", asked Camryn.

Carrie shrugged.

"We're wasting time talking to her", said Maxon.
"Let's go and see Miss Laine."

As the students poured into the room, Kennedy gently grabbed Camryn's shoulder.
"Camryn, I... I wanted to apologise."

"For what?", questioned a confused Camryn.

"Back at school.
I took charge and I shouldn't have.
You were in charge before and I... I'm sorry."

Camryn shook her head.
"Hey, don't- Kennedy, I was not in charge, ok?
I didn't know what I was doing.
Thank you for stepping in and helping me.
You're a much better leader than you think."

Kennedy smiled softly, the forlorn look in her eyes betraying her dimples that poked through.
"Thank you.
So are you."


Miss Laine's face looked pale and devoid of blood.
Tubes stuck out of her mouth and some wrapped themselves around her arm.

Her hair was damp from when one of the nurses wiped away the dry blood on her scalp.

Camryn gently shook her head.
"I can't be here", she whispered.

Leonie slipped her hand into Camryn's and pressed her shoulder against the frightened girl's.
"You'll beat yourself up if you leave now."

Camryn nodded and leaned into Leonie's touch.
The pair stood back as the others crowded her bed.

"She looks so... small", said Weronika.

Amethyst nodded in agreement.
"And peaceful.
She didn't suspect a thing, did she?"

"I don't get why someone would do this to her", said Maxon.
"I mean, I know we aren't supposed to know about our teacher's private life, but she doesn't seem like the type to make enemies."

"She was getting candles, right?", asked Isaac.
"Maybe someone tried to rob her?
They saw she was going to the shops so they knew she must have money on her."

"There's no point making up reasons in our head", said Kennedy.
"It'll only make us feel worse."

"Kennedy is right.
I for one am still in the singing mood", said Eli.

"How?", questioned Amethyst.

"Yeah dude I'm in the puking mood right now.
And that didn't even happen when I ate a whole bag of sugar", said Darius.

Stanley nodded.
"I should know.
I dared him to do it."

Eli's eyes landed on Leonie's, and he gave the girl a smile.
He nodded his head at her, before sitting next to Miss Laine and gently holding her hand.

"I can't pretend to know how you feel. But know that I'm here, know that I'm real", he sang.

His voice wavered slightly, but he closed his eyes to regain his composure.

"Say what you want, or don't talk at all. I'm not gonna let you fall", sang Leonie.

Kennedy rested her head on the edge of the bed.
"Reach for my hand, cause it's held out for you.
My shoulders are small but you can cry on them too.
Everything changes but... but..."

Kennedy sobbed into her hands.
She felt a hand on her back, and an arm loop itself with hers.

"But one thing is true, understand.
We'll always be more than a band", sang Weronika.

Kennedy chuckled softly as Weronika playfully pinched the bridge of her nose.
Maxon rubbed his thumb against her shoulder in an effort to comfort her.

"You used to brave the world all on your own.
But now we won't let you go, go it alone", sang Isaac.

His voice may not have been as polished as some of the other's, but he surprised himself to find that he didn't mess up or let his nerves get the better of him.

Stanley stepped forward.
His voice closely resembled talking, but he had improved a lot since joining the club.

"Be who you wanna be.
Always stand tall", sang Stanley.

Not gonna let you fall", Maxon.

"Reach for my hand cause it's held out for you.
My shoulders are strong but you can cry on them too", sang Darius.

"Everything changes but one thing is true, understand.
We'll always be more than a band", sang Amethyst.

Camryn didn't even bother to wipe away the tears that rolled down her face.
She felt an intense aching pain in her chest, and her head felt like it was about to explode.

Then, she caught Isaac's eye.
The boy held his hand out to her, unwilling to hide his own tears. Camryn took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"I never knew you could t-take me so f-far.
I've always wanted to hope that you are the one's I need", she sang.

She grabbed hold of Isaac's hand, and he pulled her into a hug.

Each member linked arms, and they continued to sing, safe in the knowledge that they'd have each other to lean on.

"Reach for my hand, cause it's held out for you.
My shoulders are strong, but you can cry on them too.
Everything changes but one thing is true, understand.
We'll always be more than a band."

They scanned Miss Laine's face for even a flicker of movement, but she remained still.

"Finish the song", said Carrie.
"She can hear you.
I know it."

The others looked at each other, and in that moment of silence they had said all they needed to.

"Reach for my hand, cause it's held out for you.
My shoulders are strong, but you can cry on them too.
Everything changes but one thing is true, understand."

Everyone looked at each other, finally allowing themselves to show their love for each other with the song.

"We'll always be more than... a band."



I gave in and published another chapter. This is going to come back and haunt me later when I haven't written any chapters and am hit with the ol' writer's block.

This chapter HURT to write.

But in all honesty, I love the wholesome moment of them performing the song to Miss Laine. I definitely recommend listening to the song and not just reading the lyrics I wrote.

Did I do the emotion of the scene justice? I'd really appreciate your opinions on it.

What are your thoughts on this chapter?








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