In The Starlight

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Hello there sweethearts😊❤️. Thank you so much for your votes and comments. Do share your thoughts on the storyline.
So let's begin with our new chapter
Enjoy 😊...................

Rehaan and Aravya returned home only to find Aman and Yug sitting their on the couch .

As soon as Aman saw them he asked

So how was your Ice cream date.

Rehaan and Aravya looked at each other and sighed and Rehaan said

A bit of a roller coaster ride.

Yug: Why.....

Aravya: I got lost......

Aman/ Yug : WHAT?!!!

Aman: How the hell did that happen.
Rehaan you should have been careful.

Before Rehaan could say anything Aravya cut him off and said.

It's not Bhai's fault Mumma Bear. I got distracted by a rabbit and went behind it
Completely forgetting about Bhai's warning to not go anywhere.

Aman gave a stern look to Aravya and said

That isn't very nice sweetheart.

Aravya looked down and said

I am sorry Bhai.

Rehaan gathered Aravya close to herself and said

It's ok Bhai she has already apologised
She knows her fault.

But that doesn't mean what she did was right.

Came a voice from behind.

All of them looked behind to find Vansh and Anish standing there.

Vansh came towards Aravya who was still looking down

He picked her chin up and looked at his sister's teary eyes .

Aravya looked at her brother and said

Sorry Bhai.......

As a sob ripped of her throat

Vansh gathered his silly little sister in his arms and rubbed her back to calm her down .

As her cries died down Vansh brought her face in his and cupped her cheeks wiping off her tears . He said

Aru, ....I know what you did today was not intentional but sunshine you need to know it was wrong .
You know your brother's are walking danger
And the only weakness we have is you
Our enemies could harm you.....

And Mio Amore that thing will destroy us
We could still bare if something happen to us
But one scratch on you.......
Your Brother's would die.

Aravya kept her hand on Vansh's lips and said.

Don't say that Bhai ......

Vansh took her palm in his and placed a soft kiss on it and said

So promise me you would never ever leave us
And you will always stay by our side

Aravya kept her hand on Vansh's.....

I promise Bhai.....

Aman got up from his place and brought Aravya in his arms.

Remember Aru never ever hide anything from us hmm....

Aravya nodded her head and hugged him tight and said

I am sorry Mumma Bear.

Aman smiled tightening his arms on Aravya and said

Shh it's ok now little one ....

Yug: Yahh enough of your emotional rants ......
Now it's time for dinner and I am hell of hungry

Anish: Yahh and let's bake a chocolate cake today for our little precious.

Rehaan: Oh my goodness.....
Anish don't you dare think about baking something.
I need to see my family alive.....

All of them chuckled hearing Rehaan's statement

Anish: You little peice of sh.....

Vansh: Language.........

Anish started chasing Rehaan who ran away from there .
Aravya giggled looking at them.

Aman smiled at her and said .

Let's go you all brats before Anish murders Rehaan....

Aravya laughed at him and all of them went to the dining hall .


After dinner Aravya went towards library and all her brother's gathered in office .

Dhruv : Bhai what's with the urgent meeting.
Do we have any mission.

Aman: No but we have something more serious than that......

Rehaan: And that's......

Yug: Remember the snippers we caught
They gave us a crucial statement......

Anish blood boiled with anger and he said

Who is the bastard behind it......

Aman: That's not the part of concern Anish
The main point is the one who have captured them and tortured them

Anish: Guys state the matter clearly.....

Vansh: Rudraansh Rajvansh........

All of them tensed hearing that name .

Dhruv: What of him Bhai .......

Vansh: He was the one who saved you that day in the mall and the one who captured the snippers.

Anish: But why the hell would he do that.

Vansh: For Aravya.......

Rehaan: What do you mean Bhai.....

Aman: He has fallen for our precious.

Yug: Bhai we need to do something he cannot reach our Bambi

Vansh: And who told you that he hasn't met her.

Rehaan: What do you mean.....

Vansh: He met her today in the park

Aman: Vansh we need to do something.......

Vansh: Anish arrange a meeting with Rajvansh group

We are going to have a much needed talk.

He needs to know.....

A Devil like him should stay away from our Angel.......


Aravya closed her book and looked at the clock it was one at night pretty much late
She kept the book on nightstand and went in her Yug Bhai's room

But she did not find her Bhai there . She frowned thinking where her Bhai was but then thought he must be busy with work
Shrugging her thoughts off she went towards her room.

She went in her room and her eyes fell on the nightstand and her eyes widened in surprise.

She found a beautiful frosty light jar there.

Somewhat like this........

She picked it up and squealed in happiness.  Her eyes widened when she found a little note there.

She picked it up and read it ......

" Thought of giving you a peice of meteor shower today....
A most beautiful gift to the most beautiful girl .....

Your Mr. Mystery Saviour "

Aravya blushed reading the letter and kept the jar on the nightstand and ran towards the balcony
And found the most beautiful scene of a meteor shower there

Aravya clutched the letter as she felt butterflies in her heart . Her cheeks took a beautiful shade of the red.

She opened the letter and said

See you soon Mr. Handsome Biker.......


Rudraansh was in his office when a message pinged on his phone . He opened the attachment only to find a beautiful image of his butterfly who was admiring the sky with his letter in her hand.

He smiled looking at it and said .......

See you soon my angel.....

Shivaansh entered his office and said

Bhai the Rai Singhania's want to meet you.....

Rudraansh smirked hearing it and said

For sure they want to haa....

Bur one thing is clear absolutely nothing can separate this Devil from his angel

Because we are destined to meet....

In the starlight...........


So here comes the next chapter......

So The Brother's knows everything

And Rudraansh is all set to conquer.......

So a clash is on the way ...ha......

Stay tune to know what happens next...

Till then sayonnara buddies 🤗 💕 💖

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