Bandits! Pt.2

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Yang and Ember were seen standing in front of...

Yang's former mother, Raven Branwen.

Yang:What are you doing here!?

Raven:What are you doing here?

Yang:*clenches her fist* I asked first and you know it, you abusive whore!

Raven:Yang, I...

Suddenly, Ember's other eye went red and a flaming Aura surrounded her. Then, she blindly grabbed Raven's collar and began to throttle her.

Ember(pissed):What the hell were you thinking, you fucking bitch!? WHY would you abuse Yang at a young age in the first place!?

Right before things could get violent, Yang stopped her.

Yang:Ember, that would just attract more Grimm. Stop!

After Ember wouldn't cooperate, Yang was forced to yank her away from Raven.

Yang:Ember, she's not worth it! Besides, now's not the time nor the place.

Ember calmed down after breathing in and out deeply.

Ember:Fine! *to Raven* But if I ever see you again, you better hope one of my friends are there to stop me from killing you!

Yang then left with Ember, leaving Raven in her own emotions.

Meanwhile, F/n was seen shooting down the last Nevermore with Ethan.

F/n:Nice work, Ethan.

Ethan:Thanks, sir.

Then suddenly...


This appeared out the air and started heading towards the village.

F/n:Oh, shit! Fire, Ethan.

Ethan nodded and began to shoot the Grimm, but his bullets seemed to do nothing.

F/n:Uh, okay then. *aims grenade launcher* This should work.

F/n fired a Fire Dust grenade at the Grimm, but all he did was piss it off because it began to fire a green corrosive liquid at the buildings below it.

F/n:Damn it! *thinks for a moment* I have an idea!

Ethan:What is it, sir?

F/n:Give me a boost to the top of the tower.

Ethan nodded and helped F/n climb to the top, while he watched the acid-spitting Grimm fly around.

F/n:*yells out* Hey, bird brain!

The Grimm saw F/n and looked at him with a petrifying gaze, but F/n kept his calm composure and stared back at it.

The Grimm then screeched out and began to fly towards F/n. Right when it was getting close, F/n turned March Heir to its Axe Mode and jumped at the giant bird. The Cockatrice opened it mouth, but F/n slammed the axe blades onto its head. Then, he flipped onto its back as it began to wildly shake him off.

F/n:Calm down. No point in whining over an axe striking your head. Anyway...

F/n created a polearm out of his ring and impaled it into the head of the Grimm again, causing it to screech out. Then, F/n proceeded to force the bird to nosedive into the ground right in front of Ruby, Rose, Yang, and Ember.

F/n:So, what's up?

Ember:What's up, F/n? Took down that new Grimm, huh?

F/n:Yep, turns out it's immune to bullets and Dust grenades. Melee weapons work better. Anyway, time to kill it.

Yang:*smirks* Can I do the honors?

F/n:Yang I love you, but...*creates a battleaxe* no.

F/n then decapitated the Grimm, the body and head dissipating afterwards.


After a short rendezvous with the others...


Yang:*glares* You're not welcome here! Get out of my face!

Raven:But, Yang. Don't you remember me?

Yang:I do. I just don't want to see you ever again as long as I breathe.

Ember:Or, I can kill you to make things even better.

Ember began to slowly move towards Raven before F/n stepped forward.

F/n:*places a hand on her chest* Ember, no! Now's not the time nor the place.

Ember:*huffs* Fine.

F/n:*to Raven* No offense Branwen, but your daughter has moved on from all you and that family of yours done to her and Ruby.

Raven:Who are you supposed to be?

F/n:My name is F/n L/n, son of the strongest people to exist, a newcomer to this hellish place, and the father to your daughter's own son.

Raven:*gets shocked* Son!?

F/n:Yes! And unlike you, Yang doesn't walk out on her son whenever he wants to be with her. She doesn't yell at him, beat him over the stupidest reasons, or say she wishes she never had him.

Yang:*crosses arms and nods* He's right. If anything, I make a WAY better mother than you'll ever be, Branwen.

Every word F/n and Yang said to her made Raven's emotions take over her a little bit more, to the point where tears were threatening to fall.

F/n:*creates a portal* So now, get out of here!

F/n then kicked Raven through the portal and to her tribe camp.

F/n:*sighs* Damn, that was a reunion unwanted.


The mayor of Kuroyuri came to them all.

Mayor:Thank you all so much for protecting Kuroyuri. We really sincerely appreciate you all coming here and stopping those bandits and Grimm.

F/n:Anything for people like the ones of this village, sir.

F/n then shook his hand before...

Nora:You all were awesome!

F/n then saw Ren, Nora, and Ren's mom.

F/n:Oh, hey you two.

Nora:You all handled those bandits with ease and killed those Grimm like true Huntsmen!

F/n:Well, we are full-fledged Huntsmen. That's for certain. *turns to An* The name's F/n L/n. Me and your daughter met a while ago. That's your answer from earlier.

An:*smiles* You seem like a really good young man. Thanks for saving us from earlier.

F/n:Well, rape is a crime I can't tolerate at all. Trust me, the punishment for that crime is quite devastating.

They all then parted ways and F/n decided to stop by a bakery.

Rose:What are you looking for?

F/n:Just hold on.

F/n then came out with two bags full of desserts and kinako bread.

F/n:Desserts for later and some for the kids. *holds the bags out* Go on and try them.

The eight females took either a cupcake, a slice of cake, or a piece of kinako bread, eating them after and reacting with amaze.

Ruby:Ooh, this cupcake is delicious! Not a cookie, but still delicious!

Blake:She's right. They put the perfect amount of frosting on their cake, too.

Rose:Yep, the bread's really sweet.

Ember:It would be nice to visit this village again someday, don'tcha think?

F/n:Eh, maybe so. *creates a portal* Alright, let's go home now.

They all then left through the portal.


F/n was seen walking to the kitchen at midnight when he saw that the light was on and there was snoring. He walked to the kitchen to see...Yang passed out with an empty glass near her and James patting her back.


F/n walked over.

F/n:James, what are you doing up at midnight?

James:I wanted a midnight snack, but then I saw Mom drinking and then fall asleep. So, I decided to comfort her. Is she okay?

F/n:*sighs* She is, James. It's just something that happened yesterday.

F/n shook Yang awake, causing her to snap up.

Yang:I don't care, "Mom"! I don't love you anymore and I won't ever forgive you!

F/n:Yang, it's me.

Yang:*turns to him* Hey, sweetie. What are you doing?

F/n:I was coming down to get something to sip on, but then I saw James comforting you. Were you drinking because of your encounter with Raven?

Yang:*sighs* Yes, I never wanted to see her again and she had the nerve to get up in my face. I don't want to forgive her ever.

F/n:*places a hand on her back* I understand you, Yang. Just...don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you, any of the others, or any of my children ever! Okay?

Yang:Okay. *kisses his face* You really are the best thing that ever happened to me, just like James.

Yang then hugged her son.

Yang:Let's get you back in bed, my little dragon.

James:Okay, Mom.

Yamg then kissed her son goodnight and tucked him in bed before she went back down to see F/n drinking.

Yang:And you and I should get some sleep too.

F/n:Of course.

F/n then put the glass in the dishwasher before he turned off the light, making the screen go dark.

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