Waking Up.

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Phoenix's POV~

I feel a lot better than I did last night but something feels off, I open my eyes, everything is a bit blurry right now, I rub my eyes, I realise that I'm in a black room of some sort, "Woah....", at first I thought I was alone, until I looked down to see two others, one girl and one boy, except the girl's skin was unnaturally white, I decided to try to wake her up, "Hey, miss! Are OK?!", the girl woke up in an instant, "Huh?! What's wrong?! Where are we?!", I was able to calm her down, "Sorry... I was wondering the same thing... Who are you?", she looked hesitant at first but told me her name, "Well... My name agrace... But people call me Grace for short.", my eyes widen, "Wait... As in... agrace932?!", she looked at me with shock, "That's my Wattpad username...!", I help her stand as I explain who I am, "agrace932... Its me... Phoenix!!", she gasped, "Oh... My... God!", we both look down at the third guy, "I bet that's Snipper...", Phoenix bent down to wake him up...

agrace932's POV~

I am freaking out! While she was waking up Snipper, I was trying to work out where on earth we were right now, "So... You Phoenix... And... The black haired girl... Is agrace932...?!", I nod, "Yep! So... Any idea of where we are right now?", I think for a moment, "Would you believe me if I said WD Gaster's Void?", Phoenix and Snipper laugh, "OK... That can be a possibility but for real, where are we?", "Your not actually in a certain place... Your in a fork between two dimensions.", I jump at a new voice and see a dark shadowy figure starting to approach us,"Who are you?! Or what are you?!", the man smiles at us, "I'm so sorry if I scared you...", I'm ready for a fight in case I have to...

Snipper's POV~

I was so confused about what was happening right now! agrace932 lowered her guard because I guess she had a vibe that she can trust Golden Freddy, "Now, let me explain why you are here...", "Lovely.", Golden Freddy started pacing, "I have chosen you three for a certain task: Save Bryan and his anamatronic friends from Springtrap.", I was in shock, "Wait... Wait... You want us... To go there and stop Springtrap! How?!", Golden Freddy smiled, "You all possess powers that will be used to your advantage but one of you must be extremely careful... Phoenix.", Phoenix looks up, "You have the power of leadership... Your able to lead a team even if your under pressure, you also have the sense that tells you if someone is lying.", Phoenix nods, "Wow! So I guess Molten will have to be 1000% honest!", Golden Freddy smiles and turns his attention to me, "Snipper... You have the power to run extremely fast, it will help you get away from a situation and you also are the best at pretending that your innocent when you have something to hide.", I was super happy, "Yay!! I can now out run Springtrap when I need to!!," Wait... What about agrace932?? ", Golden Freddy turns his attention to her," agrace932... Your mind is able to see into the past and the future... So not only are you good at guessing what happens next... You will know what happens next but I would advise that you be careful with your gift... You don't want Springtrap finding out that you can see the future... ", agrace932 was in shock," I don't even understand how my human mind can do that!! ", Golden Freddy now faces us three," Now... I understand that this is a lot to take in right now but, you have to save Bryan... We all now know that Jon is not in the best state of mind, so... One has to go to Jon and the others have to go to Bryan... ", we all look at each other, "I wish you the best of luck...", Golden Freddy disappeared, leaving us wondering what the heck just happened...

Phoenix, Snipper and agrace932 find themselves in a rather medium sized room with a portal, "This is a nice set up...", Phoenix clears her throat, "So! We have to think... Who goes to Jon's and who goes to Bryan's?", we all think, Phoenix has an idea, "OK... Maybe it's best if agrace932 goes to Bryan's Pizzeria because I'm pretty sure if you saw Springtrap you would not have the effect of hiding your hate.", agrace932 takes a offence to that but agreed, "I can go to Jon's.", Snipper said, "Are you sure? I mean... His animatronics are not exactly the most sane...", Snipper shakes his head, "Its fine, besides it would be best if you guys go to Bryan's, Phoenix could tell who is on our side and who isn't and agrace932 can help Bryan when it comes to deciding on what to do with Molten and Rockstar Freddy.", they all come to the agreement, "We need to send in some forms to prove that we want the jobs.", agrace932 pulled out a laptop and started working on the forms, "... And done!!", she sent them to Bryan and Jon and within five minutes, their forms were accepted and were given a date for an interview," Nice! Now we need to rest for a bit...

agrace932's POV~

Phoenix started reading on anamatronic repairs, Snipper was talking a small nap and I was looking around for some spare clothes for us, I come across a blue bag and I open to find three Freddy Fazbear's uniforms inside, "Guys! I found the uniforms!!", I pull them out to see who owns which one and they had a tag on each uniform, "So... agrace... Snipper... Should we try them on?", I nod, "Even though blue isn't exactly my colour, I'll stick with it until Springtrap is dead!", we leave into different rooms to change:

Agrace932, Phoenix and Snipper think that the uniform was not too bad, "OK... The interviews are in a couple of hours so... We better get going...", they all jump through the portal to find themselves in a small forest just outside of Bryan's Pizzeria, "OK... Game plan..."

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