My Future Life!

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<<==>>Timeskip by Four Years (Days)<<==>>

F/n was seen working on some kind of robot. After adding a few more components, he switched him on and he stood up.

This is the robot.

???:Hello, Master.

F/n:Just call me F/n, alright User?

User:*salutes him* Yes, sir.

F/n then took his time to show User around his own large house, which he had obtained after his training as a Huntsmen.

F/n:And right here is your charging station when it's time to go to sleep. You're gonna love being with us all.

User:I hope so too, F/n.

Suddenly, somebody came and hugged F/n's legs.

???:Hey, Dad!

F/n:*laughs* Hey, Sōshi. What are you doing?

Sōshi just wiggled his white fox ears and F/n didn't hesitate to pet them, making the child fox Faunus nuzzle against him.

User:Who is this smaller human being?

F/n picked up Sōshi and sat down with him.

F/n:This is Sōshi, User. My eldest child, a nine-tailed fox Faunus, and me and Blake's child.

User:A child? *pets Soushi's head* He looks like a good one.

Sōshi's nine white, fluffy fox tails began to swish around from the affection.

Sōshi:What's the robot for, Dad?

F/n:Just a personal household robot who can do chores around the house. That and he's also a babysitter and guardian.


Blake:*enters* Hey, F/n. Hey, Sōshi. *sees the robot* A personal robot, I'm guessing?

F/n:Yep. Somebody to watch over the kids whenever me and the four of you aren't home. After all...*takes out Scroll and shows Huntsman license* we're full-fledged Huntsmen now.

Blake did the same as F/n and showed her Huntsmen license.

Blake:And we do thank you for making our dream a reality, F/n. *kisses his cheek*

F/n:*chuckles and goes red*

Blake sat down and Sōshi crawled over to his mother.

Sōshi:Hey, Ma.

Blake:Hey, Sōshi.

Blake began to pet her son's ears as he gotten all adorable again.

(Ignore the subtitles.)

Blake:*smiles* I really give birth to somebody really adorable.

F/n:And somebody who REALLY loves the affection we both give him.

Blake then hugged her son as he enjoyed her warm embrace.


Blake:*stands up holding Sōshi* Let's go now.

Blake then exited the room with her son, her boyfriend, and the robot and they went to the living room where Weiss and Yang were watching TV with their children Lily and James respectively and Ruby was enjoying some cookies with her daughter Sapphire.

F/n:Hey, girls.

Yang:Hey. *sees User* Personal robot?

F/n:Yep, and babysitter and guardian.

(Author's POV)

During his four years of becoming a Huntsman with his four girlfriends, F/n had also impregnated them all and gave each of them a child of their own. And if one were to ask F/n, all four of them made way better mothers than their so-called "mothers" on Remnant. Not once did they beat them or said or did anything that would hurt their feelings. After becoming Huntsmen and graduating, F/n would soon get a job creating and repairing machines, weapons, vehicles, and technology for people around the city, therefore becoming really rich and lived a balanced life with his family.

(No One's POV)

F/n sat down with them all.

F/n:Hey, you three. How are you holding up?

Yang:Just watching TV with my son. *lightly squeezes James*

Weiss:And my daughter. *hugs Lilly*

F/n:I see.

F/n then pet his son on the head and his daughter's white tiger ears, making them melt from the affection.

Ruby:And I'm just enjoying some cookies with my little gem.

F/n:*walks to them* I see. *hugs Sapphire* How are you doing, Saph?

Sapphire:I'm alright, Daddy.

F/n:*smiles* Good.

F/n then sat down with them all and watched TV for the next few hours, as well as doing other things like helping Soushi and Lily wash their hair without getting shampoo in their Faunus ears and playing with James and Sapphire.

Later, F/n was seen working on a blueprint for something as he was thinking.

F/n:*What would life on Remnant be like? What kind of technology and people reside there? Hmm...I wonder if I can start a life there. Not that I hate my own dimension, but trying out another one sounds like an extremely rare opportunity.*

Then, his girlfriends entered.

RWBY(in unison):Hey, F/n. What are you doing?

F/n:Just working on some blueprints for more creations of mine. What are you all doing?

Weiss:We just put the kids down for bed. They're alright.


Silence came before...

F/n:Hey, girls?

RWBY(in unison):What?

F/n:What would you all think about starting our own life on Remnant?

RWBY froze from that question.

Ruby:I'm not sure about that, F/n.

Yang:Neither am I.


Weiss:Obviously, we're worried about having to deal with our so-called "families".

Blake:Yeah, what if they try to come and claim us to take us back home?

F/n:You all really think I would let that happen? No, you all are staying with me and me only. Not like they would be able to get close enough to do that.


F/n showed them the blueprints he was working on.

F/n:I'm thinking of moving us all into an empty mansion, we clean it up, and then get comfortable. We wouldn't have to go out for produce and such because I'm planning to create a couple robots to grow fruits and veggies for us to use. We would only need to go out for stuff like ice cream or something like that. Also, I'm planning on making a security system to help defend our home should Grimm or somebody and their gang attacks. As well as a few other things.

Weiss:Could you even manage all that?

F/n:I've notified my parents about my idea. They said they will supply me with things I would need for it all.

Ruby:But, F/n...

F/n:Listen to me. I want to live a really great life with you all and the kids, okay? That and I would like to see what Remnant is like personally. It's not like everyone gets this type of opportunity, right?

RWBY went silent, but then after a brief moment...

Ruby:Alright, F/n.

Weiss:We'll go with you.

F/n:*hugs them all* Glad you all came around.

Blake:But, you have to seriously promise us something.

F/n:*rubs his heart area* I promise on my very life.

Yang:You keep us as far away from THEM as possible.

F/n:I promise you all. I won't let them even get a centimeter near you.

RWBY smiled and kissed him.

RWBY(in unison):We seriously made the right decision of being with you.

F/n:*chuckles* *goes red* Aw, stop it. You're literally making me blush.


The next morning, Sōshi was the first to get up and went to wake up his younger siblings.

Sōshi:Get up, guys. Breakfast time is coming.

His siblings got out of bed and followed him to the bathroom to clean themselves up. Sōshi, being a great brother helped them all out, setting a footstool for Sapphire to see the mirror, helping Lily brush her hair, and cleaning up the watery mess James accidentally made. Still in their PJs, they then made it to the kitchen where User was seen making breakfast with a white chef hat and apron on.

User:Good morning, Small Children. Breakfast will be ready in approximately 15 minutes. Have a seat and wait.

The kids sat at the white table and waited. A moment later, their parents (F/n in a sleeveless black tank and their mothers in their own PJs) came in the kitchen.

F/n:Morning, kids.

S+L+J+S(in unison):Good morning, Dad. Good morning, Ma/Mama/Mommy.

F/n:*turns to User* Is breakfast almost done? A guy is hungry over here.

User:Approximately 5 more minutes remain, sir.

Five minutes later, User served them all breakfast:pancakes (chocolate chip for Ruby and Sapphire, blueberry for Lily, and plain for the others (with toppings)), bacon, eggs, and hash browns, with a choice to drink either coffee, milk, or orange juice. While they were eating...


S+L+J+S(in unison):Yes, Dad/Daddy?

F/n:After you all are done eating, I want you all to pack your stuff.

James:Why? Where are we going?

F/n:To another home.


F/n:We're going to move to a different world. Different than the one we have here.

Lily:There are different worlds?

F/n:Yep. And we're going to live in one of them. You all should enjoy yourselves there.

S+L+J+S(in unison):Okay.

The screen then blacked out.

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