The Meeting & An Alliance!

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One Day

F/n was seen sitting at the island in the kitchen with a glass of his (insert favorite drink) while his kids enjoyed some of the desserts he bought from Kuroyuri yesterday.

Sapphire:Mmm, yummy~.

Lily:What is all this, Daddy?

F/n:Just cupcakes, slices of cake, and kinako bread I bought from Kuroyuri. Me and your mothers already had some of it all, but I've bought enough for you all to have something sweet.

Sapphire:*slightly tilts head to the side* What's kinako?

F/n:Just a flour that gives the bread the sweetness you all are tasting right now.

Sōshi:Dad's not wrong. It is really sweet. I love it.

James:So do I.

James then reached up and pet his older brother's Faunus ears, making Sōshi smile and pet his own younger brother's head even though he had no animal ears there. James still appreciated the affection though.

F/n:*chuckles* Who couldn't possible find you guys adorable?

F/n then gotten a call on his Scroll. Stepping out the kitchen, he answered it and brought it up to his ear.


???:Hello, young man.

F/n:Who is this?

???:Don't worry about that, young man. Just know this...I'm not a bad person who wants nothing more than to meet you personally so we can talk.

F/n:Talk about what?

???:You'll know when I see you. Just come and we can get this all out the way. And bring your four girlfriends with you as well. I'll be in Beacon Academy's courtyard waiting for you all.

The person then hung up on him. F/n looked into space with his Scroll still in his hand before he sighed.

F/n:I guess I have no choice. If this person really isn't bad, I guess I can't hurt anyone to at least see what she wants from me.

F/n then called his girlfriends down, who came inside after having a sparring session together.

F/n:Soo, who won?

Yang:Me. *smiles brightly*

Weiss:Way to brag about it, Yang.

Yang:*to F/n* I want a reward for winning, babe.


Yang tapped her finger against her cheek, signifying what she wanted. F/n just rolled his eyes and gave her a short but sweet peck on the cheek. Of course, that led to jealousy and his other three girlfriends got kissed as a reward for their efforts.

Weiss:So, did you need something My Love?

F/n:Yes. Apparently, someone wants to meet us all. So, I think it's best we go.

Blake:Who is this person?

F/n:They didn't say.

Weiss:So, would it really be smart of us to go if we don't know who it is?

F/n:Well, they did say they were at Beacon Academy, so they should be a good person.

Yang:*shrugs* I mean, that is a good point.

F/n:So, let's go. But first...

F/n then left the kids in care of User and then gotten his girlfriends human weapons to come along with them just in case. They all then left the mansion and gotten on a Bullhead that took them to Beacon. When they arrived, they were met with four older people.





F/n:Hello everyone. The name's F/n L/n.

Olivia:Hello to you, young man. I'm Olivia, headmistress of Beacon Academy. And this is my staff.

Glynda:*steps forward* Glynda Goodwitch, Beacon's combat instructor.

Bethany:THENAME'SBETHANYOOBLECKYOUNG ONES, BEACON'SHISTORYTEACHER! (Translation:The name's Bethany Oobleck young ones, Beacon's History teacher!)

Port:Ho ho! Hello there. My name is Peter Port. I teach Grimm Studies and Military Strategy here.

F/n:Well, nice to meet you all. My name is F/n L/n, a new resident in this highly interesting dimension.

They just looked at him with questioning looks.

F/n:I'll explain later. Anyway...*turns to his girlfriends*

Ruby:Oh, hello. I'm...

Olivia:*holds a hand up* No need to speak. I already know who you four are.

The four just paused at that.

Weiss:Yo-You do!?

Olivia:Yes. I know who your *real* parents are. They told me about you all coming before you were even born.

Then, RWBY just gotten nervous.

Blake:Yo-You're not planning on...telling them about us, are you?

Olivia:*shakes her head* No, I won't do that. Besides, they never had any right to hurt you all in the first place.

That made them all sigh in relief.

Yang:Thank Oum! Last thing I would ever want is to go back to *them*.

RWB(in unison):Same here.

F/n:And these four...

Rose:I'm Rose. What's up?

Myrtenaster:*bows* Myrtenaster, Weiss' well-trusted companion.

Gambol;Gambol Shroud, but call me Gambol.

Ember:*throws up a salute and smile* What's up? I'm Ember.

F/n:These four are the humanized weapons of my girlfriends.

Bethany:THAT'SJUSTRIDICULOUS, YOUNG MAN! (Translation:That's just ridiculous, young man!)

F/n:No, it isn't. They were born by this Dust.

F/n took out some lavender Dust crystals, surprising them all.

Glynda:What Dust is that?

F/n:No idea. Not even an extremely intelligent person like me knows about it.

Olivia:Well, would you mind lending that Dust over? I'll have Professor Peach inspect it for you.

F/n:Sure then.

F/n placed the crystals in Oobleck's hand, who then sped off.

Olivia:Anyway, please follow me so we can talk about something.

<<==>>Short Timeskip<<==>>

Soon enough, Olivia told F/n, his girlfriends, and their allies about Remnant itself (although, F/n got to learn the most because he wasn't from Remnant in the first place), but not everything she knew.

F/n:Oh...this dimension seems just as interesting as my own.

Olivia:Young man, what do you mean by all that?

F/n:Hold up.

F/n took out his Scroll, typed something on it, and then held it up to his ear.

F/n:Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. I need you two to meet somebody. Mind coming to Remnant? Okay, thanks. *hangs up* My parents will be here in a moment.

A brief moment later, a neon blue portal opened and F/n's parents appeared.

M/n:Hello there, Madam.

Olivia looked surprised to see something like that.

Olivia:Who are you two?

D/n:The name's D/n L/n, headmaster of my city's academy. One of the most futuristic ones to be exact.

M/n:And I'm M/n L/n, one of the most trusted and strongest military specialists.

Olivia:What is all this?

F/n:I told you, I'm from a totally different dimension. My dimension is like Remnant's except it's more futuristic and advanced than Remnant itself.

Olivia:...I see. Well, what exactly did you three do to these four young ladies? *gestures to RWBY*

M/n:Well many years ago, I was actually on Remnant itself, just to do a little exploration work. Then, I met these four in an alleyway when they were still small and frail. I found out about what they've been through and I decided to take them all in for the best. Me, my husband, and my son, as you can see, treated them like they were biologically-related to us, took care of them they way their "parents" never did.

D/n:And they were eligible enough to attend my academy when they were 15 and up. In my academy, a year in there is equivalent to a day on the outside. *sees Olivia's shocked expression* Yes, it's surprising. Everyone says that.

F/n:And wanna know what's really good to know about my dimension? They DON'T play when it comes to certain crimes.

Olivia:What crimes would those be?

F/n:Murder, capital murder, attempted murder, child abuse, rape, terrorism, genocide, torture, and severe cases of assault and robbery. Also, any form of discrimination is highly prohibited.

D/n:He's not lying. Those crimes are just inhumane to even attempt.

M/n:If these four were abused in our dimension, then...their "parents" would've either been sentenced to many years in prison. Certain crimes would've made them eligible for the death penalty.

Olivia:I see...well, do you agree to it?

M/n:Agree to what?

Olivia:I was wondering if you all would like to be in an alliance with me and my own inner circle. We can work together to keep things in order. We can make it work.

D/n:What did F/n say?

F/n:I said it would be okay to do so. I just wanted to know what you two would say to it.

D/n:*shrugs* I can do some things to help every now and then.

M/n:Me as well. Maybe we can make this work.

Olivia:Good to know. I'm glad we can come to a full agreement.

D/n:Right. And if you ever need help with something...

D/n went over to Olivia and placed a black phone on her desk.

Olivia:What is this for? I do have a Scroll you know.

D/n:Well...this is an interdimensional contact phone. If you ever need me or my wife's help, you just call up. Both of our contact information are on it.

Olivia:I thank you then, sir.

D/n:No problem. *to F/n and RWBY* I'll see you all soon.

M/n:Bye, sweetheart.

F/n:*waves* I'll see you two later.

As they went through the portal...

M/n:Who were those other four girls?

The portal then closed.

F/n:Well, it was nice to meet you Ma'am. You call me if you ever need anything, alright?

Olivia:Okay then. Have a good afternoon, all of you.

They all then parted ways. On the way leaving, they all witnessed a team bullying a rabbit Faunus. F/n served up justice by letting Jen take over and brutally beat them with March Heir. After getting a thanks from the (blushing) rabbit Faunus, F/n then left with RWBY & RMGY.

Now, F/n and the others were in an alliance. Then from now on, they can get help whenever it's needed, provide their own help, and also learn more if they wanted to.

The screen then blacked out.

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