Sinking Feelings Part 1

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Only Rikku will have a POV...
{Reminder for me}


Soon as my shower was over, and I dressed in the blue skinny jeans, and the unicorn shirt, as well as putting on my dirty socks, and my shoes I was ready to go.

I left the bathroom, taking my bloody clothes and putting them in a sack and threw them away in a trash can by the kitchen.
"You smell nice."
Godric hugged me from behind inhaling my dark hair the scent of it.
Godric handed me my bag, and I take it from his hands, and Godric let's me go.
I place my my bag over my shoulders.
"Take me to work. Or Sam is going to raise hell."
I tell Godric and Eric who nod, guiding me to the Ferrari and I get on the passenger side while they sat in the places they did earlier.

I buckle in and Eric drove off, driving to Merlotte's.
It took not too long for him to pull up, and once parked, I get out, and scramble up to go to the back door, and to my locker. I place my bag in there locking it up, then I go to Sam's office, finding him in there, making him turn to me frowning.
"You're late."
Sam says and I look to my feet.

"I'm sorry I tried to get in here as fast as I could but it took awhile to get here."
I tell Sam.

"I understand Sookie explained to me the story. I won't fire you."
Sam says placing a hand on my shoulder and I look up at him, seeing he was truthful.

"Can I charge my phone in here?"
I ask Sam who nods.

Sam moves aside and I plug my phone into a charger he keeps by his computer just for my phone.

"Thank you Sam. I'll get to work."
I say leaving out of his office and grab my apron and get to work, bussing tables.
Even take orders out for Arlene as I noticed Godric and Eric were sitting in a booth, indulging on watching me work, including drinking Tru Blood.

"Yo, Rikku have any new phrases to give me today bro?"
Lafayette asked me as I put an order up, since now I'm waiting tables.

I make a goofy face and nod.
"Bullshittery with a side of stupid."
I smirk at Lafayette and he busts out laughing like usual.

"You hear that Terry?! Bullshittery with a side of stupid?! Bro you crack me up ya knaw."
Lafayette slapped Terry on the shoulder, both their laughing made it echo throughout the dining room.

"The phrase of the day as usual?"
Arlene walked up asking me that.

"Yeah, cracking them up as usual."
I giggle a bit, since their laughing was contagious.

"Shoot me, tell me then."
Arlene smiled.

"Bullshittery with a side of stupid."
I snicker making Arlene crack up.

"Child you ain't right, but that's funny."
Arlene giggled.

"That's fuuuunny!"
I do a Gabriel Iglesias voice, making Lafayette laugh.

"I love that fat bastard!"
Terry laughed too.

"That's how you do it!"
I do a Mencia voice like Gabriel did on his stand up.

"I'm dyin literally! You're too much."
Terry cracked up wiping his eyes.

Lafayette fanned himself.
"At least ya made my day."

"I'm glad I did. So what's the gossip around here?"
I ask Lafayette.

"Apparently Ms Fortenberry came into a fortune. Sookie is off today, and spending time with Bill. That's all we knaw."
Lafayette says.
"And you getting attacked by a vamp. How are you feeling?"
Lafayette asked.

"I'm better now."
I tell Lafayette as I set more orders up on the clips.

"I saw Eric Northman walk in. He's been watching you like a hawk.
He's bad news. You should stay away from him."
Lafayette tells me.

"He tortured Lafayette for weeks. So he is bad news."
Arlene counters and I look to her with confused silver eyes.

"Please stay away from Eric, he will drag you down a bad path."
Arlene tells me and I shake my head.

"I'm sorry."
I then walk off tending to customers.


Three hours goes by, and I would check on Eric and Godric, who patiently wait on me getting off work, to escort me home.
"When do you get off?"
Godric asked as I set another Tru Blood down for each of them Eric and Godric.

"One, and I gotta go home."
I tell Eric and Godric.
"And get rest. Then I gotta pay bills tomorrow, as well as rake leaves up in my driveway."
I tell them both and Godric pulls out his phone.
"Um what are you doing?"
I ask Godric.

"Having someone rake your leaves."
Godric tells me and I gape at him in bewilderment.

"No that's my chores to do! Don't you dare!"
I grab Godric by his hand holding the phone, about to dial the number he was going to dial.
"Don't! I can do it myself! If I don't keep myself busy I go nuts, so don't you dare!"
I scold Godric who stared at me for a minute, and decided to obey me.
I put my hand on his.
"Thank you. Chores are my me time."
I pull my hand away.
"I gotta get back to work. Do whatever."
I say and walk off once I heard my name being yelled about orders.

I scurry to grab the orders and set them down, even smiling at customers and tell them I hope they enjoy their meals.
Ronda the newest waitress came in taking over my sections, whilst I do bussing, cleaning up tables and setting the dirty dishes for our dishwasher Brian to wash them.

I go back cleaning tables off with a wet rag, cleaning about ten tables, and go put the rag up washing my hands in the back, drying them, and I go pour beer mugs for anyone needing refills.

"I wish I had that much energy damn!"
Sheriff Andy Bellflur says, as I pass him, pouring more booze for clients.

I even fixed a Shirley Temple for Ally the town girl drunk.
"Last one Ally and I'm calling your brother to pick you up."
I tell her handing her the drink which she sipped.

I go to the landline dialing her brother Zachary's number.
"Hey Zachary, your sis needs to be driven home. Please pick her up. Uh-huh thanks. No problem I don't mind calling you when she's had enough. See you then bye."
I hung up, and get down to wiping the bar down.

I do these things every night and never tire of it. If I don't keep myself busy I go nuts, it's like I have ADHD real bad but don't know if I have it, since I never got checked for it.
After wiping down the bar Zachary walked in.
"Hey Rik, thanks for lettin me know she needs pickin up."
Zachary says pronouncing my nickname as Reek, he had dyed amber colored hair, combed neatly along his shoulders, and was skinny as a twig but could lift his sister no problem to the car.

"Anytime, and I bet Sam would do the same."
I say to Zachary who coaxed his sister out of the stool and guides her out the door.

"Another round?"
I ask Andy Bellflur who's the Sheriff.

"Please, it's been a rough day."
Andy tells me.

"Tell me all about it."
I say pouring him a glass of beer again.

"Trainees, they are really hard to deal with at times, there's always two or more who think being a cop is just fun and games, which it's not."
Andy says and I nod listening to him explaining how stupidly four trainees acted not caring about getting tests right.

"I see, very stressing. I say hang in there. I would bite my tongue if I were you if they piss you off too fuckin far."
I tell Andy who nods.

"So I heard about you being attacked? What was it like?"
Andy asked.

"To be honest. I was terrified, but I was saved by an unknown person, and Sookie said she found me on her doorstep. I recovered though."
I tell Andy, who gave me a sympathetic look.

"I'll pray for you. To not be attacked again."
Andy says with a serious look.

I smile a kindred heart warming smile, my eyes closed.
I then open my eyes, and pour another few beer glasses for a party of four road workers, one of them was Hoyt Fortenberry.

"How was work Hoyt?"
I ask him.

Hoyt sheepishly swallows his beer down and he clears his throat nervously.
"It was good, what about you?"

"Work is work. Same old same old with a little chatter on the side."
I tell Hoyt.
"How is your mother?"
I ask him.

"We are not on speaking terms."
Hoyt says frowning.

Sympathy ran through my system.
"What happened poor child?"
I ask, patting his shoulder, and taking their plates.

"Well, um...Mom and I fought about Jessica my girl."
Hoyt stared at my flat chest.
"Where'd you get those scars?"
Hoyt asked.

"It's personal."
I tell Hoyt avoiding answering his question.

"Did it hurt?"
One of the workers asked.

"What hurt?"
I ask confused.

"When heaven dropped you in my lap."
The worker sassed me sexually.

"Not amusing, since I'm a guy."
I tell the worker.

"Yeah right you're a dude."
The worker jabbed his buddy in the gut.

"I'm sorry about that. These guys are new."
Hoyt says as I give those two laughing a death glare from hell.

I look to Hoyt.
"It's fine."

The two workers did kissing noises.
"Hoyt come on kiss the waitress."

"Stop it!"
Hoyt glared at them.

"You keep saying you got the hots for the waitress at work."
They frown at Hoyt.

"I'm sorry but I'm not interested boys, now I need to get back to work."
I walk off with those plates, and set them for Brian to wash.

Even those guys noticed I got a girl figure.
I thought to myself, feeling pain course through me.
Why couldn't I have been born a boy fully instead?
I thought to myself as I walk back to the bar, topping off Andy's third beer.

"You okay?"
Sam asked from behind me, and I look at him, then back to now wiping the bar once again.

"I... I'm fine."
I stutter, trying to hold in the urge to cry.

You'll never be a real man, cause you ain't got the organs for it Rikku! You are born a girl! Get it through your head that you ain't never getting a sex change! Not in my house you understand?!
My father's words echoed through my mind.
I clench the rag in my hands making it squeeze water on the counter.

"I'll take over, why don't you go clear your head Rik."
Sam says pronouncing my name as Reek.


The original chapter I wrote got too long do I'm putting it in two parts.
My keyboard is glitching alot I don't know why but if you notice it any misspellings or words flipped around or don't make sense let me know.

Next part will come up soon.

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