White Fang, Bad Memories, & Salvation! Pt.2

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The screen then brightened up to reveal Adam smiling and Blake frozen in shock.

Adam:So, Blake...long time, no see right?

Blake didn't say a thing because her shock prevented her from even thinking of what to say to Adam.

Adam:You know...I can see why you were disowned. You ran away from your home and everything. That makes you nothing more than a simple coward.

However, Adam's words were enough to piss off Gambol, who was shaking with anger.

Gambol:You son of a...

Gambol then recklessly charged at him, not listening to Blake's protests not to. Gambol then tried to slash Adam with her swords, but he effortlessly dodged her attacks before he suddenly kicked her in a crate. Ignoring the pain, she got back up only to get slashed on the stomach. Falling to the ground, she was helpless as Adam took the opportunity to slowly walk over to her.

Adam:How pitiful of you. Trying to kill someone nobody can even restrain.

Adam then placed his boot on her wound, increasing her pain.

Adam:*chuckles* This was a too easy job.

Adam was about to stab her, but...

His weapon was caught by Blake's own, who snapped out of her shock.

Blake:Leave! My friend! Alone!

Adam just laughed at that.

Adam:What friend do you have, Blake? The answer is nobody. After what you have done in the past, everybody pretty much abandoned you. Even your own parents have.

Then suddenly...

Blake:SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP,  ADAM! *I may be a coward for that, but I'm not letting this just drag me down.* 

Blake then yanked her weapon back towards herself and began firing at Adam, who just blocked them with Wilt. Then, Blake attempted to take Adam head on with her own weapon. That just turned into Adam easily deflecting her attacks and taunting her while doing so. Then, fire suddenly trailed from Adam's sword, which ended up setting off the Dust in the nearby crates. An explosion came and knocked Blake into the wall. When she attempted to get back up and fight...

Adam stabbed her in the bottom left section of her abdomen. Soon enough, Blake was in enough pain to make her just lay there and swallow her pain.

Adam:You know, I thought you would've turned out differently after all those years. But...I was wrong. You're still nothing but a coward. 

Adam then raised his sword, this time above Blake's heart.

Adam:Say goodbye!

However before Adam could end Blake's life...

Somebody knocked the sword out his hand and then kicked him away from her. The saviour turned out to be...

F/n, who has an energy handaxe in his hand.

F/n:Look where being a bastard has gotten you.


Blake:*weakly* F/n...thank Oum you came!

F/n instinctively ran over to Blake, looking at her wound.

F/n:*to Adam* You son of a bitch! 

Adam:*gets up* Who the hell are you!?

F/n:My name is F/n L/n and I'm gonna make you pay for hurting Blake back then and just now.

Adam just laughed at him.

Adam:What would a low-life like you want with a coward like Blake?

F/n:*begins healing Blake with his Aura* Everything! Because Blake is one of the most important people in my life...and as far as I'm concerned, I'm gonna fight her demons everyday for her if I have to.

F/n then finished healing Blake (leaving an x-shaped scar) and stood in front of Adam. 

F/n:*points at him* And you, mate, are one of those demons. And so...I have to exterminate you for your sins!

F/n then created an energy greatsword and charged at Adam. The two then began to clash swords with each other.

While they did that, Gambol crawled over to Blake.

Gambol:Blake! Please...*coughs* use your Aura to heal me.

Alarmed, Blake did that, leaving Gambol with a horizontal scar across her stomach.

Gambol:Now, come on! F/n would need us.

F/n then back-flipped from a horizontal slash from Adam. Then, Gambol appeared and began to clash with him. When Adam was about to stab her, she quickly made a firey clone that exploded right onto him. With her chance open, Blake went on and clashed her sword against Adam's own, the two staring each other down intensely. 

Adam:Why don't you just give up and accept you're a coward?


Blake:I refuse to yield to you or anybody who's not my friend!

Then with her strength, Blake forced herself up and Adam fell back. With the opportunity open, F/n created a gauntlet on his arm and fired a blast of energy at him, which ended up knocking him out the train car completely.

F/n:Did that do any good?


Adam(off-screen):No it didn't, you worthless hack!

F/n:Damn it! *to Blake and Gambol* Well, come on! I'm not going anywhere until this bloodthirsty devil is completely dead!

F/n then grabbed Blake and Gambol's hands and took them to the top of the train car, where Adam was waiting for them.

Adam:Tell me this, Blake. Why is this guy, of all other people, so important to you?

Blake just stared at him with a hardened look before...

Blake:He's the most important person to ever come into my life! Right along with my other real friends...and my own son! If anything, I'm glad you all even abused me and abandoned me in the first place because if you didn't, I wouldn't be able to stand up to even you yourself! So if you ask me who is the true hero of Remnant and me...the answer...is F/n! Other Faunus can perish and I wouldn't care as long as I have F/n and the others by my side!

That whole rant made Adam upset, which was evidently due to the expression.

F/n:She's right, man. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it either.

Adam just lost it and yelled out before charging at the three in rage. With three against one, it wasn't hard for F/n, Blake, and Gambol to fend themselves against Adam. 

F/n then struck Adam multiple times with his baseball bat, only to notice that Adam was only fueling his Semblance. Then, F/n kicked him back again. Then...

Adam:*chuckles* You fool! 

F/n then got an idea and charged at Adam again. However...

Blake+Gambol(in unison):F/N, NO!

However, it was too late. Adam activated Moonslice and one slash was enough to make the screen go completely black.

The screen then brightened up to see Blake and Gambol with their eyes closed, unable to even think about F/n's current state. And then...


The two then opened their eyes to see...

F/n blocked Adam's sword with an energy shield.

F/n:If you think I'm just gonna die...it's not gonna be caused by the likes of you! I'm not dying until after you, a fucking animal, is in a cage...in the palm of the Devil!

F/n then forced the sword out of Adam's hands. When Adam attempted to get it back, F/n stopped him and threw him towards Blake. Anger pretty much consumed Adam at this point and he stupidly tried to physically strike Blake.

But then...

Gambol stabbed him in his side, Blake stabbed him in the stomach, and F/n used his own sword to stab him through his heart and out of his chest.


Adam froze up, completely shell-shocked at his own defeat. Then, the trio took their blades out of his body and Adam fell to his knees at the edge of the train car. After a few seconds, he fell off the train car before he hit the side of the bridge and a rock on his way down to a watery grave.

After all that...

Blake latched tightly onto F/n, slightly crying into his shoulder.

F/n:*hugs her* Hey, hey. It's okay. He's dead. Never to breath or terrorize another human again.

Blake:I know that. It's just...I thought I lost you! You're literally one of the most important people in my life and I don't ever want to lose you! I love you, F/n!

F/n:*gives off a warm smile* I love you too, Blake. 

The two then engaged into a makeout session, making Gambol have to wave off the awkwardness by whistling.

F/n:*separates from Blake* Let's go home now. *gets an idea* *Those Dust crates...shipped from the Schnee Dust Company itself.*

Before they left the train for good, F/n went through each train car and took each Dust crate and threw it off the train and into the river. Then, he went home with Blake and Gambol.


At home, F/n, Blake, and Gambol were seen telling the whole story to the others.

F/n:And we just took each crate full of Dust and threw it in the river. No way they'll be able to recover those.

Weiss:So...you went on and destroyed the Dust shipped from my grandfather's company?

F/n:Yes, so what?

Weiss:*smirks* Nice move there, F/n. I bet "Dad" is losing it right now and may just end up popping a blood vessel or two.

F/n:I'll personally pop his blood vessels when I get my hands on him. That's for certain.

Yang:And you know something, F/n? That was a really smart move for you to only take Blake and Gambol with you. Guess it was best if she was the one to slay her own demons.

F/n:Right. *lays down* Soon enough, the people of Remnant will know my name.

The screen then went black.

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