Chapter 4

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*Photo above is Simon and Tyrone.

(A/N This chapter was brought to you by the song Pure Fuckin' Evil by Blood on the Dance Floor Feat. William Control. Enjoy the chappy!)

Blaine's POV

"So, what time are we leaving?" I ask Aaron. "10 minutes, chill. We got time," he replies. There's a weird class thing for new parents at the community center today at 1:30. — PM not AM! — We decided that since we're new parents, we'd better go.

I watch the clock. "Has it been 10 minutes yet?" I ask. "Nope," Aaron replies. I continue to watch the clock tick, slowly. It's so boring! This time better speed up! I mentally yell. Hopefully the clock can hear telepathy. I don't know, I'm bored!

Aaron sits beside me on the couch. He softly kisses my neck. "That feels good," I mumble. "I'm glad you like it," Aaron says back. He continues, almost putting me to sleep.

Then, Aaron bites my neck. I wake up; I guess I did doze off. "Motherfucker!" I whisper yell, pushing Aaron away. "You're welcome," he replies. "Why did you bite my neck?" I ask. "Because it was time for you to wake up. It's also time to go to that class," Aaron explains. "Ooooh," I say blankly.

"Can you help me up?" I ask. Aaron nods; he kisses my cheek before standing. He extends his arm and I grab his hand. He pulls me up. "Thanks," I say. "You're welcome," he replies. I peck his lips.

(A/N, Okay now who else has this couple as their OTP?)

"Ready?" Aaron asks. "Ready!" I reply.

Aaron's POV

Blaine and I walk out to the car, hand in hand. I open the passenger side door for him and he gets in. I close it behind him. I walk to my side and get in. "Thank you," Blaine says as I put the key in the ignition. "Don't mention it," I reply. "You don't have to help me so much. I'm still capable of doing some things," Blaine complains. "I know, but I wanna!" I say. He rolls his eyes at me; hormonal much?

Soon, we're cruising down the highway. I turn on the radio. A sweet, familiar tune fills the small interior of the car. "Heartbeats fast, colors and promises, how to be brave, how can I live when I'm afraid to fall, but watching you stand alone, all of doubt, suddenly goes away step closer; I have died everyday, waiting for you, darling don't be afraid I will love you, for a thousand years, and I'll love you for a thousand more!"

Blaine and I share multiple kisses through the song. He occasionally sings a few words; I always beg for him to continue. Being the "jerk" he is, he won't.

We finally arrive at the community center. I get out and open the door for Blaine; he blushes. Just like he did when we first started dating.

We walk in hand in hand. Blaine leans on me a little more. I'm sure we look like that so called perfect couple you always see.

When we do enter the room where they're having the class, I see lots of couples. Some of them look as far along as Blaine, some look farther or not so far. I look in the back corner and see another couple of 2 men. The pregnant individual out of the two looks farther along than Blaine.

"How about we go sit by by those two gentlemen?" Blaine asks, pointing at the couple I was just looking at. "Why not?" I reply. We walk over to them and sit on the bamboo colored floor next to them.

The man that isn't pregnant puts his gaze down. '"If your here to make fun of us, go away please." "No, we're not making fun. We're in the same situation as you two," Blaine says, reassuringly. They both look up at us. The man that didn't tell us off smiles.

"I'm Tyrone," he greets, "and this in my husband, Simon." "I'm Aaron," I say "this is my husband, Blaine." Blaine waves shyly. Simon looks at us and smiles. "Maybe our kids should meet when they're born?" Blaine chuckles and nods, "they really should. How far along are you?" "7 months, with twins," Tyrone replies. "Oh, cool!" Blaine says.

"Class," the instructor says. "Before we begin, I will introduce my self. My name is Amanda. Any questions?" No one asks a question; I figured there would be. "Great, let's begin," Amanda says.

"First, fathers, would you please get behind your spouse and gently wrap your arms around them," Amanda begins. I get behind Blaine and wrap my arms around him, gently. I rest my hands on his baby bump; he leans back against me. I feel gentle taps on my hands. "She's very active at this time," Blaine says. "I can tell," I say.


Blaine's POV

"Class dismissed," Amanda finally says. Aaron helps me stand up. Simon helps Tyrone up. "So, wanna hang out sometime?" Tyrone asks. "Sure! I could use another person in my situation. If 'ya know what I mean," I reply. We exchange phone numbers. "Call me if you need me. I have lots of experience," Tyrone says. "Really?" I ask. "Of course! This isn't my first child. Simon and I have a 10 year old daughter at home. We needed a refresher," Tyrone replies.

"Anyways, we'd better get going. Bye!" He says. "Bye!" Me and Aaron say. Simon smiles and waves "goodbye".

The two go there own way. Aaron and I walk to the car. Of course, he opens the door for me. I get in and he closes the door. He gets in the driver's side. I peck his cheek as he buckles his seatbelt. "I know you probably want it," he says. This flustered me. "N-No, just um....can we get home?" I reply. Aaron nods and laughs. He cranks the car and we head home.

(A/N Hello! I'm so glad to write again. Christmas Break started today at my school! Anyways, more updates soon. Also, I asked my Senpai to be my boyfriend. He rejected me and told me he was dating someone else. This pissed my friend off! She confronted him and he said he didn't know if he and that other girl were dating! So, I'm kinda pissed, kinda sad, and mainly, I don't give a fuck. The less fucks you give, the happier you'll live, am I right?

If I did give a fuck, I would let him have power over me! I will not let him have power over me! I am a teen with many own rights and responsibilities; I won't let a boy control me. —Not that I have anything against boys! I actually like boys more than girls!

Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter and my 2 paragraph sob story. Bye Aqualines! <3)

Video Above - Christina Perri - Thousand Years HD Lyrics
Video by - Asep Ramdani

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