Chapter 10

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Yeah, the birth is in this chapter. Skip this chapter if 'ya don't wanna read it.
^ ^

Blaine's POV

I groan as another contraction hits. "Um, I think we should get to a hospital! I mean, his water did break," Aaron says frantically. "This hurts a lot..." I say quietly. "I know it does, baby boy. Believe me, I did it twice," Mom says. "Do you want to go to the hospital now, or try this at home?" Aaron asks. "The hospital," I reply, painfully.

Mom nods and yells for Dad and Seth to get ready to leave and that I'm in labor. I see tears in his eyes. I guess he's worried about me. What I've heard is that when Seth was born, Mom almost died. Are they fearing that'll happen to me?

Later.....(At the Hospital)

When we arrive at the hospital, we quickly enter the building. Mom and Dad immediately go to the front desk to explain the situation. Seth and Aaron stay behind with me. I breath in deeply as another contraction slices through my abdomen.

Seth puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Good luck, bro. I'll be here," he says. I try to thank him, but I'm in why too much pain to feel like talking. I squeeze Aaron's hand, intensely. I bite my lip to keep from shouting a cuss word. I'll wait till we're behind closed doors to do that.

Mom and Dad come back to us. "They said that they're going to take Blaine on back and make everyone stay up here. They'll ask if he wants anyone in there with him later," Mom explains. Aaron leans down and kisses my cheek. "Don't worry, Baby. I'm here for you," he whispers. "And so am I. I could go back if you need me," mom adds. A nurse comes and takes me away from them and back to the delivery room.

After I've changed into a hospital gown and gotten somewhat comfortable in the bed, the doctor I have, Dr. Tabor gives me a very low dose of pain medicine. "I have 2 kids at home, I know how it feels," she assures me. "I'm gonna go get some more people in here. Do you want anyone back here for you?" "My husband, Aaron," I reply. Dr. Tabor nods and exits the room.

Within minutes, Aaron and one more other doctor besides Dr. Tabor bursts through the door. I give a small smile in relief when I see Aaron's face. He gets to my side quickly, which is a chair beside the bed. "How are you feeling?" He asks. "In pain," I reply. "Don't worry Babe, the pain will be over soon," Aaron says and kisses my cheek.

I grip the side of the bed as another contraction hits. Aaron offers me his hand and I gladly take it. He lifts my hand up and kisses it. "You're gonna do great."

Dr. Tabor puts a pair of those weird, blue hospital gloves on. "Let's begin." She says.

In The Waiting Room


Seth and I watch Jack pace the floor. He's been doing this for half an hour now. He started doing it 15 minutes after Blaine was taken back.

I stand up and grab him by the shoulders. "Jack, calm down." "How the hell am I supposed to stay calm?! Our child is delivering a baby! I'm just so scared, Mark," Jack says.

I pull him into a hug and rub his back. "Jack, I know it's scary. I'm scared too. We just have to stay strong for him," I whisper. "I just wish Blaine would let me back there," Jack says. "What if what happened to me when I had Seth, happens to him?"

Fear courses through my body at the mention of this. Jack almost died. "Séan, I'm sure nothing like that will happen. Now let's sit down and try to relax a little," I say. He nods and we sit down. He bounces his legs nervously. Seth tries to hold it down. "Mom, please calm down. Blaine is gonna be fine." "I sure hope so bud. I sure hope so." Jack say dramatically.

Back in the Delivery Room

Blaine's POV

I cry out in pain as I push again. This has been going on for awhile now. It fucking hurts, too.

"You will never touch me again," I growl to Aaron. He ignores me. "You're doing so well, don't give up now," he says.

"Push!" The midwife commands. I put my chin to my chest and push as hard as I can. I feel Quinn's head begin to crown. I shriek in pain at the terribly painful feeling. I breath in and push again. A burning feeling fills my lower half.

I sit up and let out a blood curdling scream. Aaron rubs my back. I lay back again. "The head is crowning!" The midwife announces. When I look at Aaron, he has a terrified look on his face. He's also kinda pale. I weakly move my arm to get his attention. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Don't worry about me, Love. I'm not doing what you're doing," Aaron replies and kisses my head.

I push again and the head slides out. I cry out once more. This feels absolutely awful! "Okay Mr. Smith, the shoulders are next. This is one of the hardest parts of delivery. I will help guide them out if you'll give me a few good pushes," the midwife says. I nod. "Rest for a moment, Love. You need it," Aaron says. I see Dr. Tabor nod. "The shoulders are hard to deliver. I do recommend these few seconds or minutes of rest," she says.

Fuck it, I want to see Quinn now! I push as hard as I can at the next contraction. I strain a little and feel one of the shoulders tear through. I hiss in pain. I push once more and the other shoulder makes it's painful appearance.

"Mr. Smith, I want you to pant the rest of the contractions out till I say otherwise," the midwife says. I take in labored breaths and pant. I prop myself up on my elbows to try to makes breathing a bit easier. I see that a small bump still remains of my belly. I'm not completely thin again. Yet.

I feel the baby slide out of me and hear loud cries. Quinn lands in the midwife's arms. She lifts her up, "It's a girl!" Quinn, my little Quinn. She is immediately put on my chest. I still continue to pant a little. I'm already in tears, but it worsens when I see her. She's already beautiful. I gently kiss her bloody forehead. Hey, it's my own blood and I carried her for 8 1/2 months. I don't give a fuck what you think or say. (A/N: Who gets the reference?!)

The midwife carefully takes her off of my chest and hands her to the nurse. Then, Quinn's cord is clamped. "Do you want to cut the cord, New Father?" Dr. Tabor asks. Aaron smiles brightly and nods. Dr. Tabor hands him the scissors and he cuts where he's instructed to. Quinn is then taken to a different place in the room to be cleaned.

Aaron sits back beside me. "I can't really feel my arm," he complains. "Shut the fuck up," I growl. He chuckles, "Point taken!"

Dr. Tabor walks to us with Quinn wrapped in a pink blanket in her arms. "Do you want to hold her?" She asks me. I nod eagerly and extend my arms towards her. Dr. Tabor hands her off to me.

"Hello, Quinn," I say quietly. Aaron rests his head on my shoulder. "She's beautiful," he says. "It was definitely worth it," I admit. Aaron kisses my cheek, "I knew it would be." I put a kiss on Quinn's tiny, adorable nose. I feel her tiny, soft hand on the side of my face. When I look at her again, I see her beautiful brown eyes are open. She smiles up at me.

"Should I go get your parents?" Aaron asks. I nod. "And don't tell Mom anything yet." Aaron laughs and exits the room. I can't wait for my parents to meet Quinn.

A long chapter.... Yeah! Also, Merry early Christmas! I love you guys! I hope you're enjoying. Bye Aqualines!

Miscal: has anyone seen the Zero Fucks Given official video?? I literally JUST watched it!!!!! It's amazing!!!!!

I put the video above just in case you guys wanna see!!!

Fml I'm supposed to be an "innocent" Christian girl 😂


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