25 | video diaries

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We all sit down on the a black couch in a room, a camera gets set up in front of us. Niall, Harry and Liam sit on the couch, with Louis in front of them on the ground, and me and Zayn at the back.

"Right, just start by saying it's video diary's number three cause the other two were before Jayden joined and there's no point restarting," Paul says and we nod, I'm clued in on what's happening so it's should be fine.

"Right, start," Paul says nodding. 

"Hello guys, welcome back to video diaries number three," Zayn says  as he waved his arms in the air.

All the rest of us cheer. "And this time we are gonna be even crazier, because it's our first time with , Jayden in," Zayn says as he points at me dramatically.

"Hello hello," I say as I fake bow to the camera.

"It's coming up to the start of the tour, but on the shows we've done so far it's been such a laugh and it's been great fun, and it's been a chance for us to give back  to the fans," Niall says as we all nod along.

"We've had a real good laugh, do you not think guys? I would say we have come together as one." Louis says as he turns and looks back at us, before we all agree with him.

"I think with us the highlight of the few shows have just been the audiences," Harry says hesitantly as Louis starts to crawl round the back of the couch, making me smile as I see his head pop round the corner. "They've been so enthusiastic and," Harry continues, before Louis jumps up beside me and Zayn.

"Whoohoo!" He shouts, before flopping down in between Liam and Harry. Harry continues saying how great the fans have been as Liam starts to pull Louis arm forward, I smile and lift up his legs with Zayn, pushing him forward and off the couch, head first.

"Quick, do a roll, a rollie pollie" Zayn says as he lift his legs right over, letting him land with a thud.

"Like a sack of bricks," I say with a smile as he groans of the floor.

"We are so excited to go all around the world with this tour it'll be amazing," Liam says and I nod along as I sit behind him on the back for the couch.

"So hopefully, we'll see you soon," Harry says.

"Would you say it's the best part of the job?" Liam asks us all.

"Id never left England before this so just going to be amazing," I say with a smile.

"100% yes," Niall agrees.

"Yes I think so," Harry says as Louis waves his hand in the air agreeing.

"So as usual, we are going to answer some of your questions, the first question is from Colette," Niall says, pausing for Louis to make his joke.

"The best a man can get," he says, actually making me laugh slightly.

"And she wants to know if there was an alien invasion, what would we do to stop them eating our faces," Niall says and I look about confused.

"I would feed them pizza because pizzas nicer," Liam says and I nod, he's not wrong.

"Weird," Louis mumbles and I smile at his comment.

"I'd get Harry to drive us away," Niall says.

"Cause he's just passed his drivers test," Zayn says.

"Yeah cheers for that one Haz," I say with a small smile as I put his shoulder, he glanced up at me with a smile. We had agreed not to tell the public we were dating for a while, cause it would get messy quick.

"The next question is from Chlo," I say as I repeat the name.

"Check my flow," Louis says, before letting me continue.

"Yes chlo check my flow, and she wants to know," I say, before Zayn stops me.

"Which rhymes also," Zayn says and I look at him impressed.

"Ooo" I say as Harry and Niall point at him.

"DJ Malik," Louis points out as he laughs.

"Well I guess I'm a rapper now," he laughs before he looks over at me.

"Well she wants to know, if you could use one dance move to pull a girl what would you do," I say and all the boys think for a minute.

"So imagine, I'm dancing, and you want me to dance with you, what dance you doing to impress me with," I say and the boys all nod thinking.

"Ok, I'm gonna do the, one two three flick," Liam says, mimicking Zayn's accent. "Are you ready?"
He says looking at me and I nod with a smile. He looks back forward and mumbles the words, while moving his head back and forth to the beat Louis doing on his leg, before flicking his hair to the side. 

Zayn laughs and I clap.

"Honestly yes, it definitely worked," I say and he smiles proud of himself.

"It's all about the flick," Zayn says with a smile.

"Harry, what dance move would you do?" I ask and he looks back at me, thinking for a minute.

"Um, maybe like a, like a knee slide," he says and I smile at the fact he was genuinely thinking for a good answer. Liam laughs at the answer and Niall just smiles.

"And rip your trousers on the way through?" He asks and I point at him nodding.

"That's a good point, it's a no from me mate," I say as I ruffle his hair, making his smile slightly.

"What about you Louis?" Zayn asks and I look down at the boy on the ground.

"I would, go for the subtle, stop the traffic," Louis puts his arm out beside him and bops his head to the imaginary beat, before putting his other arm up and telling the 'traffic' to come through, "let them through, or," he says as I laugh.

"I'd go for the classic, which way am I gonna go?" He says as he waves his arm around, before pulling his face the opposite way than you would think.

"Oh there you go," he says and I clap.

"Honestly, the first one done it for me, but the second secured it," I say and he fake bows.

"Um, I would probably do a triple backflip in the air," Zayn says and I nod impressed.

"Zayn you can't do a triple backflip," Louis says dismissively and I chuckle at the bluntness.

"Yeah but I'm learning, I've got the double down I just need the triple," he says awkwardly.

"How have I never seen this backflip?" I ask and he smiles.

"I'll show you later," and I nod content.

"The next questions from Katie and she wants to know if a random madman, stole all our phones, how would be get them back?" Harry asks, ignoring Louis saying sherbet mid sentence. "Zayn?"

"I would probably," he pauses and pulls a red cap on over his eyes, "become Vas Happening Man and save us all," he says happily and I smile.

"Sherbet." Louis says quietly.

"What would you do Louis?" Liam asks.

"I'd throw sherbet on them,"

The camera stops and Paul stands up.

"Everyone switch T-shirts," he says casually and I look at him confused.

"Sorry?" I asks and he nods. I was wearing one of Louis shirts anyway so it was going to fit the boys, I've noticed that the only clothes I wear come form the boys, how cute.

"Cover the camera mate," I say, making Paul nod and stand in front of the camera lens. I take Louis shirt and put it on, Niall takes mine, Louis takes Liam's, Zayn takes Harry's, Liam takes Zayn's and Harry takes Niall's. Everyone sits where whoever was wearing there shirt sat. I sat down on the floor in front of Zayn.

"Alright lads so the next question is from Celine and she wants to know," I say in a thick Doncaster accent, before Liam stops me.

"Vas happenin Celine," Liam says making Harry burst out laughing.

"She wants to know, if today were the last day of me life what would we do," I continue.

"So, Niall what do you think mate," I ask Harry, who starts speaking in a Irish accent.

"Well I think, if today was the last day of me life, I'd go to Nando's, I'd play me guitar, and I'd drink some tennyes," he says and I point to Louis behind me

"What about you Liam?" I say in my normal accent again.

"You awrite Louis," he says, trying and failing, to copy Liam accent. "I think I would go back to Dudley and have some fun with my friends from Dudley, and I'd meet up with them via Facebook and twittah" he says, making us all try contain our laughter.

"What about you Zayn?" I ask Liam.

"I'd say, vas happenin,"Liam says as he puts his arms out happily.

"Jayden?" I ask Niall who smiles and plays with his imaginary hair.

"I think I would probably go back to the pub I used to work in, and I'd serve all the drink again, and sing all night," he says, getting my accent pretty spot on to be fair.

"What about you Harry?" I ask Zayn and he look about sort of like Harry does.

"Um, I think I'd like, probably, like drive my car, cause I passed my drivers test," he says making me smile as I hold back my laughter.

"Sounds great if you ask me," Louis says I'm a bad Dudley accent.

"A right laugh that," I say, before we all swap back I to our own clothes again. Me and Zayn go back to the back as the others do the outro.

"Oh no it's the hydrolics on," Zayn says as me and him start lifting the back of the couch up and down.

"Put the tunes of Louis," I say as we lift it. All the boys start beatboxing and singing different songs at once. It Wasn't Me by Shaggy starts at one point, and Candy Shop, by 50 Cent at another.  I just laugh and beatbox before me and Zayn push the couch right over, tipping everyone right onto each other.

"Harry drive more safe," Zayn shouts as they all end up in a pile. We all get up in a fit of laughter as Paul stops filming and we all pile out into a different room.

There are red seats going up in rows like a theatre, we all sit down, me, Niall and Louis in the front row, and Harry Liam and Zayn behind us.

"Ready" he shouts and we all smile as Liam introduces the video diaries.

"Whooo," we all shout excited. As Louis shoots some red plastic gun.

"But unfortunately, as I'm sure Zayn, and everyone else is very sad about," Liam says as he puts his arm around him.

"This is going to be the last full video diary for a little while," he says and we all look sad as Liam and Niall pretend to cry.

"I'm so sick of it," Zayn says after mumbling through fake sobs.

"Shut up," Louis says as he whips his head round and shoots the gun at Zayn.

"Since our tour starts soon, we will be very busy so won't have time, but we thank you for all the support," Zayn says as Louis holds a fake pigeon on his shoulder.

Where the fuck did he get that?

"Yes that's right Kevin," Louis says as he strokes the bird, making a smile spread on my face. "Zayn is a lovely guy,"

The boys all speak about going to America and how they can't wait to see everyone. I just sit agreeing with them. The whole time Louis sits stroking Kevin before kissing it. Then making it bark at Niall.

"Ok so we have a question from Maya, and she wants to know if we could change anything in the world what would we change?" Zayn asks.

"I'd make that pigeon disappear," Liam says evilly and Louis lets the bird drop to the floor.

"You horrible man," Zayn says to Liam.

"He's gone," Liam says as Louis sobs into his hands.

"I'd make that pigeon reappear," Louis says as the bird gets flung up to him as Liam makes pigeon noises.

"Harry what would you do?" Niall asks and I look behind me at him, making him smile slightly.

"I'd wish for, two more wishes," he says waving his hands about.

"Boring," I mumble still looking back at him as the boys disagree with him.

"What about you Jay?" Niall asks looking at me and I smile.

"Nothing, everything is perfect," I say with a smile and look at Zayn.

"I wouldn't change anything either cause I love my life," Zayn says happily and I smile at the answer.

"I love you Zayn," Louis says and Zayn rolls his eyes as he says it back.

The next questions is about most recent dream, and Niall and Louis answer, Louis starts talking about a seventh member and they were horrible and no one was helping him.

"He was walking about going, I'm a Bradford bad boy," Louis says pretending to be Zayn.

"Oh, I don't even say that anymore," Zayn says embarrassed making me laugh.

"This next questions from Arianne, and she wants to know, if we were to stay up all night, what would we be doing?" Louis says and I smile slightly at the question.

"You first Jayden," Louis says as he looks round at me with a smile.

"What would I be doing?" I say as I think, trying to get every dirty thought out my head.

Keep it PG-13.

"I would, have a dance party," I say and Louis just smiles again.

"I think I'd watch some films," Harry says and I nod looking back at him.

Liam then starts talking about how he would send it with a friend and Zayn starts saying DJ Malik over and over.

Niall starts to do the outro and Louis disappears.

"Energy drink," Zayn says as he starts shaking everywhere as Liam takes a fake sip, before giving it to Harry, who gives it to me. All of us sit shaking and jumping about the seats from the juice as Louis finds Kevin in the seats about.

"Kevin?" He says as he cries. "Kevin?" He kisses the bird and leaves it sitting on the seats, before running off crying.

"That was amazing," I laugh as the camera turns off.

"Ok, so what are yous doing tonight?" Paul says looking at Liam.

"I think, me, Harry and Louis were going to go play football in the park," Liam says and I look over. I knew that Niall and Zayn weren't that bothered about playing so they weren't being left out.

"Your playing football?" I ask as I look at Liam interested.

"Yeah, you wanna come?" He asks and I nod excited.

"I've not played in years oh my god," I say with a smile as I turn to Harry.

"Your about to have flashbacks to being 9 and getting destroyed at penalty shootouts," I say as I walk over to Harry, who just smirks as he looks me up and down.

"Mhm, I'm sure I will," he says as he pulls his arm round my waist.

"So whatever this is," Paul says as he points between me and Harry.

"Cant go public yet, so keep it indoors," he says and I laugh embarrassed that he had realised that quick.

"Yeah yeah whatever," Harry says with a smile.

"Come on, your getting beat at football tonight," I say as I pull him by the arm.

"Hurry up boys," Harry shouts as it's already pretty late, meaning it's dark outside anyway.


We go to a park and set up two bags to use as posts. We run about the park and warm up for a bit. Before Paul presses record and watches us play for a bit. We weren't playing in teams because there was only 4 of us, so we just had Louis in goals, and the rest of us trying to score.

I had my hair pulled back in a pony tail and a pair of leggings with just a sports bra on, as it was kinda warm despite being so late.

"Let's go then," Harry says as he sets the ball up in the middle.

"Go," Paul shouts as we all try tackle the ball of each other, it's takes me a while to get back into the game before I start to have attempts at a goal. I kick it once, but Louis hits it out the way by the smallest amount.

"Fuck off," I mumble as Louis shouts.

"The Tommos back, I'm back," he says happily as I flip him off out of view from the camera.

About ten minutes pass and I try again, this time hitting the fence behind, making the goal count.

"Im back," I shout and Louis flips me off, making me stick my tongue out at him.

After a while I go in goals and save most of the ones that come my way.

I save one of Harry's, hitting it into the air easily.

"With my knowledge and under standing of the football game," Harry says as he walks towards me seriously, talking with a thick accent, "I feel like I should be a lot better at football," he says making me smile at how funny he found it. His little soft laugh making my heart melt.

"Sounds like something a dad would say," Louis says, making me wince a little at the fact I found it so cute.

"Not something my dad would say," I say with a chuckle, making Harry try hide his laugh. "You can laugh Haz, I made the joke," I say and he relaxes.

We kick the ball about for another twenty minutes before Harry scores a shot off of my volley, and Liam's header.

"Oh my god that was amazing," I say as I run up to Harry, he both stand in a circle, me Harry and Liam, before all of us dropping to the floor in unison

"Let's end this here while I still look good," he laughs and I nod. "You must be freezing now," he says a she rubs my bare arm. It was a lot colder than when we had came out, and in fairness I was freezing. I just shrug and he pulls his white tshirt off, meaning him in the whole long sleeved underarmour top he had on under it. He pulls the tshirt over me and I smile, thanking him.

A/N- hope you all enjoyed this one, we are near the end now and i'm so happy with it so far <33

please vote and comment ❤️‍🩹

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