Christmas Day...

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Agrace932... She hates dresses more than she hates Molten but, she did it to make her family happy, everytime her mom told her to come down and talk with the family, she obeyed... But no one ever spoke to her, she knew she was the odd one out, it can feel great to be the odd one out... But it can feel horrible at the same time, besides, she never did well in family stuff anyway so at around 11:45pm she slipped out of the kitchen and made it to her safe zone... Her room, she closed the door and quickly got out of her dress and changed into her normal clothes, she suddenly realised that her phone was going off, she lay down on her bed and started a conversation with two of her online friends...

Phoenix: Hello? Is anyone not busy to talk?

agrace932: I am... I had to ditch my family...

Snipper: I'm just in a different room from them.

Phoenix: Well... I have nothing better to do... Did you guys see Bryan's new video?!

agrace932: Yeah! He gave me... A HEART ATTACK!!!

Snipper: I thought Molten was back to being a meanie, :(.

Phoenix: Hey, out of curiosity... If had a Christmas wish... What would it be?

Snipper: Oh! I would want to be in TheFamousFilms FNAF series!

Phoenix: Same!! What about you agrace932?

agrace932: I would love love that! Hey, guys...?

Phoenix: Yeah?

agrace932: I think... I think I'm gonna head to sleep... I'm not feeling very well...

Snipper: I don't feel good either...

Phoenix: Me too... Maybe we can just sleep this off... Good night, guys!!

Snipper: Good night!

agrace932: Merry Christmas and good night!!

Once agrace932 ended the conversation with her friends, she got changed into her Pj's and lay there looking at the ceiling for what seems like hours... She was wondering how on earth did she get sick... Maybe it was from the food... That's all she thought before she blacked out...

Phoenix lay on her bed thinking about everything that has happened in her life and Bryan's FNAF series, she was glad that she made friends with so many people, she really wanted to meet them in real life but... They live so far apart... That's all her brain got to before she, herself, fell asleep...

Snipper had been thinking a lot about his books, his friends and Bryan's new video, that was the most cruel thing that his friends did to Bryan!! He start to feel more sick than he did a couple of minutes ago, soon he blacked out...


???'s POV~

I look on the monitors to see the three gifted teens had past out, "Sir! The machine is ready!", I smile,"Perfect... We will finally take down Springtrap once and for all!", my guard asked something that made my blood go cold, "If you don't mind me asking... Why does the third girl look like...", I sigh, "I have a theory to believe of who she is and they all seem to have a Backstory that they are not aware of...", I draw a breath, "We will make Afton pay for what he did... We just need to couple of people to help...", my gaurd nods and leaves me alone..., "We will make them pay Ephaba... Besides... I think I found someone that you and Vincent will be looking forward to seeing again...", I smile as I held their photo in my hand...

??? 2's POV~

I walk around the HQ... Well... Its not exactly a HG but its the last place Springtrap will find out.... All we need are those kids then... We will make Springtrap pay... For all the pain he has caused... Th families he's brocken... The ones he left in tears... I know these kids will stop him because... They all may be different and have different powers but they have one thing in common....


**I hope you all like this so far, I'm doing this for you guys and my friend, Phionx, I really hope you all like this and there will be a few twists and turns in this... But... As Molten said.... All will be revealed in good Time... **

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