Village Attack! "Sister"! Unknown Dust!

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F/n was seen placing some freshly picked strawberries in some containers. Then, Sapphire and Sōshi came in the kitchen.

Sapphire:*hugs his legs* Daddy!

F/n:*pets her head* Hey, Sapphire. What are you two doing?

Sōshi:We're just sitting around. What are you doing?

F/n:Putting the strawberries I just had picked in containers to keep them fresh.

Sapphire:Ooh, can I have some of them?

Sōshi:Me too.


F/n left some of the strawberries in two bowls for both of them to eat. Then, he passed the bowls to them both.

Sapphire:*eats one* Mmm~. These are so delicious.

Sōshi:*eats one* Mmm, she's right.

F/n:*shrugs* Well, they are fresh from the bush. *pets their heads* You two enjoy those.

F/n then went to the living room, where Weiss was doing Lily's hair and Yang was snuggling with James.

Lily:Hey, Daddy.

F/n:Hey, Lily. Getting your hair fixed?

Lily:Yep. Mommy's a good stylist.

Weiss:No idea where that came from.

F/n:Guess you're good at ponytails, considering you have one yourself.

Weiss:That may be it.

F/n:Well, I'm gonna see what we can do. Maybe find some Grimm or something to kill.

F/n went over to the table in the living room, which was also a map of all of Remnant.

F/n did some looking and then found out that Beowolves were attacking a small village.

F/n:Hmm, we got some Beowolves attacking a village. *turns to Weiss and Yang* You two get ready.


Yang:*smashes her fists together* Let's do it.

F/n watched as they left. F/n hugged his two children tightly.

F/n:Alright, you two. Me and your mothers will be gone for a bit. Watch over each other. Well, User will be there anyway.

Lily:Okay, Daddy.


F/n then kissed them both.

A moment later, F/n, Ethan, and his girlfriends stepped onto the transportation machine F/n has built. F/n then typed in the coordinates of their destination and then a neon blue energy flowed over them all before they disappeared.

A moment later, they appeared near the village.

F/n:Alright, people. *turns March Heir into Axe Mode* Put on your "Game Face". It's action time. Ruby, you get to a vantage point and provide us support from above with Crescent Rose.

Ruby:*nods* Right.

Ruby used her Semblance to dash off to find a vantage point.

F/n:Now, let's not waste time. Go!

F/n and the others charged off into the village to slay the Grimm and save the village.

F/n slashed the Beowolves down with March Heir in its Axe Mode, cutting them in half vertically and diagonally.

Weiss used Silverglow with Fire Dust to stab and slash the Beowolves down.

Blake used Gambol Shroud's katana and sheath to kill the Beowolves surrounding a house filled with a man, his wife, and his daughter.

Yang set her fists aflame and beat any Beowolves that got near her to death. Then when one lunged at her from behind, a loud !! BANG !! emitted and the Beowolf fell down before dissipating.

Yang:Whoa! *yells out* Thanks, sis!

Ruby:*yells back* You're welcome!

Yang then ran back to fight.

Ethan used his gun to shoot down some Beowolves and when they really started to get to him, he activated something and two arm-mounted machine guns came onto his arms and he began to tear them down.

A few moments later, they managed to tear down all the Grimm in the area. Then, they all gathered around.

F/n:Good. That's all of them?

Ruby:Yes. I managed to get some attacking a few houses from the roof, just to let you know.

Weiss:And I'm hoping people are alive here.

F/n:*nods* Alright, guess we can go home now.

However, a portal suddenly appeared behind them.

F/n:What the hell? What is this?

About 15 of these came out the portal.

F/n:Ah, shit. Not these guys again. Get out here! Nobody wants any of you here.

The Brutes just grunted at him.

F/n:Your choice. *turns March Heir into Hoverboard Mode and creates an energy battleaxe* Attack!

The five charged and the fifteen Brutes did the same thing. Then when they got close to each other, the screen stopped there.

<<==>>Moments Later<<==>>

The Brutes were seen slaughtered by them all, purple blood decorating the green grass. After all that, the six went and let the villagers know that the threats have been exterminated.

F/n:Well, that was something.

Yang:Yep. Never thought aliens would be coming to Remnant though.

F/n:Exactly what I thought.



??? #2:Ms. Schnee!

Weiss froze up when the heard those voices.

Weiss:*Oh, Oum. Please, don't tell me that's who I think it is!

Weiss slowly turned around, only to see...

Her ex-older sister Winter and General Ironwood, along with some Atlesian Knights-200s.

Weiss:Damn! What are you doing here!?

Ironwood:We did come to deal with an apparent Grimm attack but seeing what's going on now, you all seemed to have taken care of the problem.


Winter:I see you've matured, sister. I...

Weiss:Shut up! Just shut up!

Ironwood:Ms. Schnee! Is that any way to talk to your sister!?

Weiss:First of all, you shut up! I wasn't talking to you! Second, I'm am NOT anybody's sister anymore!

Winter:What are you talking about!?
You're a biological Schnee, Weiss! You've...


Winter:L/n? What kind of...

F/n:*steps forward* A name that carries respect and love. And if you have a problem with that, then say it so I can do something unforgivable!

Yang:*turns to the others* You all ready?

Ruby, Blake, and Ethan nodded. They began to walk forward, but F/n held a hand back to stop them.

F/n:No. *looks at Winter and Ironwood* If you all are here for Weiss, she's not going anywhere but home with me! Her daughter needs her anyway.

Winter:Daughter!? With you!? *rolls eyes* Weiss, did you really...

Weiss:YES! And it's staying that way. I don't need anybody but F/n, Lily, and the other nice people in my life. So, you can forget about taking me back because I'm NOT going back! *turns to F/n* Let's go already. I'm already tired today.

F/n nodded to her and took out a device before firing it to the side, opening a neon green portal.

F/n:*turns to RBY and Ethan* You all go ahead. On the other hand...

F/n grabbed Weiss' shoulders and kissed her deeply in front of Winter and Ironwood, irritating them. The others just walked to the portal with Ethan.

Ironwood:*to RBY* You three, STOP! You all are needed at home!

Yang:*flips him off* Hell no! Tell those three abusive whores to stay the hell away! *leaves with Ruby, Blake, and Ethan*

F/n:Did you like that?

Weiss(red faced):Ye-Yeah, I really liked that.

F/n looked at the mildly angry Winter and Ironwood.

F/n:Well, piss off. She has moved on. Also...

F/n took out March Heir in baseball bat form and an Explosive Dust grenade. He threw the grenade into the air and whacked it at the two and the robots. An explosion came that destroyed the robots and knocked Winter and Ironwood away.


F/n then went through the portal with Weiss, the portal closing after and leaving Winter and Ironwood alone.


F/n was seen drinking some coffee with Weiss. Lily sat nearby, a bottle of juice in her hand.

F/n:I'm really sorry that happened, Weiss. I know that must've been hard.

Weiss:It's okay, F/n. At least I've made my point clear to them that I'm a L/n and not a Schnee anymore. You know, the only person who was ever nice to me there was Klein, the family butler.

Lily:What's a Schnee?

Weiss:My old family name, Lily. I've disowned that name years ago, even before you came in my life. And there was no way I was letting you have that name either.

F/n:That was the right thing to do, too.

F/n and Weiss then shared another kiss. Then...

Yang:Hey, F/n!

F/n looks at her, seeing her, Blake, and Ruby (each with their child) enter the living room.

F/n:Hey, girls. What's going on?

Blake:You may want to look at this.

Blake took out a sack and poured out...some lavender-colored Dust crystals.


Weiss:What is that!? I never saw that Dust before in my life!

Yang:Well, we were outside playing with our kids and then Sōshi had went to go get the ball that I punched too hard. Then, he came back with the ball...and this discovery.

Yang took out her Scroll and showed F/n a photo of a cave full of Dust crystals.

F/n:*to Sōshi* You found that!? *pets his ears* Nice one, Sōshi. Now, we have somewhere to get Dust in case we run out.

Sōshi smiled from the affection.

F/n:Anyway, we'll worry about that cave later. Right now, I'm gonna go inspect this Dust. Ethan?

Ethan came to the living room.


F/n:Come with me to the lab. We have a new Dust to inspect.

Ethan:Yes, sir.

F/n and Ethan left to go to the lab so they can try to get some information on the Dust.

Ruby:Soo, what does that Dust do? Where is it from?

Weiss:*shrugs* No idea. Hopefully, F/n and Ethan can learn about. Maybe we can use it to our advantage.

The screen then blackened out.

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