A New Family...And Friend!

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When the nice lady took me and my new friends through the portal, I saw a sight that took my breath away.

RWBY(in unison):Oooh, what is this place?

M/n:This...is my home dimension. A more futuristic world.

Yang:Whoa, that's so cool.

M/n:*chuckles* It sure is. Follow me and take in the sights. This is your new home now.

(No One's POV)

Team RWBY and Zwei followed the woman through the city, taking in the bright lights and types of people that lived there, mostly ones who were in 24/7 cafes and stuff. The things that consumed their attention most of the time were the futuristic kinds of technology that was around, like the big screens that were around various parts of the cities that said things like "New Citywide Security Bots" while showing these robots.


Blake:I know, right?

After an hour of walking (with breaks to enjoy the city a little bit), they finally made it to their destination. Team RWBY was in awe at the sight of it.

Weiss:Whoa! What an amazing house!

M/n:*pets her head* Thanks, young one. My husband was able to get the cliffside view. We both loved this spot when we were teenagers.

The woman then walked to the entrance of the house and did a facial recognition thing, therefore gaining entry to the house. When they entered, RWBY and Zwei were amazed to see the inside of the house as they were to the city.


Weiss:Looks way better than the inside of my old home.

Blake:I think I'm gonna like it here.

Yang:Same here.


???:Mrs. L/n, you have returned.

A robot came up to them.

M/n:Sure am, Echo. *to RWBY* Girls, this is Echo. He's the personal househould robot to me, my husband, and my son. Echo, these are the new additions to the family.

Echo:Oh. *kneels down to RWBY* Hello, I'm Echo and I'm your personal guardian/assistant in all things household-related.

Ruby:This is awesome!

Weiss:Yeah, Atlas doesn't seem to have this kind of technology.

Echo:Anyway, your husband and son is waiting in the living room Ma'am. Do follow.

The five then followed the robot into the living room, where a ravenette man was waiting with a white-haired young man, both with cups of coffee in their hands.

Echo:*to RWBY* Would you all like something to drink?

Ruby+Yang:You got any hot chocolate?

Blake:I would like some milk.

Weiss:I guess I'll have some hot chocolate as well.

Echo:Coming right up. *leaves to the kitchen*

D/n:Oh, you're back. How was that world?

M/n:It was alright.

D/n:Why do you say that?

M/n:It was kinda bad. There was this criminal organization called the White Fang going around and just racism wherever one looks.

D/n:Damn, sounds really bad.

The two then shared a kiss before...

D/n:*sees RWBY* So, these are the four you've mentioned?

M/n:Sure are. The ones I said were abused and disowned by their families back in the dimension I visited.

D/n:*scoffs* Well, that's just disgusting. One of the many things I hate about when it comes to that kind of thing. People just beating their own children at a young age and then throwing them out like trash?

F/n:Wow, that really is disgusting.

M/n:F/n, come and introduce yourself to them.

F/n put his coffee cup down and went over to the four.

F/n:Hey, I'm F/n L/n, son of two really famous people around the city. Really smart and loving people to be exact. Wanna be friends?

RWBY(in unison):Sure/I guess so/Alright/Yes.


Soon enough, the girls got their drinks and sat down with F/n while his parents handled some business. F/n was also enjoying Zwei's company because he was seen petting the dog's ears.

F/n:Yeah, Dad's the headmaster of the academy in this city and Mom's one of the military's special forces, the best to be exact. She always uses her special suit and weapons to slaughter any enemy that comes.

Weiss:What kind of enemies?

F/n:Hmm, criminals, terrorists, rogue robots, alien creatures, and Grimm.

RWBY(in unison):Grimm!?

F/n:Yeah, these black creatures resembling animals that would kill you due to primal instinct.

Blake:You have Grimm here too!?

F/n:Sure do. It's up to the military and Huntsmen around here to protect the city from them all.

Weiss:You know something? Your own world is quite similar to the one we came from.

F/n:Really? That sounds like a coincidence if you ask me. Hey, you all wanna see my bedroom?

RWBY(in unison):Sure.

???:You must really seem to like them already, F/n.

F/n:Pretty much do, Jen.

Blake:Who's Jen?

F/n:I'll tell you all later. For now, let me show my personal quarters.

F/n took them to dispose of their dishes and then took them upstairs, showing them his room.

Yang:Whoa, you all of this to yourself!?

F/n:Yep. Cool and comfortable at the same time.

Three small animals came and playfully attacked F/n's legs. F/n chuckled and went down to pet them.

F/n:Oh, and this is Orbit, Phantom, and Bluebell. My three pets. They'll love you as much as they do me.

F/n then sat down on his bed.

F/n:Oh, and look out the window. That's one of the many reasons why love it here.

RWBY looked out the window and gasped in awe at the view F/n had from his room.

Ruby:Whoa! So awesome.

Weiss:F/n? What kind of world is this?

F/n:*chuckles* The best kind of world.

The screen then went black.

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