The First Death...

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Snipper's POV~

I was polishing off the carts for the roller coaster, when Jon came in, "Snipper can I borrow you for a moment?", He looked confused, "Yes, is there a problem?", he asks me if I've seen Jubper anywhere, "No... I haven't seen him...", my stomach was doing leaps, Jon, me and Davis went looking for him... We went into the freezer and Jon suddenly gagged, "Dear Lord, what is that smell!?", I smelt it too, we walk down the Michael's room and we open the door, "God... Did someone leave a fish out??", I used my sleeve to try and get rid of the smell but we saw something.... That made me want to cry....

I couldn't believe it.... Jubper... He was hanged, Jon was panicking and Davis was scared, "What do we do?", I wipe my tears,"I.. I have an idea...", they both turned to me, I knew exactly who to get, all I need to do is bend the truth, "I have a friend you see and she is really good at anamatronics so maybe she can find out which one did thhis to your friend...?", they look at each other, Jon took a deep breath, "Call your friend... I'm also gonna have to tell Bryan...", I offer to do it, they leave the room to discuss about the body, I look at Jubper, "Don't worry... We'll find out what happened to you...", I wip out my phone and Dail Grace's number... I hope she picks up....

Meanwhile at Bryan's Location...

Grace's POV~

I was still a bit shaky from last night, I told Bryan that the night shift was fine for me," I'm pleased to hear! ", we were on the stage when my phone went off...

Everyone was shocked that someone had died in Jon's, I noticed Bryan was not looking too good, "Bryan... Are you OK?", everyone turned their attention to Bryan, "He... He.... He was one of my Best friends..." everyone gasped, my Theory was proven again, Bryan and Jubper did know each other, "I need some time alone... Thank you for the information...", He rushed outside for some air, I felt horrible, "Phoenix...?", she looks at Helpy, "Can you check on him...?", she nods and runs after Bryan, "I can't believe it...", I tell the others that I need to call someone......
Once I'm in a different room from everyone I get back to Snipper...

"So... Jubper is dead and we have no idea who is responsible for it?"

"Not exactly... He was hanged by a bunch of wires but his body is still warm..."

"Molten has been in the location the entire time... I didn't see him go through the portal or leave the building!"

"You think Springtrap is trying to frame him??"

"The possibility is quite high so... Do you want me to come look around?

" Yes! I know you are great at detective work so it would be happy if you gave me a hand or two..."

"OK...I want you to look around the room and see if anything is out of place or missing... I'll come in a few minutes... Bryan is probably not taking this so easily..."

"I know... I feel so bad! I gotta go... Jon wants me... See ya in a few minutes?"

"Yes, Good luck!"


I hang up on the phone with him, I was right... Molten was watching us for the whole day... How could he be in two places at the same time?? I knew something was up, I need to get down there... But I need an excuse to go... I mean... I do have the night shift... I guess Bryan will understand that, right? I had no time, I started sprinting to Jon's place to help Snipper...

Phoenix's POV~

I found Bryan in the portal room, crying his eyes out, "Why... Why him?! Why not me?!", I sit down next to him, "I'm so so so sorry for your loss...", he uses his sleeve to wipe his tears, "I know... He would have... Wanted me to stay strong... But... He was...", I hug him, "He was your friend... I know... He would have wanted you to keep fighting for him, I know I would if I Lost Grace or any one I love... Your never alone Bryan... You have amazing friends and family around you that will support you no matter what you do...", He smiles at my speech," Thanks, Phoenix... I'm glad I hired you and Grace... ", I smile," Come on...I'm sure your friends out there are worried about you. ", I help Bryan stand and we both walk out to see everyone that was online," H... Hey guys... ", they all give Bryan a bear hug," We are so so so so sorry for your loss...!!", I was happy to see him like this.... I hope he remembers that he never was alone... I feel like Grace use to know what that felt like due to her... Past...

**Yep! I'm gonna keep doing small chapters for you all when my parents backs are turned! Also... I hope the presious child is OK!!! 😢😢😢**

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