Chapter 11

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Mark's POV

Jack shakes in my lap. I rub his back and coo at him. I'm trying to calm him down. He's been like this for almost 2 hours. He was fine till the time got past 5 hours.

"Mark, I don't think he's okay. Something has to be wrong! Why else would it take so long?!" Jack frets. "Jack, I'm 100% sure everything is alright. If something was wrong, someone would've come and told us. Please try to stay calm. Remember, this is his first time giving birth. It will take a little while longer than usual," I assure him. I pull Jack in for a hug. "It's just scaring me so much," he whimpers. I shush him and stroke his hair.

I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Seth staring at Aaron who has a big smile on his face. "Are you guys ready to meet her?" He asks. "Yes!" Jack exclaims. I see tears in his eyes. Me, him, and Seth follow Aaron back to the maternity ward.

When we get into Blaine's room, we walk in quietly. Aaron walks over and sits beside Blaine. I see that Blaine is holding a pink, squirming bundle in his arms. I smile at the sight.

Jack and I walk over to Blaine. "Here's your granddaughter, Quinn Raine Smith," Blaine says tiredly and holds her out so we can all see her. She squirms and opens her eyes. They're an adorable shade of brown. She smiles at us. Yep, she'll be a social baby.

"Mom, do you want to hold her?" Blaine asks. "Yes, please," Jack replies. Blaine carefully hands Quinn off to Jack. He cradles her in his arms and holds her close to his chest. I get behind him, wrap my arms around his waist, and rest my head on his shoulder. "Oh my God, she's so perfect," Jack whispers, "you two did a great job making her." Blaine giggles and looks at Aaron; his face is bright red.

Quinn smiles up at Jack. She squirms around a little. Jack gently pats her back and she stops. "Blaine, do you want us to call Uncle Felix and the others?" I ask. He nods, "I'm sure they'll love to see her. Especially Uncle Felix."

Finally, I get to hold Quinn. Seth looks at her as I hold her. "She's so cute," he says. "Yes! I'm finally an Uncle!" Blaine rolls his eyes. "Hi Quinn, I'm your Grandpa!" I say sweetly. "God we're so old," Jack says. "Don't worry Jack, we're not that old. I'm 39 and your 38," I reply. Then, I do realize: we are so fucking old.

"I'll go call Felix," I say. I give Quinn back to Blaine. He happily takes her back. I then step out of the room to call Felix.

Blaine's POV

I finally get to hold Quinn again. "I'm 100% sure that Uncle Felix will love her," I say and kiss her tiny nose. She giggles at me. I do it again, she giggles more.

"So, Blaine, it took you a long time. Were there any complications?" Mom asks. I look at him,"No, there weren't. It was just very painful. "It just worried me. I'm glad nothing was wrong like I thought," Mom says. "Yeah! You should've seen him. He was pacing and shaking. Dad had to settle him down a few times!" Seth explains. "Okay Seth, you've said enough," Mom says. I laugh at them.

Dad comes back into the room. "They'll be here in a few. Well, Felix almost cried at first, but said he'd be here soon," he says. "Who all is coming?" I ask. "Uncle Felix, Uncle Cry, Bob, Wade, Tom, Ken, Mandy, Molly, and Mary," Dad replies. "Can you make them takes turns coming in here, please? I don't want to feel crowded...." I say. "Of course, sweetie," Dad says and leans down to kiss my forehead, "You're still my baby boy. I don't care if you have a kid or not."


My aunts and uncles finally arrive. Dad is picking a few to come in at a time. Hopefully he'll choose the girls first! I need a female in here that I know and trust!

Then, I see Aunt Mandy, Aunt Mary, Aunt Molly, and Uncle Cry come in. I smile at seeing them. I'm not ready to see Uncle Felix yet, he's way too loud and energetic.

"Oh my God, she's so perfect!" Aunt Mandy exclaims. "Wanna hold her?" I ask. Mandy nods. Quinn fusses as I try to hand her off. "I guess she doesn't want to be held by anyone besides me," I say. All 3 women and Cry look at Quinn. "Okay, so what's her name?" Cry asks. "Quinn Rain Smith," Aaron replies for me. "I'm exhausted," I say. "Mary, can you tell Mark that he can't send anyone else in after you guys go out?" Mom asks. "Of course," Aunt Mary replies. The visitors exit the room.

Dad comes back in. "Felix was freaking out. Ken and Cry had to carry him away!" He says. "We'd better leave. Blaine needs his rest," Mom says. He and Dad kiss my forehead before they leave. "Call us if you need anything. We love you," Dad says before he walks out. "I love you too," I reply.

A nurse comes in to take Quinn to the nursery. Quinn fusses and cries as she's taken away. It breaks my heart that I can't do anything to stop it. Aaron puts a hand on my shoulder and kisses my cheek. "I know you really want to help her. Don't worry, you'll have lots of time for that at home," he says. "Goodnight Love, and thank you."

I roll over on my side and close my eyes. I never realized how tired I really am till I try to go to sleep. I can't wait to get home with my new baby girl.

Okay so there will only be a few more chapters.....I'm sorry that this book is a lot shorter than the others. Anyways, I've seen the "ZERO FUCKS GIVEN" music video 5 times already, how about you guys?

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