The Tasting

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Only Rikku will have a POV....
Warning this chapter has some mature content for those who are 18+up.
True Blood was originally rated for Mature Audiences and I go by the rating of the show.


I drive the whole way to Bon Tempts with a stolen vampire's Ferrari.
Pulling up slowly to my apartment, I shut the engine off and lean back into the seat sighing in relief.
A knock sounded on the window, making me jump and look over to see Eric scowling down at me.

I mutter under my breath.

"Dammit is right.
You are in big trouble for taking my vehicle."
Eric says opening the door, grabbing ahold of my arms and made me stand between him and Godric.

"Taking his vehicle is a crime."
Godric murmured into my neck his hands on my hips.

"I don't trust you guys at all after you kidnapped me so go fuck off!"
I retort back making Godric blink down at me and so did Eric.
"Why should I trust you guys after you betrayed my trust by saying you'll protect me and the favor you wanted from Sookie was kidnapping me and making me yours by force! I trust nobody when they betray my trust dammit!"
I sob out as tears went down my cheeks.

"Does this have to do with us seducing you more than us taking you to the night club?"
Godric asked into my neck, cupping my core in my jeans with one hand.

"Get a room you son's of a bitches!"
I heard my neighbor who annoys me most, Mr Farley shout on his porch.
My heart skipped a beat at Godric's question.

"Ah it is about us seducing you. You are upset we took you from your usual life to seduce you, to tell you you are ours, and you cannot handle that two men would want you after what happened to you in your past."
Godric asked me, making my pulse race more and skip more.

"I said get a room you dumb kids!"
Mr Farley shouts.
"Or I'm callin the five'O!"

"We should listen to him, and I need to get ready for work!"
I whine out.

"You being whiney is cute."
Eric chuckles sadistically.

"Shut up!"
I whine/shout.

"Hit a nerve?"
Eric mused out.

"Stop it!"
I grit out annoyed by their behavior.

"You never answered my question."
Godric murmured into my neck.

"I'm pissed you guys sprung this on me okay cause I hate myself and think I don't deserve you guys cause my family said I'd never find anyone that cares about me like this!"
I shout/whimper out.

They both growl in their anger I could tell about their expressions.
"Vile family members you had."
Eric and Godric say together.

"Please let me go or I'll be late to work."
I whine out and Godric let's me go.

"We will punish you much later for taking Eric's vehicle."
Godric says huskily in my right ear, making my back shiver.

"Stop doing that!"
I turn around and glared up at him.

Both Eric and Godric chuckle amused by my reactions I could tell.
I walk around Godric and up to my apartment, and then I freeze in place realizing my Black Butler bag was at Sookie's with all my belongings and my keys in it.
I groan out.

"What is it?"
Eric mused mockingly out.

"I gotta go to Sookie's anyways, my bag is there with all my belongings even my keys in it."
I tell Eric and Godric.

"We shall escort you there then."
Godric says looking to Eric.
"In your vehicle Eric.

"Yes I agree, but I drive."
Eric comments getting in the driver's side, and I walk over to the passenger side, getting inside the passenger side and Godric got into the back behind me, as I buckle in.

Hands trail to my abdomen from behind me through the big shirt Eric gave me, to where Godric was making me squirm.
The hands travelled up my slim abdomen, and go to my flat chest, rubbing my flat nipples around, making my stomach and core ache, and me reel my head back as Eric drives off.
"Please stop doing this."
I whimper out a moan.

"It is hard for me not to stop. Your reactions are too good to enjoy. Especially when your womb reacts, and hearing it react is music to our ears."
Godric leans forward, and in the mirror I watch his fangs elongate and he pierces my skin of my right side of my neck, making me gasp and my mouth was open.

I heard my blood being gulped down into his awaiting mouth and into his gullet.
Eric pulls over on the side of the road, and leans over, and his fangs elongated and he pierces the other side of my neck gulping down my blood, both groaning at the taste of my blood.

I flinch when their bites hurt, but also felt good, which was weird.
Eric slides one hand down my stomach and places his right hand on my thigh.
Both pull away, their lips covered in blood, groaning in their meal of my blood.
My neck dribbled blood from both bites down my shoulders, and down my chest through the shirt in which Eric rips apart, trailing his tongue up from the blood trailing down my abdomen up to the bite Godric gave me and licked my neck over and over, and Godric licks Eric's bite of blood over and over, both groaning while doing those things.

"H...hey! I need to get to work dammit!"
I say stuttering, my mind going hazy, and having issues focusing on getting to work.
I was getting horny from them doing these things to me, which was some strange feelings.

I reel my head back unable to hold in moans that wanted to escape from my lips.
"Such a beautiful sound from you."
Godric murmured against my neck.

"Agreed, should we make him moan more?"
Eric mused mockingly at me.

I moan out as Eric began licking my right flat nipple making it ache, and my womb ache and get damp in my underwear.

"Feels right does it not?"
Godric asked as Eric trails his lips down to my belly button area, and back up to my chest nipping the skin as he goes, making me react by arching my back.

"It does."
I admit honestly.

"You want more in the future? All you have to say is yes, and we shall please you whenever you ask anywhere you want."
Eric kisses my chest and looked up into my silver charcoal eyes.

I breathe out, my breathing in quick breaths.

"Though you said you do not deserve us in fact you do. We shall show you sometime, but first we should get you to work."
Godric murmured into my ear, making my body shiver.

"We will have you soon, taking you when you are ready for us."
Eric murmurs his lips against my chest.

"Take turns forever inside you."
Godric teased into my ear, making my core throb and become more slick in my jeans.

Both of them inhale and then growl at me.
"You are soaked at us doing ungodly things to you, bad boy."
Eric mused out to me and cupped my core through my jeans.
"So ripe as well for picking."
Eric murmured more into my chest, nipping my rib area gently.

"Guys I'm gonna be late!"
I complain.

Both bite into each of my wrists, and drink a little more of my blood, both rubbing my chest in admiration.
I reel my head back moaning loudly enjoying them biting me this time.
"Stop! We should stop before we go too far."
I clench my thighs together, trapping Eric's hand between my thighs, making him groan into my wrist.

Godric and Eric pull away from my wrists, and lick my wrists.
Then I heard my phone ring with the Inuyasha instrumental theme making both of them look to the front cubbard of the vehicle.
"Well, we know where Pamela put Rikku's telephone."
Godric says rather annoyed.

Eric pulls away and sits up straight in his seat, reaching for my phone in the glove box, seeing Sookie's number flashes on my Samsung Note 7.
Eric flicks the answering button.
"Rikku's phone?"
Eric mused out and flinched when Sookie roared at him on the line.
"Okay, okay we are on our way to get him showered and ready for work, stop yelling at me."
Eric then hung up.
"Your phone is almost dead."
Eric hands me my phone.

"I'll charge it at work."
I tell Eric as my phone died.

I flinch when my wrists and both sides of my neck hurt.
"It hurts."
I tell Godric and Eric, setting my phone on my lap.

"You are sensitive to pain are you not?"
Godric asked.

"Yeah I am."
I say feeling Godric touch my neck on each bite hole even my wrists.

"This should help, healing them."
Godric kisses my cheek and I felt the bites heal.

"Thanks I guess?"
I tell Godric and go wide eyed when his bleeding wrist was in my line of vision.

"Take my blood, it shall help you feel well as after we took so much blood from you."
Godric says and I take his wrist into my hand and guide it to my mouth, and I began drinking his blood, making him groan sexually.
Godric shudders and I go wide eyed when his blood had a kick to it, making me enjoy the forbidden bliss going through my body and taste buds.

Godric pulls his wrist away breathing hard.
"Godric did you just orgasm?"
Eric mused out.

I swallow down the rest of his blood feeling very energetic, it was like I was on top of the world.
And my core throbbed harshly in my pants making me wonder why?
"What?! What did your blood do to me?!
I feel weird!"
I ask Godric.

"Those are side effects. Your libido is more active. Feeling like you are full of energy, much energy, and other side effects, which causes sexual dreams, and since you fed from him, he will know when you need saving."
Eric answered my question as Godric was trying to calm his breathing down.
"Been awhile that Godric came that hard."
Eric comments, pulling up to Sookie's house, and turning the engine off.

"I am fine Eric.
Just felt delightful he was willingly drinking from me."
Godric replied to Eric.

Eric stepped out of the vehicle and so do I, not phased I'm shirtless, and I walk up to Sookie's house, covered in blood on my chin, to my chest and abdomen, and my wrists. I find the key under a pot for a fake plant and unlock the home, walking in with Eric and Godric behind me.
I grab some clothes to borrow from Sookie's room, clothes she let's her friends borrow that fit her friends, like me and Tara.
I grab blue panties, blue skinny jeans, and a pink shirt with a blue unicorn on it, that was a V-neck.
It hung low, showing my surgical incision scars, well only a few if I were to wear it.

I walk upstairs, and go to the bathroom.
"I'll be out in a few.
Just wait!"
I tell them as I shut the door.

I set my clothes onto a counter, and began stripping out of my jeans, my shoes, and socks.
I turn the water on, and as I bent over to do so, I heard the door creak open.
"I told you two to wait!"
I say turning around, finding Eric holding my Black Butler bag.

"What a view."
Eric whistles.
"This the bag?"

"Yeah set it on the living room couch. Now get out of the bathroom! We need to quit foolin around or I'm gonna get fired for being very late to work!"
I shut the door in his face.

"You could work at my club, and personally service us, we would pay you handsomely."
Eric mused behind the door.

"I'll pass thank you very much."
I growl out as I turn the shower head on.

"You might change your mind, so the offer is open as long as we live."
Eric says as he then walked off.

Me work for them?
Doing gawd knows what?
Lap dancing?
Such an awful thing to offer in my opinion.
I thought to myself as the water hits my body, mixing with the blood on my body the blood dribbling into the drain.

I wash my body the best I could, getting the blood off the best I could, and yet my body still felt weird, weird after I drank Godric's blood.
I felt like my womb was going crazy, throbbing uncomfortably with these weird aches.
Like my ovaries, and yet I still have them, my ovaries felt like they were going to burst, but they weren't. My ovaries even felt swollen inside my body, which I could feel.
This was going to be hell working like this.
But I'll have to pull through.


To be continued....

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