Strange Photos...

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Grace's POV~

I wake up after an hour of sleep, I look at the album, "Hm...", I get up and open the book on the first page to find two kids...

I noticed the two kids in the photo were running after each other in the photo and from the looks of it the red hair kid seem to be more fast than the other kid, "Hmm...", I turn to the next page...

The next photo was of a little girl and the boy eating cookies with each other, I smile at the sight but the boy looked awfully familiar... I turn to the next page...

Seems like the purple haired boy was making him laugh, I still feel like the kid family... I close my eyes trying to work it out in my head... I think... I suddenly realised it! Is that Bryan?! I look closer at the boy, it was him! I turn to the next page to see...

Brothers till the end! <3

I stare in shock... I blink once to make sure I wasn't crazy... There is no way... They... I suddenly hear Phoenix calling me, "Grace! Its time for work!", I had an idea, I put it in my bag to show Springbonnie, he is Afton, I run out with Phoenix, "You OK?", I nod, "Yeah... I was sleeping...", we waved made sure we had our things and took the bus...

Phoenix's POV~

Grace was staring off into space... She didn't even realise that we got to our stop, I shook her shoulder, "... Huh? Oh...", as we walk up, "Are you OK?", Grace whispered something that made me nearly scream at the top of my lungs, "WHAT?!",she shushed me, "Shhh...We can't prove it... I have to talk to Springbonnie when I get the chance.", I nod, we walk up into the Pizzeria only to meet Molten, "What was she screaming about?", I was now screwed but Grace covered me, "Oh... She just found out something about her brother and was shocked because no one told her.", Molten looks at us both, "OK....", Molten jumped in the vents, "Thanks.", "NP", we enter the Pizzeria for another day at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria!

**I hope you all love the story even though it has only been three days... I think... My mind is having difficulty recalling things... **

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