Chapter 5

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Blaine's POV

I absolutely cannot wait to hang out with Tyrone and Simon today! Ever since that one day at the community center, me and Tyrone have been best friends. Simon and Aaron are getting there.

I hear my phone ring. —My ringtone is Been to Hell by Hollywood Undead. — I carefully get up from the couch and walk, well, more like waddle to my phone. Tyrone's calling! I answer it.
(A/N, don't you motherfuckers dare start shipping Blaine and Tyrone!)

"Hello Tyrone,—" "Blaine! I think the babies are coming and Simon isn't at home!" Tyrone interrupts. He does sound like he's in a lot of pain. And, why didn't Simon leave someone to watch after Tyrone?! That dumb ass!

"Is your daughter there?" I ask. "Y-Yes," Tyrone replies. "Don't worry, buddy. I'll call Simon for you," I say calmly. Tyrone groans in pain, "Please hurry!"

I quickly dial Simon's number. After 2 rings, he finally picks up. "Hello?—" "Your boyfriend is probably in labor! You need to get your ass back home and get him to a hospital!" I yell. Simon is silent; is he really that shocked that I dogged him for this?

I hear footsteps behind me; it must be Aaron. "Blaine, who the hell are you talking to?" Aaron asks. "Simon," I reply. "Why are you yelling at him?" Aaron asks. "Tyrone's possibly in labor and Simon isn't at home. I told him to get there," I reply sassily. Aaron rolls his eyes, "Okay, we might want to get there." I nod.

Aaron helps me up and out to the car. He opens the passenger door for me as he always does. "Thank you," I say as I get in as quickly as I can. "You're welcome," Aaron replies. He gets in the driver's side and buckles his seatbelt, as do I.

In minutes, we're down the road. Aaron is going a little above the speed limit, but who cares? My friend could be having a baby at this minute, alone!

When we arrive at Tyrone and Simon's home, I immediately get out. Aaron follows me. Of course, Simon isn't even here! We go inside without knocking the door. I run as best as I can to Tyrone. I go into the lounge room and see him. He is sitting on the couch, clearly in pain. I see his daughter curled up in a little ball in a reclining chair. I go to her while Aaron goes to Tyrone.

"Hey, I'm your Dad's friend, Blaine. Your Dad is okay. You're little twin brothers are just coming," I say calmly. She looks at me, her blue eyes full of confusion and reassurance. "I'm Molly," she says shyly. "That's a pretty name. Me and my husband Aaron will be—" I'm interrupted by the sound of a door opening. "I'm here!" A voice calls out. Speak of the devil, it's Simon.

"You're finally here!" Tyrone says. "Don't worry, baby, I'm here," Simon says, going to Tyrone's side. Aaron moves out of the way and comes over to me and Molly. "Can you guys bring Molly to the hospital later? I'll take Tyrone on ahead!" Simon asks. "Okay, we'll bring Molly. Just go!" I reply. He nods and leads Tyrone to their car.

"Molly, I'm sorry that you have to be left with two people you don't know," I say. "It's okay, I'm glad you're here and it isn't the Nanny. The way Mom talks about you two, you're great guys," Molly replies. Tears burn my eyes at the statement; damn hormones. "Well, um,—" "Thank you," Aaron finishes. Molly hugs him. She is so sweet. What did they put in her cereal?

3 hours later, Aaron and I decide to go to the hospital to check on Tyrone and Simon. "Ready?" Aaron asks. "Yep," Molly and I reply. We all go out to the car and get in.

When we're down the highway, Molly asks a question, "How far along are you?" "6 months. It's a girl," I reply. "What's her name?" She asks. "Quinn," I answer. "That's beautiful!" Molly exclaims. I giggle at her enthusiasm.

We arrive at the hospital, we all go inside. Aaron goes to the receptionist's desk. "Is Tyrone Cascaden out of delivery yet?" He asks. "No, not yet. Please sit down and wait," the youthful receptionist replies.

I lay my head on Aaron's shoulder when he sits down beside me. Quinn kicks my side; I huff at impact. Aaron gives me a concerned look. "Quinn decided to kick," I reply. Aaron smiles and I drift off to sleep.

-Hours Later-

I'm awaken by Molly gently shaking me. "Wake up! My brothers are here!" She says excitedly. I open my eyes and see Simon standing in front of us. "Both boys are here, healthy, and handsome," he says. Aaron helps me up and me, him, and Molly follow Simon back to the room that Tyrone is in.

When we enter the room, I see Tyrone cradling two small pastel blue bundles. My eyes water slightly at the moment. I go to Tyrone's side, quietly. "They're beautiful," I whisper. Aaron gets next to me. We back up so Molly and Simon can be closer to Tyrone.

"Thanks. We've decided to name the oldest, Alex Michael Cascaden and the youngest, Scott Avi Cascaden," Tyrone says. They're very cute! "Just wait, in 3 months, we'll have a little girl," Aaron whispers in my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Yeah, but I can definitely wait," I reply.

Okay, so how many more chapters do you guys want till Quinn is born? Tell me in the comments please! Bye Aqualines!

PS, my editor, MiscalPixelStudios is writing some smut with Aaron and Blaine that I didn't want to write. Go read it! →

Video Above: Taylor Swift - Safe and Sound Lyrics
Video By: lyric maker

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