Another Unwanted Encounter!

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One Day

F/n was seen in the backyard by the cave full of Dust, wearing hard hats with lights attached with Sōshi and James.

F/n:You see, guys. These right here contain the four basic forms of Dust. Fire, Water, Lightning, and Wind. Interesting, right?

James:Uh-huh. How does Dust work anyway, Dad?

F/n:Well, it's mined and shipped around the world, although that just makes it pretty expensive. However, we were lucky to have a cave nearby our house so we won't have to make frequent runs to a Dust shop every now and then. Anyway, how Dust works takes a lot of intelligence for it's rather complicated to understand. But, look at this.

F/n took out a dry erase board, which illustrated the combinations of basic Dust and the results.

F/n:This illustrates the combinations of basic Dust. And yes, it's rather odd that Water and Wind Dust creates Ice Dust and Fire and Wind Dust creates Lightning Dust. But, that's just how the world works. Understood?

Sōshi:Uh, yes. Little strange, but yes.

James:*shakes head* Uh-huh.

F/n:*smiles* Good. Now, see. You two have to know this stuff if you want to be like me someday. Then, you two can perhaps teach this stuff to your own kids someday.

F/n then took the two inside before he left them with their respective mothers so he can go and mix some Dust for Weiss' weapon. As he was close to completion, Ruby came in with Sapphire in her arms.

Ruby:Hey, F/n.

F/n:*stands up* Oh, hey Rubes.

F/n went over to her and kissed her forehead.

F/n:Hey, Sapphire.

Sapphire:Hi, Daddy.

F/n then kissed Sapphire's forehead.

F/n:Did you two need something?

Ruby:Nah, we just wanted to walk around Vale with you. You know, spend a little time together.

F/n:Hm, okay then.

F/n then shoveled the combined Dust in a bag and put the remaining crystals in his pocket. Then, he left the mansion with one of his girlfriends and his daughter.


Later, F/n was seen walking the streets of Valr with the two, absorbing the sights of the city.

F/n:Hm, Vale looks quite similar to the streets in my home dimension.

Ruby:Yeah, well that doesn't make Vale any more attractive than your city.

F/n:Eh, good point.

Then suddenly...


Both Ruby and Sapphire held their stomachs in embarrassment.

F/n:Are you two hungry?



F/n:Hold on. I have an idea.

A moment later, F/n was seen walking into a bakery, leaving Ruby and Sapphire outside to wait for him while he buys something. As they were waiting...

Sapphire:Mommy, you have the nicest boyfriend ever.

Ruby:I would rather use the word "fiancé" because your Daddy is an amazing man. It's like...he's tied to my own Aura. He never left me and the others then and he said he's never leaving ever.

Sapphire:*tilts head to the side out of confusion* Fiancé?

Ruby:It means "a man whom someone is engaged to be married to". I really wish to marry him someday.

Sapphire:Oh, so...


Ruby froze up at the sound of the voice.

Ruby:*Oh Oum no! Why!?*

Ruby turned to the side to see...

Her own "biological mother".

Ruby:*groans* *tries to ignore her*

Summer:Ruby, you remember me right?

Ruby:I do. I just don't want to speak to you...or see you at all!

Summer:But, Ruby! I really missed you!

Ruby:You never cared about me when I was a child! Why do you care now!?

Summer:Ruby, I-I seriously didn't know what I was thinking back then! I was completely out my right mind!

Ruby:*gets more annoyed* That's a damn lie and you know it! You think you can just come to me asking for forgiveness and think I'll just come to forgive you!? NO!

Sapphire:Mo-Mommy, no yelling please!

Ruby began to rock her daughter back and forward, trying to comfort her after she started to raise her voice.

Ruby:There, there. I'm sorry I scared you.

Summer then took notice of Sapphire and was shocked to see her own daughter with a child.

Summer:Ru-Ruby! Who's child is this?

Ruby:*rolls her eyes* She's mine. Somebody I actually treat with the love and protection every young child immensely deserves.

Summer:We-Well, wh-who's the...

F/n:It's me, woman.

F/n then came out the bakery, a small bag of chocolate chip cookies in each of his hands.

F/n:I'm the father of your daughter's little girl.

Summer:Who are you?

F/n:My name is F/n L/n and I'm the young man who actually cared about your daughter when you severely refused to. And now look at her. She's age 19 after being in my Dad's special Huntsmen academy, she has a really loving and protective boyfriend (and potential husband), and a heart attack inducingly sweet little girl. So basically...we can both say that she's moved on from the physical and emotional abuse and living an even better life. Same goes for Weiss, Blake, and Yang, who also have the same things Ruby has received from me and my own parents, which is nurturing love from my parents and true love and a beautiful child each from me.

Ruby:He's right. I refuse to associate with you or anybody else biologically related to me ever again. Bye!

Ruby began to leave with her boyfriend and daughter, but...

Summer:Ruby, please don't be like this! You're a Rose to me and the family!

Ruby:*snaps* Don't call me that again! My last name is L/n now, a name that I consider extremely special to me because it carries love and respect F/n says.

Ruby then left completely, abandoning her depressed "mother" for her own boyfriend and daughter.


F/n was seen comforting Ruby after that encounter.

Ruby:Now, I got those bad memories in my head again because of her.

F/n:*pulls her closer* It'll be alright, Rubes. I won't let her do anything to you or the others nor will I ever let you all go. I swear.

Ruby smiled and snuggled into her lover even more, before pulling her daughter into the snuggle as well.

F/n:Let's eat some cookies and maybe play a video game together.

Soon enough, F/n was seen eating some chocolate chip cookies with his girlfriend and daughter and gladly playing Tekken with Ruby.

Ruby was really happy to have somebody like F/n into his life. After all, she was really devastated as a child from her mother saying she wished she never had her in the first place, but now she had a loving boyfriend and a daughter of her own. Now, she can be both a great Huntress and the type of mother Summer never was to her as a child to Sapphire.

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