Holy Sh#t!!! Human Weapons!?

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About half an hour later, F/n and Ethan came out with the lavender Dust in the form of vials and bullets.

F/n:Well, we didn't manage to get any information of this Dust. But, we were able to create it into powder and bullets.

Blake:Really? Why is it that way though?

F/n:Because you four are about to test it.

Weiss:Wait! That Dust might be rare, but it could also unstable to use. We don't know what could happen.

Ruby:Well, that does make it more fun in even trying it.

F/n:We better do this outside. Come on.

F/n then went outside with his girlfriends as Ruby (Crescent Rose) and Yang loaded the Dust in their weapons and Weiss (Myrtenaster) and Blake loaded Dust vials in their own weapons. Their children sat on the porch, staying a safe distance in case something bad happens.

F/n:*raises hand* Ready? (They all aimed their weapons in the same direction.) *throws hand down* Fire!

However the moment they all did that, a big lavender cloud came and the four were all blown back from the recoil.

Ruby:*coughs* What was that?

Yang:I don't know. I can't see.

Weiss:I knew this was a bad idea!

Blake:Weiss, stop acting like that. At least we're alive.

F/n:Hey, kids. You all alright?

Sōshi:I'm fine. I can't see any of you though.

Lily:Neither can I.

James+Sapphire(in unison):I'm okay.

When the cloud finally cleared, F/n ran over to his girlfriends.

F/n:You all okay?

RWBY(in unison):Yes, we're alright.


James:*points* Hey, Dad. Look behind you.

F/n turned and saw a sight that made his jaw drop.

F/n:Girls, you all may want to look in front of yourselves.

RWBY did that and saw a sight that made their jaws drop.

Ruby:No! Way!

Weiss:How is this possible!?

Blake:Wow, that is not something you see everyday!

Yang:This! Is! So cool!

In front of them were these four girls...

This artwork is not mine.

Crescent Rose and Myrtenaster:

Gambol Shroud:

Ember Celica:

F/n:No way! Who are you four?

Myrtenaster:What do you mean, F/n? It's me, Myrtenaster.

Crescent Rose:And I'm Crescent Rose. Just call me Rose though.

Gambol:Gambol, Gambol Shroud.

Ember:What's up? I'm Ember Celica.

F/n just inspected them all in extreme awe, along with his girlfriends and children.

F/n:No way! I must be high or something.

Ruby:I know, I'm not. This looks amazing! Crescent Rose is a living human being!

Rose:I sure am, Ruby. Full of guts just like you.

Myrtenaster:She's right. All of us are.

Meanwhile, the kids came over.

Sōshi:Is this real?

Gambol went over to him and kneeled down to his level.

Gambol:Hey, Sōshi. Still adorable as always, aren't you?

She then pet the nine-tailed fox Faunus on his ears, making him melt again.

Ember:Ya know, Yang? You made a seriously great decision.

Yang:What decision?

Ember went over to F/n.

Ember:Entering a relationship with this guy. How knew that beauty, that means you, and brains, this guy, made a pretty great couple after all?

That just made the two go red.



Rose:Yeah, I'm actually really glad Ruby came to meet you after all.

Myrternaster+Gambol(in unison):Same for Weiss/Blake.

F/n:Uh, thanks. I really wanted the best for them all.

Rose:Yeah, Summer really is a...(Myrtenaster stared at her and pointed towards the kids.) real itch.

Ember:Same for Raven.

Gambol:Don't even get me started on Kali.

Myrtenaster:Or Willow or Winter.

F/n:Let's not forget their "dads" either. Actually, let's just forget them in general. Anyway, let's do a little something here.


F/n:I wanna run some tests on you four. I'm talking to you, Myrternaster, Gambol, and Ember. See what you all are capable of since you all are...well, human like us.

Rose:Okay, throw it at me.

Myrtenaster:Sure thing.

Gambol:*shrugs* Okay then.

Ember:*smashes her fists together* Let's do it!


For the remainder of the day, F/n spent his time testing out the abilities of the four now-humanized weapons of his girlfriends. The results...

Turned out to be amazing.

F/n was seen walking in front of them all.

F/n:So, you all have the same attributes as your wielders and the same weapon proficiency as well? All that and you all have the same Semblance as well?

Rose sped away and reappeared back, leaving rose petals in her wake.

Myrtenaster made a large glyph in front of her hands.

Gambol made a clone of herself.

Ember's left eye turned red and her hair caught on fire.

Then, they all stopped.

F/n:Hm, you know? I never thought I would have to say this, but I think you all would make some good partners in slaying Grimm...physically.

Rose:I take pride in doing what I do best.

F/n:Well, I guessed you all earned these then.

F/n ran inside the mansion and came out with weapons in his arms.

F/n:*lays the weapons down* If you all are truly loyal and willing to help out, you all earned these then.

F/n picked this sniper and scythe up.

F/n:The sniper rifle has rounds that could pierce through most material and the scythe could slash through anything with ease.

Rose:Sweet. Thanks, F/n.

F/n handed this long sword to Myrtenaster.

Myrtenaster:Wait, isn't this Silverglow?

F/n:Well, Weiss decided she would prefer to use Myrtenaster, which I'll be re-creating for her. Only this time she'll only use the ordinary Dust and not that lavender Dust.

Rose:What do you plan to do with that Dust anyway?

F/n:Well, we both will be holding onto it until we can decide what to do with it. For now, just accept that this is how you all are now, except 10x more cooler than your usual form. Although, that kinda hurts my pride since I DID create you all.

The four just went pink.

Myrtenaster:Thanks, F/n. *takes Silverglow*

F/n:Gambol, these are for you.

F/n picked up these swords and this Glock.

F/n:Like Blake, think of using a ribbom and this pistol that same way Blake used you in a kusarigama.

Gambol:Hm. Thanks, I appreciate it F/n.

F/n:And Ember? *picks up a pair of gauntlets* Since I assume you REALLY like to punch your way through most situations like Yang does, these are for you.

Ember:*takes them and puts them on* Cool. *smashes her fists together* Thank you, F/n. You really are cool.

F/n:Eh, thanks. Anyway, I gotta go to re-creating the weapons of my girlfriends. Then, I'm gonna just relax for the rest of the day.

F/n then ran inside, leaving the four outside.

Rose:F/n really is the best kind of guy.

Myrtenaster:Yeah, I'm really glad Weiss actually came to end up living a great life with him and not that jackass father of hers.

Ember:Well, same for Yang. Raven's an extreme mega-bitch. Saying she regrets giving birth to Yang.

Rose:Summer's a real bitch, too. She said the same kind of thing to Ruby too.

Gambol:And disowning Blake like that? What the hell was their problem back then?

Myrtenaster:Same goes for Weiss and her selfish, idiotic "family".

Rose:Well, at least none of them are with those bastards out there.

Ember:Well, I hope we get to meet them personally so I beat that fuckboy to the ground for all that.

R+M+G(in unison):Same here.

The screen then blacked out.

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