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"Jay," a voice whispers, making my eyes open slowly. Harry is standing in front of me, a tray in his hand. He had slept next to me last night so he must have snuck out this morning.

"Good morning," I say sleepily as I rub my eyes and push the hair out my face.

"Morning princess," he says and I smile at the name, it sit up, my back against the headboard.

"What have you got there?" I ask with a cheeky smile and he blushes slightly.

"Well, I thought that since we were going on tour tomorrow, today, I would take you on a date, that lasts the whole day, to make up for all the ones I should have taken you on," he says and my smiles grows.

"I'll have to check my schedule," I say bitchily, making his smile faulted for a second.

"I'm joking, sit down," I laugh, moving over slightly, he laughs and hands me the tray, before sitting beside me. I look down at the fry up in front of me.

"So, what are we doing today then?" I ask as I start eating the bacon with my fingers, not bothering to struggle with cutlery in a bed.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," he smirks and I roll my eyes with a smirk.

"Oh, interesting, but just know if it's shite I'll tell you," I say, half joking.

"I'm well aware," he says as he kisses the side of my head.


"See ya losers," I shout as me and Harry walk out the house, and getting in his car.

"So, first we are going somewhere further away," he says and I nod excited. We start driving and don't slow down until twenty minutes later.

"I'm just saying, your gonna kill Justin Beiber?" Harry asks shocked and I nod.

"Marry Chris Evans and kiss Andrew Garfield, it's easy," I state and Harry shrugs.

"Anyway, we are here," he says as he pulls into a small car park. I look out the window and Harry just grins.

The whole drive I had been completely engrossed in me and Harry's conversation so I hadn't been watching where we were going. In front of us is a massive field of just blue flowers. It never ends, the field looks like it reaches the end of the earth.

"Oh my fucking god," I whisper as we both get out the car.

"It's so beautiful isn't it," Harry says as he walks round to me, he puts his arm around my waist and I smile up at him.

"Can we go in?" I ask excited and he nods. The both of us smile before sprinting towards the gate into he feels, we both climb over it quickly, before running around in the field of knee high flowers.

"This is amazing," I say as I look out at the rows of blue flowers, all feelings of tension, or fear dissolves instantly, making me feel free for the first time in my life. I take a deep breath, the fresh air filling my lungs effortlessly.

"Thank you," I mumble as Harry gazes at me, a small smile playing across his lips.

"Come sit here," Harry says as he lays a blanket down on the flowers, before sitting down on it. We both lie down, looking up at the bright cloud free sky.

"So why are we really here?" I laugh.

"I want to talk to you, and the boys kinda ruin the mood for it," he says with a smile through his voice.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask still looking up.

"I wanted to tell you how I really feel, not like last time when we just, well you know," he says as he looks at me, blushing slightly, I smirk at his shyness before looking back up.

"Ok," I say with a smile and he looks back up at the sky.

"Do you remember when we met?" He asks after a moment of silence.

"Not the exact day no, we were pretty much always in each other's classes in school," I say and he just nods.

"I remember," he says and I look at him happily. "It was during the Christmas holidays, and it was snowing heavily, so everyone was out in the snow with there big jackets and boots and hats." He says as I try to think back to the memory, not quite reaching it.

"We must have been about 6, and I was at the hill behind the school, I had a proper plastic sledge, and me and Gem were taking shots each at going down. And while Gemma was running up to the top, you came through, you didn't have a sledge, but you had a cardboard box, it was big to be fair, and you'd put duct tape all over the bottom, so it would slide," he says as he closes his eyes remembering the day.

"That box, I remember that, I was so proud of making it," I say as I remember the box. I remember making it while my parents were arguing over some court case he was getting done for, and I remember hearing bottles smashing, cause there were plenty around, and I had to run from the corner I was making the 'sledge' in to the door and get out.

"You didn't have any warm clothes on, just a pair of pink pj bottoms on, and a purple long sleeved top with a unicorn on it, I think they were pyjamas as well, you had a pair of black sand shoes on, the ones for school with the shit velcro, but you were  shaking from the weather. I went up to you, and I took my jacket off and gave it too you. When I handed it to
you, I remember thinking you looked terrified, but you put it on and you smiled. And I think 6 year old me fell in love." He says as he smiles at the memory, my head was at the side, watching his face tell the story with a smile.

"Your eyes lit up and your missing front teeth showed your tongue. Your hair was messy and your face had small patches of purple or blue, but I wasn't even looking at that, I couldn't take my eyes away from yours. You gave me the biggest hug ever and thanked me so many times, before you ran away in your box, and went speeding down the hill faster than anyone else. You let me have a go, and I did, and we made a deal, you kept the jacket, I kept the box. My mum was furious, but I kept the box. And I still have it, it's in my mums house, and I always knew it was yours, and I never stopped looking into your eyes when you smiled, because every time I do, I fall more in love with you Jayden, and you smile, a lot," he says as he turns his head and looks at me.

Without realising, a smile that was already on my face grows. "You kept the box?" I ask and he nods.

"Of course I did," he smiles as he stares at my eyes.

"I remember when I first realised I loved you," I say
as I look up in the sky.

"Oh so you love me?" He says teasingly and I roll my eyes.

"Fuck off," I mumble before getting back to my point.

"It was recent to be honest, but I do think I loved you before that, years before that, I just never understood that I loved you," I mumble as I keep my gaze away from him.

"When you went of too xfactor I was so happy, I was thinking, thank fuck, he is going to crash and burn, and I'm not gonna sugar coat it mate, you kinda did, but you made it through," I say with a smile. "And I was sitting in the local pub and it was on the telly, I had a pint and was watching it, all you family and about half the town were watching from here, and when you got through, everyone was cheering and shouting and I just sat and took a long drink," I say,  seeing him frown slightly out of my peripheral vision.

"Because all I could think was, 'he's not coming back, he's going to become something and leave, because who the fuck cares about the shit little town, when you could be some big shot singer, and I was so proud of you, but I was so heart broken you were gone," I say with a smile. "Then I realised, if I actually hated you, like we said we did, I would be happy, but since I cared, I must love you," I say and he smiles at me.

"Be my girlfriend," he blurts out and I laugh slightly, looking at him.

"Be my boyfriend," I say back like a challenge and he nods.

"Fine, I will," he says back in the same voice.

"Fine then," I say was I roll my eyes sarcastically.

The rest of the day is perfect, we go the whole day just messing about in different places, he takes me to see James back home, and we go to a restaurant out of town so there are no paparazzi or anything, then finally we go back home and watch a movie.

We are halfway through watching the third Harry Potter film when the door squeaks open and a blonde boy sneaks in.

"You alright Niall?" I ask with a smile as he stares at us like a kid who's just wet the bed.

"I love this film," he says with a smile and I roll my eyes, moving over closer to Harry, leaving a space next to me on the bed.

"Come on then," I smile and he runs over excited. Not even five minutes pass before another knock hits the door.

"Niall said that you were watching Harry Potter?" Liam says and I laugh.

"There's space bedside Harry," I say and Harry groans.

"Cheer up," I say as I tap him nose, making him smile slightly.

"This is not fair, I'm coming in as well," Louis says as he storms in and sits in between me and Niall.

"Jesus Lou," I chuckle as I move even closer to Harry.

"Catch me ," Zayn shouts as he runs and jumps onto the bed and lies across everyones feet at the bottom.

"I'm just saying that if it was me, I would have just stood on the rat thing," Louis says, making a solid point.

"I'll stand on you in a minute if you don't hurry up and put the next one on," I say as he fumbles around with the dvd.

About half way through the movie I feel my eyes slowly closing, and snores echoing from around me.

God. I fucking love my friends.

A/N- ahhh nearly at the end and they are finally togetherrrr!!!!

hope everyone has enjoyed so far, and please vote and comment.

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