Armor, Weapons, School, & Love!

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<<==>>Timeskip by 10 Years<<==>>

F/n was seen working on the last finishing touches to some things with a drill, a blowtorch, and a screwdriver. After that, he wiped the sweat off his forehead and used his Scroll to call his four friends.

F/n:Come to my lab. I've done with all of them.

A moment later, his friends came down the stairs and came up to him as he rolled to them in his chair.

Ruby:Hey, F/n. What have you been doing?

F/n:I've finished making the things for you.

Weiss:What things again?

F/n:Well, look at your outfits.

The four looked down at what they were wearing, which were their casual outfits.

Yang:What's wrong with them? Do they look bad on us?

F/n:No. I do like them, but I was thinking. Why go out in combat like that when you would need full protection and extra ammo in order to keep the upper hand in combat? That's why I created some new outfits for you all.


F/n:I'll show you all. *stands up and kicks chair away* Ruby, follow me.

Ruby followed F/n to the back room that was in the lab and a moment later, she came in donned in a new outfit, looking at herself in awe.

Ruby:Whoa! What is all this?

F/n went up to her.

F/n:Let me explain it all. All around your chest, torso, and arms are made of REALLY tough yet flexible material to maximize your defense while still allowing you to move easily. Your boots are armored too, as well as your skirt.

Ruby:Ooh, that's so awesome. I've heard of skirts before, but not armored skirts.

F/n:It's made of the same REALLY tough but flexible material, so your movement in it won't be affected. Also...

F/n showed her the pouches on the sides of her torso and the bullets on her sleeves.

F/n:Here are extra dust clips and bullets for you.

Ruby:Cool. *hugs F/n* Thanks, F/n.

F/n:*pets her head* No problem. *turns to Weiss* Weiss?

Weiss nodded to him and followed him to the same room he took Ruby to. Then a moment later...

Weiss came out like this.

Weiss:*inspects herself* What is this?

F/n:Same material as Ruby's, yet it also goes on your legs and arms and still not affecting your mobility. Also...*kneels down to her legs* in here are Dust vials that are attached for faster reloading. Like "Speed Reloading" for a revolver. That and an armored skirt like Ruby.

Weiss:Hm, so a combat skirt huh?

Ruby slid up to her.


Weiss lowered her hand and Ruby low-fived it.

F/n:*claps* I like that one.

Yang:Hey, I make the jokes around here.

F/n:Jokes that are cheesy as hell.


Weiss:What? It's the truth.

Yang just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Weiss:*turns to F/n* I like this, F/n. Impressive work.

F/n:No problem. Blake?

F/n and Blake walked to the back room and Blake came out changed.

Blake:So, what's mine about?

F/n:Really strong yet flexible material as always to leave mobility unaffected. Goes all the way from your chest to your shins, so you're pretty much balanced out on defense.

F/n clicked a button on Blake's hip and a small empty compartment opened.

F/n:This compartment will hold extra Dust for you.

Blake:*smiles* Thanks, F/n.

Yang:Well? *walks to F/n* What about me?

F/n:Pfft. You think I would leave you out?

F/n took Yang to the room and she came out changed.

Yang:*looks at herself* Whoa, what is mine all about?

F/n:Well, you've got armor all around your body. This basically makes you a walking fortress and gives you the most defense out of all four of you. Mobility is still unaffected, too. four are gonna need these.

F/n went back and brought these two back for Ruby.

F/n:These are you, Red.

Ruby suddenly turned into a chibi and sparkles surrounded her.

Ruby:Oh my God! What are those!?

F/n:A High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe and a 44. Magnum-Blade-Scythe. *hands them over* They're both yours.

Ruby took the weapons and inspected them with stars in her eyes.

Ruby:I think I'll call them...Crescent Rose and Red Moon.

F/n:*gives a thumbs-up* Sweet names.

F/n then went back and brought two other weapons.

Weiss:*inspects them* What are these?

F/n:Rapiers. Both run on Dust, but there's a big difference between them both. *lifts up Myrtenaster* This one can activate the Dust inside it by a pull of the trigger and use it for infusing the blade with the chosen element, which you can choose with a spin of the revolving chamber, or for various effects with your Glyphs Semblance. *lifts Silverglow* This one is like the other, except it can only infuse the blade with Dust elements. That and it runs on Dust crystals instead of Dust vials. *hands the weapons over*

Weiss:*takes the weapons* Interesting.

F/n:You gonna name them?

Weiss:Hmm...Myrtenaster and Silverglow.

F/n:Ooh, those are good ones. Really good ones.

F/n then got another weapon.

F/n:This one's for Blake.

It's the sheath first.

F/n:Let me explain it. This sheath looks like a cleaver, but it's actually to hold the katana. *takes the sword out* Deadly and stylish. Also, the sheath has a cutting edge and could be used as a weapon with the katana. Also...*turns the katana into gun mode* it's a pistol with a blade. Here's an idea for this part. *walks over to Blake* Attach the trigger of it in its pistol form and you've got yourself a kusarigama-like weapon.

F/n then sheathed the weapon and handed it to Blake.

Blake:Hmm, I guess I can come to love this. Thanks, F/n. I think I'll call it...Gambol Shroud.

F/n:Cool. And lastly, Yang's weapon.

F/n brought these out.

Yang:Ooh, what are these?

F/n:Put them on.

F/n handed them to Yang and she put them on, the weapon appearing as yellow bracelets.

F/n:Now, active them by thrusting your wrists.

Yang did as she was told and they then covered her forearms and hands in the form of gauntlets.

F/n:Now, they're basically dual ranged gauntlets with a shotgun function. Shoots out flaming rounds that explode on contact with a target. Also, clench your fists really hard.

Yang did as he was told and her fists were on fire, yet she wasn't in pain.

Yang:Whoa! What is that!?

F/n:I've made it so that they would work in conjunction with your combat outfit. Now, you can set your fists on fire at will. Also, your combat suit should reload your weapon for you and hold more rounds for you.

Yang:F/n, you never cease to impress me.

F/n:*chuckles* Thank you.

Yang:Hmm, I'll call these babies Ember Celica.

F/n;Really nice name. Anyway, why don't you all come and train with me? *shows off ring* We can work on your combat skills with these weapons after letting you all play around with my parents armory of weapons. Also...

F/n suddenly created an energy handaxe.

F/n:I can test my own baby out. A gift from my dear mother.

RWBY(in unison):Sure.

F/n:Good. After all, we only have a month before we go to my dad's academy for training as Huntsmen.

With that, F/n trained them all to ready them for their future and they all did amazingly well in using their new weapons and armor along with their Semblance to take on F/n, who was able to par on with all of them at once.

<<==>>Timekskip by a Month<<==>>

Later, F/n and his friends were seen riding onto an airship that was taking them to his Dad's academy. Orbit was also seen sleeping on Ruby's lap, Phantom was on Weiss' lap, and Bluebell was on Yang's lap.

Ruby:*peeks over F/n's shoulder* What are you reading, F/n?

F/n:A pamphlet that Dad had given me about his academy.

Ruby:What's it gonna be like there?

F/n:Hmm, we'll be learning about the enemy my world fights against, the value of our technology and Dust, weapon use, and there's even a sparring class...with a gym to train ourselves in.

Yang:Sounds cool.

F/n:You know what is cool? It says here that a year inside the academy is equivalent to one day on the outside. So basically, we'll be in there for four years, or four days on the outside. This means we'll all be four years older by the time we exit the academy. I'll be 24 years old, Weiss, Blake, and Yang will be 21, and Ruby will be 19 after we're done learning and training there.

RWBY(in unison):Wait! Seriously!?

F/n:Yep. I don't know how, but that's how Dad said it was. Sounds vital as well. It said the academy provides anything we need for a comfortable life in there, including sleeping quarters, housing, food supplies, and anything else we would need.

Yang:This world is amazing! More amazing than Remnant to be exact!

RWB(in unison):Yeah!

F/n:Well, amazing things will be coming in the future.

<<==>>Timeskip by a Month<<==>>

It's been a month ever since F/n and his four friends have been in his father's academy and they already liked it there. Their dorm was really comfortable with two bunk beds and one single bed for F/n, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom complete with multiple showers.

The teachers were really cool as well. They were there to teach them whatever they needed to know for their success as Huntsmen, including combat and the value of Dust and technology.

During their time there, F/n was there to help RWBY with whatever they would need, be it studies or training.

However, they felt a really special feeling towards F/n, a more special feeling than when he was nice to them all those years of their time here.

<<==>>One Night<<==>>

F/n was seen leaning onto the ledge on the roof of the academy, enjoying the view of the city at night.

???:Hey, F/n.

F/n turned to see his team/friends coming to him.

F/n:Hey, girls.

Yang:Whatcha doing up here?

F/n:Just enjoying the beautiful view of my city.

RWBY viewed the city.

Weiss:It sure is beautiful from the height.


Ruby:He-Hey, F/n?


Weiss:We have something to tell. It's really important.

F/n:What is it? Go ahead and tell me.

Ruby:First, we wanted to really thank you for all those years of treating us like we're family to you and your parents.

F/n:Of course. You all didn't deserve getting abused and disowned by those bastards on Remnant.

Yang:And we want to thank you for giving us everything. A home, warm beds, and friendship.

F/n:You'll have to thank my parents for the 'home' part. They're the ones who accepted you all, especially Blake for being a Faunus. No bad vibes in that house.


F/n:Why are you all saying this? You already have multiple times.

Weiss:We're all trying to say...


RWBY(in unison):We love you, F/n.

F/n:*goes red* Yo-You all do? Li-Like a friend?

Yang:No, as a lover.


F/n felt his body warm up and his heartbeat increase.

F/n:This is for thanking me for all those years and being there for you all, never hurting you all in any way?

RWBY(in unison):Yes.

F/n closed his eyes, smiled, and nodded his head.

F/n:Okay. If those are your feelings, then I will gladly accept them.

Smiling, the four girls tackled F/n to the ground and then red, blue, black, and yellow hearts came up. Afterwards, F/n sat up, his face covered with red, blue, black, and yellow kiss marks.

F/n:*sighs* I can't wait to see what awaits me in the future.

The screen then blacked out.

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