His Adorable Petal

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Hello there sweethearts 😊❤️. Thank you so much for your votes and comments. Please do keep supporting my story. So let's begin with our new chapter.
Also sorry for delay was busy with my first Sem exams.
Enjoy 😊................

Vansh and Aman were at the headquarters with work wrapped around their head . When Yug entered the cabin

Bhai about yesterday's attack we have got a lead ......

Vansh: What .....

Yug: The men which we caught yesterday
Due to Rehaan Bhai's severe hospitality gave us a crucial statement.

Aman: And what did they said.....

Yug: That someone had dragged them all from the cafe and when they opened their eyes they were in a basement

And the said had tortured them endlessly.....

Vansh: Did he give a name....

Yug : No because the only statement they heard their was

You should have thought before hurting the devil's fairy......

Vansh and Aman's eyes widened after hearing that statement .

Aman looked at Vansh and said....

Vansh he knows......

Vansh looked at him and said...

That's not the problem.....

He has fallen for her that is the issue.

Yug: Who.....

Vansh looked at Yug with a dead glare and said

Rudraansh Rajvansh.


Aravya was in her room setting up her study table or better way her art table
But she was bored too .....

It was evening time but her brother's were still not home exception her Rehaan Bhai who was also busy in some work

She pouted too herself and looked at Snowy
He pressed the cheeks of the teddy and complaint in a cute voice.

I am bored.......

Oh my that's a serious issue

Came a voice from behind and Aravya turned towards the door and found her Rehaan Bhai standing there.

Aravya huffed looking at him and cuddled with Snowy.
Rehaan chuckled looking at his cute angry sister.

He went towards her and forcefully pulled her out from her blanket fort to which Aravya whined and glared at him.

Rehaan laughed looking at her and said

Look....look a puppy is glaring.

Aravya frowned angrily at him and hitting his chest lightly said

Stop teasing me Bhai.......

Rehaan brought his moody cupcake in his arms and said

Ohk .....
I am sorry cupcake

So is my little pup bored haa......

At his question he felt Aravya nod in his chest.....

Rehaan: So how about we go on a bike ride at the nearby park and get you some ice-cream......

How does that sound.

Aravya beamed up at his words and giving him a cute smile said......

A Big Yes....

Rehaan smiled at her and ruffling her hair said

Then get ready I will get my bike out

Aravya nodded her head and went too get ready.

As Aravya got ready Rehaan called Derek

Rehaan: Derek surveillance the area of the park
I am going there with Aravya
Guard that place well ......
And Inform Bhai about it.....

Derek: Yes Boss......

Rehaan after ensuring the security too got ready ......



ehaan was ready with the bike waiting for his sister .
He was looking at his phone when he heard Aravya's voice.....

Bhai let's go I am ready.....

Rehaan looked at Aravya and smiled and kissing her forehead said

You are looking so beautiful.....

Aravya blushed at her brother's words and gave him a shy smile .

Aravya's look...

Rehaan then took a small helmet and placed it on Aravya's head and locked it.

Now we shall get going little one ......

Aravya nodded her head and Rehaan started his bike .

Rehaan: Hold on tight cupcake ......

Aravya tightened his hold around Rehaan's waist .

Rehaan: So let's take you too wind ride .......

Saying so he took on high speed for the park.


Aravya and Rehaan were sitting on the bridge end at the lake side enjoying the gentle evening winds.

Aravya: It's so calm and peaceful.....

Rehaan: Isn't it......
It's my favourite place to spent alone time.

Aravya: You have a good taste Bhai....

Rehaan: Thanks for the compliment little lady......

Aravya giggled at him and said

Bhai you promised an ice-cream.

Rehaan: I did...didn't I

Don't worry I will get one for you.
Which flavour do you want

Aravya: Oreo......

Rehaan: Ok......
Don't go anywhere until I come ok...

He said in a stern voice.

Aravya: Yes Bhai.....

Rehaan gave a kiss on her forehead and went too buy an ice cream.....

Aravya was swinging her legs looking at the lake when her eyes went near the bushes.....

And she saw a cute little rabbit......

Aravya squealed looking at it and said

Omo....it's soo cute

Aravya went towards the bushes but the rabbit went a bit far and in trance Aravya too went behind it

Aravya again looked at the garden area and gasped as she realised she came a bit far from the lake area....

Oh no Bhai must be searching for me

She said and turned around quickly only to twist her legs .

She winced in pain and was about to fall
She closed her eyes to bear the impact

But a pair of strong arms around her waist saved her in time.....

And then she heard a deep husky voice saying.

Careful there little fairy......

She opened her eyes and gasped looking at the same dark ebony eyes......
And whispered

Mr. Mystery Saviour.


Whereas Rudraansh smiled looking fondly at ......

His Adorable Petal.......


In his arms.

Tadaaaa.....So here comes the next chapter.

Finally the devil has met his fairy.....

But our devil brother's also know the Mystery saviour

How do you think they will react

Stay tune to know what happens next ..........

Tell then sayonnara buddies 🤗 💕 💖

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