Bryan's Pizzeria!

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Phoenix's POV~

As we wave goodbye to Snipper, we walk up the stairs to Bryan's Pizzeria, "You sure we can pull this off??", I nod, we both take a deep breath and open the door to find Bryan behind the computer, "Excuse me?", He looks up, "Oh! You must be the new employes, correct?", we both nod and I introduce ourselves because I knew agrace was not the best a socialising with other people, "Well, my name is Phoenix and this my friend, agrace but you can call her Grace for short.", Bryan shakes my hand, "Its a pleasure to meet you both!", all three of us suddenly hear something bang against the wall, "W-what was that?!", Bryan sighed and asked to follow him, agrace whispers in my ear, "I bet Molten had something to do with this...", I nod, Bryan opens the door and we step into his Pizzeria for the first time, we look on stage to find Baby and Balloon boy talking and Molten and Afton arguing about Rockstar Freddy, "It was a accident, I didn't mean to shut him down!!", "Yeah! Sure you didn't!!", Bryan just watched his unfold until finally...

They all freeze to see us, agrace was smiling and I knew what we had just signed up for, "Who are they??", Bryan moves out of the way so the others can see us, "These are the new employes that would like to work here...I told you yesterday that I got applications for the job!", Molten looked at us both... I guess he was making sure we weren't spy's...

agrace932's POV~

Once everything was cleared up Bryan started walking with us and asking questions," So... What certian positions are you both interested in? ", Phoenix smiles, "I have been doing a lot of research on anamatronic repairs so I would be interested in doing macanics.", He nods in interest, "What about you, Grace?", I think for a moment, "Well... I am interested in doing security jobs and I have heard that this place needs a night guard.", Bryan also smiles, "That would be great! But I have to warn you... One of the anamatronics like to mess around with others during the night...", I hold back a chocky remark, "I have dealt with a lot of things in my life, I'm sure this could be no different.", Bryan seems impressed with my Determination, "Well... I can show you the office...", I nod and I follow him leaving Phoenix to investigate the place...

Bryan leaves me to get use to my surroundings, I wasn't surprised when I found a flashlight, a monitor but I found a taser, "What...?", I knew anamatronics can get aggressive at night but... I decided that the taser was only used in case of an emergency...

Phoenix's POV~

I was looking around in the arcade room for any clues when I see Bryan come in, "Hello!", Bryan smiles, "I will show you the repair room.", I follow him, as we passed the stage, I noticed Molten was looking at me, I avoid eye contact with him, Bryan opens the secret room, it was heart breaking to see Freddy like this...

Bryan stared at me with shock," Wait... What?", I smile, "I've been working on my own anamatronic models and made a back up system in case they would shut down like this.", Bryan looked really happy, "That's impressive! I'm sure you ad Afton will get along well!!", I flinched at the sound of his name but I knew Bryan was talking about Springbonnie, "Yep! I'm sure whoever built him had an idea of what he was made to do!", Bryan laughs but I can hear it was a ake laugh, "Yep!", I suddenly hear Grace calling for me, "Phoenix?! Where did you go?!", me and Bryan run out to see her, "I'm here!", Grace smiles with relief, "Well... I shall see you all then... At around 12am tonight?", Molten snapped his neck over to her, "What?", "How did you know when to get here...??", Grace rolled her eyes, "Because that's the same time as the newspaper said?", Molten looked like the biggest idoit in the world right now, "Well, goodbye, Bryan!", we wave goodbye to our friends, "That was an interesting experience.", we walk outside only to find Molten waiting for us, "Oh... Uh... Molten, right?", He nods and he gave us a stern look, "Listen closely you two, I want you both to keep out of trouble or there will be consequences for your actions and... I wish Grace good luck tonight...", we walks back into the Pizzeria, "Well...", me and Grace smile, "How about we get Pizza on the way home? We can share it with Snipper when he gets back!", I was diffently in the mood for some pizza!

**I hope you guys enjoy this episode of Thefamous Fans, the next episode is gonna be a great one because... Cliffhanger**

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