The Devil's Wrath

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Hello there sweethearts😊❤️. Thank you so much for your votes and comments. I am sorry for such late update But I am hell busy with my submission And clinical posting . I bearly get time to rest
Please understand some of you think I ignore you guys but I really don't get time....
Anyways here comes the next chapter
Enjoy 😊............

* Warning ⚠️*

Mention of harsh themes, Blood , foul language, death , strong language and themes




I Beg of you....


The loud shrill cries of pain , agony and mercy filled up the basement area of the Devil's Mansion

Which was only intensified by another whiplash on his body.


The person cried once more which brought a smile of sinister satisfaction on the Devil's face.

Vansh and Rudraansh watch as the b*stard who dared to touch their precious was crying and begging for mercy.

He was tied in standing position with chill cold water falling on him .
He was bloody bruised with all the whiplash courtesy to the whips in Shivaansh and Rehaan's hands.

Arhaan and Aman where both having malicious smirk on their faces as they both stood beside their brother's watching it in satisfaction.

Rehaan looked at the sh*tface who dared to touch his cupcake and his anger only intensified.

He again took the whip and gave a strong blow on his body....

The person cried in pain again begging for mercy from Devil's.




Please I beg you....

Please leave me.....

Or ....

Kill me......

I can't Please.......

Vansh looked at him with a  devilish smirk and said

My sunshine also begged you to leave her hand....

But did you do that you bloody f*cker....


Instead you held her hand tight....

Causing my little one pain.....

You dared to give her a bruise.....

So it will be unfair of me to not return the favour.



And another whip hit his body with more stronger force.....
Causing him to fall over

But another whip was sent on his legs ...

Shivaansh: Stand straight.

Rudraansh gave him a eerie smile and said....

Oh my

Are you tired haa.....

Do you want us to kill you.....

The person looked at Rudraansh and begged .

Please Master....


Just kill me.....

Rudraansh chuckled looking at him and said

This early Naaa....

You know what in my world the worst punishment is death....

Which I bestow to those who dare betray me.

But you my dear have done something more than that....

You dared touch My Queen.....

You know what is the thing I hate the most in the world

Tears in my petal's eyes.....

But today she cried.....

There were tears in my fairy's eyes
because of you.......

She got panicked and got sick because of you......

My Butterfly who always wander around with her innocent smile and angelic vibe got unconcious because of you...

And you expect me to leave you....

Rudraansh eyes darkened as he said the words
With his every vein popping in anger and hatred filled inside

The man trembled looking at Rudraansh's aura and said.....




A shrill cry left his mouth for the last time as he felt a hot iron rod pressed against his  throat snatching his ability to scream...

Rudraansh smirked maliciously and said....

Well guess what I do not plan to kill you.....

You will each breath of yours to survive the torture we inflict on you....

With those silent eyes.....

Silent scream......

You would wish to die ....

To Beg......

And then you will feel the helplessness , the agony seeping within your conciousness which we did when you took our precious away from us....

Vansh too joined at Rudraansh side and said....

Welcome to the life of immortility in  the Devil's Hell....


Aravya woke up from her deep sleep eyes fluttering open and she felt as if she was sleeping from ages....

She whimpered in her sleep as she felt the heaviness and hazy feeling in her head.

Then she got her conciousness back and she remembered that some people have tried to kidnap her ....

She was unsafe......

No .....


She needs to run......

She need to find her brother's......

Aravya woke up from her sleep with a gasp and she found herself in an unknown dark room ...

Her breathing escalated and she frantically started removing the blanket around her.....

Little Star......

Her violent struggle came to halt as she heard her Anish Bhai's voice.

Anish breath hitched as he looked at Aravya who was looking at him as if he was her last hope.

His heart clenched and anger intensified as he looked at the doe shaped Bambi eyes filled with fear and tears....

Aravya looked at her brother and felt as if she was in a safe heaven......

She frantically got up to reach her brother but due to the heavy medications she stumbled and was about to fall when two pair of strong hands held her in place ....

She looked up to find her Dhruv Bhai who has caught her.....

Dhruv: Are you alright Bub.....
You did not get hurt right... .

Anish ran towards them both and took Aravya in his arms and said...

What were thinking little one......
You are still under medications.....
If Dhruv wouldn't have caught you on right time...
You would have hurt yourself......

But Aravya was looking at both of them as if still in a trance....

Dhruv soothingly rubbed her head and asked....

Is something bothering you Bub....
Are you in pain.......

Seeing her not responding to their questions.  Anish and Dhruv tensed up and Anish gathered her close .
He felt how tense and stiff her body was and rubbed her back and made her look straight into his eyes and said....

Talk to us little one.....
You are safe now.....
Nobody is here......

You are safe......

Aravya looked at her Brother's with glassy eyes and asked in trembling voice... right....

I not...dre..dreaming....right.....

Anish and Dhruv's eyes watered hearing her vulnerable voice . The both her strong as if creating a protective shield around her.....

Dhruv: No  Bub you are not dreaming you are all safe now
Your Brother's are here.

Aravya: Promise you will be always with me.....

Anish/ Dhruv:  Promise Precious.......

That was all that it took Aravya to break down as she started crying in her brother's arms .

But her brother's held her tight and let her cry......

Aravya: I ...was.... I was .sc..scared
I th....thoug...thought...I..wi..will never

She felt her brother's arms tightened around her as she said those words . Anish cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears softly and said...

You are safe your brother's are here right....
Don't worry......
Till we are alive ....
Noone can dare hurt you.....

Shh Calm down little star......

He rubbed her back calming her down. That's when Aravya remembered about the one person who saved her....

Her ebony eyed prince charming.....

Aravya looked at Anish and said ...

He came to save me....
Where is he....
Is he okay.....
And where are other's ....
Is everyone alright....

Anish: Shh...
Little star everyone is alright
And we are at Rudraansh's mansion
Bhai and Rudraansh are downstairs...

Aravya looked at her Anish Bhai perplexed and asked.....

Bhai who is Rudraansh.......

Dhruv: Your so called biker friend .....

Aravya pouted confused and said

But his name is Rudra......

Anish smirked at his own thought and said...

Sorry to burst your little bubble Amore....

But that certain biker friend of yours has lied to you....

He is not any biker....

He is the Capo or should I say leader of one of the biggest Mafia Gang.....

The Knights......

And his name is.....

Rudraansh Rajvansh.

Aravya's eyes widened at the information and she mumbled more likely to herself.......

Why did he lied to me then....
What does he want from me.....

Dhruv rubbed her head softly.....

Why don't you ask him yourself Aru....
I will inform Bhai and Rudraansh that you gained conciousness.....

With that he left with his phone living Anish behind with a pouty baby in his lap.


Rudraansh and The Rai Singhania brother's were standing infront of the girl who was tied to the chair.

She was looking at them with fearful eyes and she pleaded to the monsters infront of her

Please Master let me go.....

Vansh: That's not the option available for you....

You will rot here until you die....

With hunger and thirst.....

We just want your Master's name from you....

Whom do you work for.......

She just cried begging them to leave her.

Rudraansh tsked annoyed at her crying and said

If you think crying is gonna help you than let me tell you...

You are just getting on my nerves.....

So just tell us the f*cking name of your master.....

Before I decide to send you to a brothel.....

Where my dear you won't get a very easy death.

He said with a sickening sweet smile making him look like a psychopath.....

The girl felt her adrenaline rush inside her as soon as she heard those words and said

No please.......

Rudraansh: Chose one.....
Quick ....

I don't have all day......

The girl controlled herself and said in a trembling voice....

I don't know much we are just handed off works with an amount signed and it comes with symbol and our leader's name which is code name ...

Aman: What's his name....

The girl:  Salazar.....

And the symbol is of an....

Arhaan: A black snake with a crown on it.

Rudraansh looked at Arhaan and Arhaan said...

Remember the guys we killed who betrayed us gave us the same name.

Vansh: What's the connection you have with him Rudraansh...

Rudraansh: Absolutely nothing...
But feels like he is behind our power
They way he is targetting our weakness
What motive does he have.....

He is like a dark shadow lingering behind  our empire...

Shivaansh: We need to reach him Bhai.....

Aman: Yes before he does....

Aman's words were cut short by his phone's bell.

Aman took out his phone and saw it was Dhruv he hurriedly picked up the call and said in a worried tone...

Dhruv what's wrong....
Tell me my princess is alright....

All of them tensed up at Aman's words but frowned when they saw Aman smiling like an idiot.......

Aman: Yes ....yes we will be there in a minute.

Yug: What's wrong....

Aman: Aravya has gained conciousness and is waiting for us all
Come on peasants let's go....
And he dashed towards the door and all the other's running behind him
Like mad people with grinning faces.


Aravya pouted looking at her Anish Bhai and said....

Bhai it's enough I am full...

Anish frowned at her and said

No Aru ....
You have to finish it....
Then you have to take medicine too
No compromise with health....

Aravya pouted at him and said

But Bhai.....

Suddenly the door opened with a loud thud
Causing Aravya to flinch and Anish comforting her

Anish glared at his brother's and the leader of Knights and said in a annoyed tone

Do I have to tell you guys how to enter a sick person's room
Bunch of Idiots.......

All of them scoffed at his words and Aman ran towards Aravya took her in his warm embrace and said.

How are you feeling now baby bird ....

Aravya too snuggled up in her Mumma bird's embrace and said

I am fine now Mumma Bear.....
Just my head hurts...

Aman started massaging her head softly and said

Head hurts....
Should we call the doctor.....

Aravya: No need....
I feel better now ....
You are here right.

Aman's eyes teared up hearing her words and he placed a soft kiss on her head.

Just then Aravya felt a pair of lips on her temple .
She looked up from her Aman Bhai's embrace and found her Vansh Bhai there.

Vansh carresed her face softly and said.

Glad you are fine now Sunshine.....
I got so scared.....

Aravya immediately hided herself in her big brother's embrace and said

Me too Bhai....

Vansh held her tight and said...

Don't be ....
Your Brother's are here right......

Immediately Aravya felt herself caged in between two set of arms only to find her Yug and Rehaan Bhai clinging to her as if their life depended on it....

Rehaan: You know what cupcake you are strictly going to remain under our eyesight surveillance now.....

Yug: Yess....
We are not letting you go anywhere.

They tightened their arms around her to which Aravya whined.

Yug and Rehaan hissed as they got a smack on their from none other than our mumma bird...

Aman glared at them both and said

Idiot's be gentle with her......

Rudraansh who was watching all the drama from so long time had enough and said

Hate to break your moments ....
But can you please leave my room
So that I can talk to my angel....

Aman glared at him and said

And who said we are gonna leave her alone with you....
We didn't allowed it...

Rudraansh smirked at him and said

Remind me when did I asked your permission.....

Aman was about to say something when he got to cut off by a cute angry voice...

Don't talk to my Bhai like that....

All of them shockingly turned towards Aravya who was glaring at Rudraansh.

Rudraansh gulped at the glare and said

But angel he ....

Aravya: Don't say anything.....

Rudraansh immediately shut his mouth.....

Aravya: You meanie...
You first lied to me about your identity...
Don't you know lying is bad manners

Rudraansh just gazed down at her words.

Aravya: Say something....

Rudraansh: Yes....

Aravya: So you knew lying is bad still you lied to me
And you also talked rudely with Aman Bhai....
Say sorry to him....

Rudraansh: But angel he....

Aravya: Ohh
So you will not say sorry...
Fine then....

I will not talk to you bad meanie...
And Aravya turned away from him

Rudraansh panicked at her words.....

Angel no....
I am sorry......


While on the another place of world...

A person was sitting on a royal armchair looking at some pictures....

When a person entered the room.

Big boss they saved her....

The person said smiling

I know they will...
She us their life

Just keep an eye on  them ....
And pray for the person who was behind this....

That he be saved....

From the Devil's Wrath.....


So here comes the new chapter....

So the new villian in the story....

Who do you think he is....

Our bechhara Rudraansh will he able to pacify our Aru....

And who is the mysterious person....

Stay tune to know......

Till then sayonnara buddies 🤗 💕 💖

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