Butterflies In Heart

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Hello there sweethearts😊❤️. Thank you so much for your votes and comments. And Thank you for your great response on the story .......
So here comes the next chapter........

Aravya looked at the dark ebony eyes who were staring intensely at her and said

Mr. Mystery Saviour

Rudraansh smirked at the name Aravya called him and said

Glad you remember me my little petal

Aravya: Offcourse I would remember you .....
You saved me that day.....

Rudraansh tucked her hair behind her ears and said

I would always save you butterfly....

Saying so he picked up Aravya bridal style to which Aravya shrieked and held onto his neck tight .
And looked at him bewildered.

Rudraansh looked at her shocked yet cute face and chuckled
He winked at her and placed her on a bench and bend down facing her.

He took her feet in his hand but Aravya protested.

Aravya: What are you doing.....

Rudraansh: Shh....Let me see your leg
I am sure it has got a sprain

Aravya: I will treat that after I get home.....

Rudraansh: And I would hate to send you  home with a sprained ankle....
I am sorry petal I highly disagree with your Idea.

Saying so Rudraansh again took her little feet in his hands and was examining it

Whereas Aravya was looking at Rudraansh as if caught in a trance....

He was looking like the prince charming in the movies
Well built body....With handsomeness on another level....

He saved her two times like the prince charming saves their princess.

She blushed at her thoughts and again looked at Rudraansh who was massaging
her foot .

He is soo caring and sweet .......

She was all lost in her thoughts but a sharp pain rised in her feet and she winced in pain


She clutched on the hoodie at Rudraansh shoulders.....

Whereas Rudraansh gathered her close

Shh it's over butterfly you can move your feet now .

Aravya looked at him with teary eyes
Rudraansh heart clenched at the sight of her tear filled eyes and he wiped off the single tear that trickled down her cheeks gently and said

Don't cry my little fairy .......

Aravya blushed at his words and looked at her feet and moved it and it was free from pain .....

Aravya looked at him and gave him a beautiful smile

Thank you.....

Rudraansh heart beat raised looking at her smile .

Just by looking at her smile he felt a kind of serene peace in his heart

And that's when he realized how her name suits her


A free spirited soul .....

A Gift of God.....

Which was sent just for him .

Aravya looked at Rudraansh who was gazing at her intensely and blushed.

And said in soft voice ......

Staring is Bad Mr.Saviour

Rudraansh smirked at her sentence and said

A few seconds ago you were too staring at me
But I didn't complain.......

Aravya's eyes widened at his words .
The red hue spread over her face upto her ears and she immediately looked down shyly.....

And said in a whining tone

Stop embarrassing me.....

Rudraansh smiled at her cute face and lifted her chin up and looked at the beautiful doe shaped eyes .

I would never embarrass you petal ....
But you too remember one thing
Never ever bow your head down .....
Nor infront of me......
Neither any person .

Aravya giggled at his words to which Rudraansh raised his eyebrow and asked

What's so funny........

Aravya: You and My Vansh Bhai are same
He said the same thing to me .
He said I am a Princess I should never bow down infront of anyone.

Rudraansh: Not a Princess.....

You are a Queen.....

My Queen......

Aravya blushed at his words and hit him
lightly at his chest .

We don't even know each other

Rudraansh: Well then let's know each other.

He forwarded his hand and asked

Will you give me the privilege to become your friend.

Aravya looked at him with sparkling eyes and said

You want to be my friend......

Rudraansh: I would love to be your friend....

Aravya placed her soft delicate hands on his giant one and said


Rudraansh smiled at her and asked

What's your name my little friend ......

( Ohh...so smooth Mr. Mafia...)

Aravya: My name is Aravya Rai Singhania

I am an arts student
And I live here with my brother's

Rudraansh: Well nice too meet you too
My name is Rudra
And I am professional Boxer as well as Biker.

Aravya: Really .....
You can ride big bikes

Rudraansh: Offcourse I can ....
Wanna join me on a bike ride

Aravya: I would love too.....

But all of  sudden there conversation came to an halt at loud shout .


Aravya's eyes widened the voice and she scolded herself in mind .
Rehaan Bhai.....

Goodness how can she forget her Bhai.....

Oh no.....

Bhai would be so worried......

Aravya: Rudra I need to run......
Bhai must be searching for me.

Rudraansh smiled and her and placing a peck on her hands said

Take care petal.......

Aravya smiled at him and ran towards the bridge side only to find her Rehaan Bhai and ten to twelve guards searching for her .

She ran towards her Bhai and hugged him tightly.

Rehaan was about to shout at the person who hugged him but halted when he found Aravya there.

He cupped her face and said

Aravya are you fine......

Are you hurt....

Where the hell did you went.....

Do you even realise how worried I got.....

I told you too wait here right .....

Aravya felt guilty for troubling her Bhai so much
Her eyes welled up and she said

I am sorry Bhai.....

I found Bhai a rabbit and I went behind it .....

I am sorry Bhai ......

A sob left her mouth.

Rehaan's heart clenched at her crying sight .
He brought her in a tight hug and said

Shh...It's okay cupcake....

Shh.....bachha calm down ....

I am not mad.....

I just got panicked when I didn't found you.....

I thought someone.......

Shh don't cry baby......

See everything is fine......

Bhai is here huh......

Bhai is sorry for scolding you.....

Aravya: No Bhai......

I am sorry ......

Rehaan wiped her tears and said

Hey none of that .....

Shh....relax .....

Everything is fine now okk....

Let's go our Ice cream is waiting for us

He wiped her tears and kissed her forehead
Then he took her hand in his and started walking away.

But Aravya looked back and she found the dark ebony eyes looking at her waving his hand.

She too smiled at him feeling her heart raise at the wink recieved from her friend.

She immediately looked at front and stopped the blush that was about to arise at her cheeks.

She settled down at the bike of her Rehaan Bhai .

And as the bike roared to life......

Butterfies rose in her heart......

Due to a certain biker with dark ebony eyes.

Tadaaa...So here comes the next chapter.....

With Oh so gentleman Rudraansh and his cute little fairy Aravya.

Will the devil brother's get to know about this meet.

Stay tune to know what happens next....

Till then sayonnara buddies 🤗 💕 💖

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